My next MAJOR tournament.



  • Woohoo, I see the gnomes now, I see the gnomes!!!!!

    I'll have what he's having.

  • I don't think I want to play poker against anyone who is smart enough to figure out how to get to the tournament details.
    I think I got there about the same time!

    See what I mean. Put me at a different table than SirShark if you please.

  • Yeah I wouldn't mind avoiding Scooooty in the early stages until things get rolling, if you know what I mean. :D
  • Time to start wasting my time to try to figure this one out.
  • Thank You Rob,for giving us homework on a Monday night!!!

    Can I hand in my assignment a bit late? I'm going to need more

  • OK, I just pissed away like the last hour of my life on this, managing to figure the name, rough date (month and year) and then getting to some random web page. Is there some sort of password or am I on crack...?
  • You're on the right track...
  • I xxxxxxx want to be alone xxxx
  • SirWatts wrote:
    You're on the right track...

    You must have meant, "You're on the right crack..."

    I mean, is there some other logical explanation for seeing dancing gnomes on the internet?


  • Crazy-ass dancing gnomes. I never pictured Rob as the crackhead type, he doesn't even rake his games to pay for it!!
  • Gnomes fine.  But numbers everywhere with the numbers.

    I'm freakin out here. I need to be alone.
  • hank wrote:
    Gnomes fine.  But numbers everywhere with the numbers.

    I'm freakin out here.  I need to be alone.

    There is one button on the number screen that = the key!

    but I'm stuck on the looks like the site is down tho?

    excellent job Rob!!!
  • what 25-50? all i see are crazy dancing gnomes
  • The gnomes are not the end....  No they are only the beginning. The rest is more reaonable though, I think Rob came down from his crack high after he finished with the gnomes.
  • someone throw me a bone here??? I'm stumped at 25-50???
  • Please tell me it's over after you see the gnomes!! please.
  • You'll know when it's over.
  • cant believe i fell for that
  • Wasted a couple hours on that.  Thanks for giving me something to procrastinate with Rob!   :D
  • I finally got a chance to look at this again, and I finally found the cheese at the end of the maze. Wish I were first, but I'll save that for the tourney's :) . Nice work Rob, and it sounds great.
  • Big E wrote:
    someone throw me a bone here??? I'm stumped at 25-50???
    What is the common element for each of the clues (you'll see a hint once you click 25-50)...
  • Well,

    I see the player alias' and then clicking on 25-50 you get the roman numerals representing 25-50 and a blank box...but I'm just not seeing the connection....unless...wait, I think I have it!!!!!!!
  • Got it finally, not sure why I couldn't see that last night.....must have the Genesee I bought on sale at the liquor store....stay away from the Genesee boys, it's awfull!

    Sounds like a blast Rob, hopefully I can get in on this when the time comes!!!!!!

  • So.. yea..

    I don't know anything apparantly, I can't even get to the dancing gnomes.. some help?

  • The website is in Rob's sig and the password is also in the sig.

    I am stuck at the numbers. Hints please.
  • moose04 wrote:
    The website is in Rob's sig and the password is also in the sig.

    I am stuck at the numbers. Hints please.

    ...clicking on 25-50 you get the roman numerals representing 25-50...

    is an important clue.

    Sorry it's pretty vague, but it's hard to say more than that without giving too much away.

  • moose04 wrote:
    I am stuck at the numbers.  Hints please.
    He's actually stuck at the buttons with numbers before the 25-50 ("One", "Twelve", etc). I'm ashamed to say I was too tired to figure this one out, so I simply brute-forced it, so I have no hints for this.
  • The number buttons correspond to letters ie A=1, B=2 etc...
  • moose04 wrote:
    The website is in Rob's sig and the password is also in the sig.

    I am stuck at the numbers.  Hints please.

    I go to, and get something saying "not much info on this page".. assume that I am incredibly dense, and hit me over the head please

  • Can i be first in line to offer the blow.....hmm that didnt come out right...

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