Bristol St. Wild Card Tournament - Wed. Nov 30th @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • carmaker wrote:
    hey Easy
    i am assuming that you will be sporting some new outfits at this tourney  with all your winnings from Trevor's shootout tournament

    I'm thinking about trying something different, so yes, there will be an outfit, however, it will be niether short and pink, nor will I be able to lace it up.
    westside8 wrote:
    I think Mark is glad that he already has a seat in the grand final.   :D

    *Insert gratuitous suck-out joke here*
  • I've updated the list from over the weekend. It should now be up to date.
  • Looking forward to seeing you again soon Easy, it's much nicer seeing the front of your face rather then the back of your head glued to that porcelain goddess. Those damn Stella Artois'! By the way, I have your house keys here I will bring them on Wednesday. One more thing, I won't lose this tournament to you Easy...I know you can count to ten!

  • unfortunately i won't b able to see your outfit easy
    In the slim event that i win i am going to the Vanier Cup so i can't play in the Final
    I am a Laurier alumnae so i have to go cheer them on
    Go Hawks
  • Also went to Laurier, and played football there Geoff. I was thinking about heading down too, if I don't make it in the tournament. Go Hawks!

  • I think Johnnie may be making the trip too. Not 100% sure if he's going to go yet tho.
  • Zithal wrote:

    The Wild Card tournament is a $10 freeze-out to claim the invitiation for the final seat in that event (as well as playing like a normal $10 MTT)  Being that it is a freezeout with 1,000 chips, the blind schedule will be very gradual (see below for details)

    I love starting with more chips, how about another 200 to start, please Rob..please. Perhaps Easy should be begging in my place.....hmmmm. Please anyway....

  • stpboy wrote:
    Zithal wrote:

    The Wild Card tournament is a $10 freeze-out to claim the invitiation for the final seat in that event (as well as playing like a normal $10 MTT)  Being that it is a freezeout with 1,000 chips, the blind schedule will be very gradual (see below for details)

    I love starting with more chips, how about another 200 to start, please Rob..please.  Perhaps Easy should be begging in my place.....hmmmm.  Please anyway....


    lol, but I agree more chips would be cool :D 1,500?
  • While more chips do rock, I will casually point out that there's WAY more play in this Wild Card tournament than perhaps any other BSC tournament. In the old days, with 1,000 starting chips, we started off at the 10/20 level. Tomorrow (tonight?) we're adding three levels before this (5/5, 5/10, 10/15). I think if people can keep the relative sizes of the stacks in mind (vs. the 2,500 starting chips we're now used to) you're going to see a lot of play in this one. It'll be an hour before the BB hits 1/50th of the starting stack size.

    I kinda wish I was playing actually.

    Plus... it's a $10 freezeout. :P Join the side games when, errr.... I mean **IF** you bust out early. ;)
  • Zithal wrote:

    I kinda wish I was playing actually.

    Plus... it's a $10 freezeout. :P Join the side games when, errr.... I mean **IF** you bust out early. ;)

    Don't worry Rob... I think I'm coming by... we can do a little side games without the "first losers"

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Zithal wrote:

    I kinda wish I was playing actually.

    Plus... it's a $10 freezeout.  :P  Join the side games when, errr.... I mean **IF** you bust out early.  ;)

    Don't worry Rob... I think I'm coming by... we can do a little side games without the "first losers"


    WOOT! that is me :D

    btw Rob did not notice the 5/5 ect... blinds, so ya 1000 is huge.
  • westside8 wrote:
    I think Johnnie may be making the trip too. Not 100% sure if he's going to go yet tho.

    I was planning on going, however, those plans fell through. If I don't get into to the GF, I'll probally watch the game on my BIG SCREEN TV!!! The beer is cheaper and I won't have to freeze off very important parts of my body.

    11 and 0, with 1 more to go!!!

    GO HAWKS GO!!!

  • Sounds like "party at Johnnie's house"! I'll bring the beers, I'll bring the beers...

    Mark, glad you can make it tonight. 95s, here I just make sure you're as drunk as you were last time.

  • stpboy wrote:
    I love starting with more chips, how about another 200 to start, please Rob..please.  Perhaps Easy should be begging in my place.....hmmmm.  Please anyway....

    Ahhh, someone forgot to tell me that I was the designated beggar. I think that maybe the less good-looking party should do the begging - so, Shannon, go ahead.
  • DrTyore wrote:
    Don't worry Rob... I think I'm coming by... we can do a little side games without the "first losers"
    SIDE-GAME's :) ... see you tonight!
  • Hey Rob, two hours to game time, I'm not sure if those last seats have been filled or not, but my brother Ian is still available if you need him. If you see this before game time that is...

    Sean S
  • Thanks for the game Rob. I still haven't figured out how to play at your place tho. I either can't get cards, run into a bigger hand or plain just make bad calls and plays. One day I'll surprise myself and win a bristol......
  • Congrats Shannon, well played the whole night. I think I've seen enough of you for a while. :) You played very well and certainly deserved your win and seat in the season ending final.. Thanks again Rob for hosting another successful evening.. P.S. the blind structure was great. Jeff..
  • Sounds like stpboy took this down.

    Congrats Shannon, good role to get on for Sunday.
  • Congrats to stpboy who took first place and the final seat in the GRAND FINAL this Saturday. I don't have the sheet on me, but I *believe* the order of finish was...

    1st: "stpboy" Shannon
    2nd: "compuease" Jeff
    3rd: SStar "Sean"
    4th: "Slug" Jamal
    5th: "g2" Greg
    6th: "JohnnieH" Johhnie H (BUBBLE-BOY!)

    Upstairs we ran a 7 player STT that would not die. I finally won something, brilliantly calling off all my money in a dominated position only to spike a miracle turn, with Mandy taking second place (who becomes the new "River Queen" of Bristol Street). Mark was bubble-boy, then repeated bubble-boy in the Pot Limit Omaha game which started up at 11:30. :)

    The gradual blind schedule combined with a freeze-out format seemed to work very well. I want to thank my well-trained players who kept the game running which allowed me to get in a game upstairs!
  • Should be a great game on Saturday!
  • Thanks a lot Jeff, Dave and Rob.  It was definately a battle for most of the night, I was short stacked early on after I called off all of my chips with KJ vs QJ on a A K 10 board.  I was very dissapointed with my play here but kept reminding myself that I still had chips and the blinds were not oppressive.  Time to play ABC.  I eventually made some somewhat difficult calls and they turned out my way, like the call vs. Joe when he was all in on the button.  I had A8o, he had random cards Q4 I believe.  I couldn't believe the amount of times that JohnnieH had a monster and played them brilliantly, eventually I knew I was going to run into one of his traps.  Johnnie raises the min. in the final table with 6 remaining, I'm in the Big with 109d and call.  Flop comes 10 7 3, check check...yes, very suspicious.  Turn 6, Johnnie checks and I ask him how much he has, "about 1750" he replies.  I say, "I'll make it 800", Johnnie immediately goes all in for the rest of his stack.  He obviously knows Im going to call and I know that I've been trapped.  I have outs still though.  Of course, being that I won the tourny I sucked an 8 out on the river and sent Johnnie home thinking about how he'll get me next time with his Kings.  The funny part about all of this was, well maybe not funny for Johnnie, but Easy was saying how she wanted me to start pegging people off one by one and Johnnie was first to get it.  The very next hand it was Greg, again on a river hit...I was ahead though.

    The battle with Sean (3rd) and Jeff (2nd) wasn't one that I wanted to see, I wanted to knock one of them out of the tournament and not have the other double up.  Unfortunately Jeff rivered a K, with his AK after Sean had made a miraculous call with middle pair on the flop.  Two VERY tough players I was actually glad to see one of them gone, of course I was only playing for the win.  

    I believe the battle between Jeff and I lasted about 45 minutes, Jeff was getting a never ending string of 63o and I was hitting a lot.  I had Jeff outchipped and we were all in with a board of K J 10, I had K9 and he had Q8.  Jeff spike my kicker on the river to take a commanding lead.  I battled back as Jeff continued to see his nemesis, 63 offsuit.  Eventually the "K8 make money phenomenom" died, Jeff holding K8 vs. my Ak all in preflop.  Ace hits and Im onto the tournament, all I wanted.  

    What a great final table, kudos to JohnnieH, Sean and Jeff.  You guys were playing to win and it made it tough for me to do so.  Looking forward to Saturday!

  • Okay, okay, okay...soooooo, Shannon, good job. You took it down and I guess you deserve the seat (even though we both know I'd look nicer sitting in it.) Clearly you're the best poker player ever in the history of the world and we can all only hope to learn from your genious. I plan on winning my money back from you as soon as possible.

    On another note I had a good time playing with everyone again and I have to say I do miss Bristol St. Maybe next time I won't pay like a dumbass.
  • Great job, Shannon. I am really looking forward to Saturday. I hope JohnnieH makes it in!
  • Congrats Shannon.

    After playing tight for until final table, made a couple of dumb plays and got myself eliminated. Oh wellz.
  • Congrats Shannon, although I did pick you for second (considering the major heads-up suck-outs I keep seeing at Bristol) :) . Looks like all the rust is off after your long break.
  • Zithal wrote:
    Mark was bubble-boy, then repeated bubble-boy in the Pot Limit Omaha game which started up at 11:30. :)

    I knew he shouldn't have given that omaha lesson before the tourney.

    Who won that one anyway?
  • morty wrote:
    Zithal wrote:
    Mark was bubble-boy, then repeated bubble-boy in the Pot Limit Omaha game which started up at 11:30. :)

    I knew he shouldn't have given that omaha lesson before the tourney.

    Who won that one anyway?

    I (Wesley) was eventually headsup against Brian, we chopped 45/35.
  • Congrats Shannon, you deserved it I'm sure (I'm not sure what deserving it has to do with getting anything in poker but anyways...). gl to all on Saturday hopefullly I'll stop by for a bit to play side games if I can get out from under this pile of work. Pinhead victorious over stp in a seesaw heads up battle, you heard it here first.
  • SirWatts wrote:
    Pinhead victorious over stp in a seesaw heads up battle, you heard it here first.

    Seesaw battle? I'm not letting him get any of my chips :D

    Congrats Shannon, I'm looking forward to drawing opposite tables for Saturday
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