Bristol St. Wild Card Tournament - Wed. Nov 30th @ 7pm (Waterloo)


The Bristol Street Wild Card Event is the last chance to claim the 18th and final seat in the upcoming GRAND FINALE on Saturday Dec 3rd. Please see this link for more details

The Wild Card tournament is a $10 freeze-out to claim the invitiation for the final seat in that event (as well as playing like a normal $10 MTT) Being that it is a freezeout with 1,000 chips, the blind schedule will be very gradual (see below for details)

In order to play in the Wild Card tournament you need to satisfy both of the following requirements...

- You don't yet have a seat yet reserved in the GRAND FINAL on Dec 3rd.
- and you're able to make the Grand Final on Dec 3rd if you win this tournament.

I'm not expecting this tournament to fill up, so there will be side games going all night, if you can't play in this event
The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament
Wednesday, Nov 30th - 7:00pm
(doors open at 6:30pm)

$10 Buy-in - 32 player max - freezeout

$$$ Pay-out $$$
1st place - 45% and a reservation for the GRAND FINAL
2nd place - 25%
3rd place - 15%
4th place - 10%
5th place - 5%

(If we get less than 20 players, we'll use a 50/25/15/10 split.)

Each player will receive 1000 chips for their $10 buyin. You are eliminated from the tourney when you lose all your chips. The tourney will not stop, except for short breaks, until one player holds all the chips. That player will be declared the 1st place finisher. The last player eliminated will be the 2nd place finisher, the second last player eliminated will be the 3rd place finisher, etc..

Late players: If you know you're going to be late, please phone and a seat and chips will be set out for you and you will post blinds and fold until you arrive. Players that are late that haven't let me know will give up their seat to the next player on the waiting list. If there's no one left on the waiting list, late players may buy into the tournament during the first level (20 minutes), but must immediately post the big and small blind if the blinds have passed them.

The tournament will last approximately 5-6 hours. Seating is limited to 32 players. (8 max tables) Please reserve your seat in advance!!

Blind schedule, chip values, rules, etc, etc, will be posted at my place, or you may msg me for specifics.

As always, tournaments at Bristol Street are rake-free

BOYB, BYOsnacks


  • Reserve List

    1. "Bluffy" Jeff B.
    2. "Quickfingers" Anthony R.
    3. "Brava" Dave S.
    4. "Westside" Wesley
    5. "g2" Greg T.
    7. "morty" Sean
    8. "King Mob" Dave
    9. "compuease" Jeff
    10. Dave D.
    11. Bob S.
    12. Larry L.
    13. Johnnie H
    14. "Shtebs" Steve
    15. "AcidJoe" Joe.
    16. Aimee
    17. "stpboy" Shannon
    18. "carmaker" Goeff
    19. Larry L.
    20. "hadden" Josh
    21. Mandy
    22. Jeremy
    23. Nicole
    24. "Fallen Angel" Gow
    25. "Slug" Jamal
    26. Bryan
    27. "TwoThree" Brad
    28. "SStar" Sean S
    29. "specialK"
    32. "Easy" Amanda C.
  • Blind Schedule

    20 minute levels.

    1. 5-5
    2. 5-10
    3. 10-15
    4. 10-20

    [10 minute break]

    5. 15-30
    6. 20-40
    7. 30-60

    [BREAK - colour out red (5) chips)

    9. 50-100
    10. 75-150
    11. 100-200
    12. 150-300

    [BREAK - colour out green (25) chips)

    13. 200-400
    14. 300-600
    15. 500-1,000 (capped)
  • First one in!!! :D

    Sign me and Greg up please!
  • Sign me up, please.

  • Haha, thanks Wes. Beat me by 16 seconds... I was out to lunch.

  • Hey Rob can you add BigE and I'm sure Wolffhound would like a seat as well!
  • Hey Rob...

    I know that "King Mob" Dave wants a spot! Can you save one for him?

  • Hey Rob, can you reserve 4 spots for the Milton contingent, Myself, Dave D, Bob S, and Larry L? Thx.. Jeff..
  • PLease sign me up Rob.

  • I won't be out Rob...BigE...don't you have hockey that night?
  • Please add me to the list

  • sign me up Rob.
    I hope I got in under the wire.

  • Sign me and Aimee up if you can Rob I hope I'm not too late
  • Hey Rob I am sure brent would be in.

  • BLAZIN 72 wrote:
    Hey Rob I am sure brent would be in.


    Brent can't play in the tournament, since he allready has a seat in the Grand Finale.
  • I am sorry GUYS & GALS I didn't know.

  • i would like a spot
  • Mark is right..I NEED a spot.Thanks for the post Mark (your discount is safe for another month).
  • Hey Rob
    Yup, reserve me a spot.
    Uncle Larry - alis - 'The Wine Man'
  • Hey, Rob,

    I bet you think it's all funny and sassy of you to put me at the bottom. All I have to say is that we all know I'll wind up on top.

    - Easy
  • Easy wrote:
    Hey, Rob,

    I bet you think it's all funny and sassy of you to put me at the bottom. All I have to say is that we all know I'll wind up on top.

    - Easy

    I think Mark is glad that he already has a seat in the grand final. :D
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    I won't be out Rob...BigE...don't you have hockey that night?

    yeah...but I figure my chances of winning this tourney are much better then winning the game!

    funny...because it's true....but alas Dave's right Rob....I forgot this is our hockey night, as much as I want a shot at the wild card seat I will have to cancel. Sorry Rob.

  • hey Easy
    i am assuming that you will be sporting some new outfits at this tourney with all your winnings from Trevor's shootout tournament
  • If you have room still please sign me up.
  • hey rob,

    notice there's still some space left, so i'd like to reserve a spot for myself, Jamal, and Bryan.

  • why the hell no, throw me down for this Rob and i'll see what I can dig out for a bubble prize :D

    btw is there any chance I could get Table 2 Seat 3? or Seat 3 Table 2? :P
  • Hey Rob, if you still have any seats available, could you put Sean S down, I would love to contribute to the prize pool at another one of your tournaments.

  • Please sign me up for a spot, see you all on Wednesday.
  • I'm not even sure if I got myself (Sean S) on the list, hopefully yes, but if there's any other seats, my brother Ian S would like to play as well.


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