My next MAJOR tournament.

There's enough information in this post to determine the name, format and date. Good luck!


  • Is this a heads up stud tournament (possibly hi-lo) to be held in March of next year?

    (Hi-lo is guessed on the luck surpassing skill line)

    Regardless, I want in.

  • There's guessing, and then there's passing the dancing gnomes level.


    Even after going through the effort of looking up peoples' real names, I still haven't figured out how to get past the 25-50 level. I'm not even sure I'm on the right track with that idea, since such information is not in the OP anyway.


    P.S. I don't think I want to play poker against anyone who is smart enough to figure out how to get to the tournament details. :cool:
  • Enter me please.

  • On a Thursday night?
  • Good job, Scotty. The dancing gnomes approve. I'm sure once some Bristol Street Regulars catch up, they may be able to help you with the 25-50 level.

  • Should we reply to OP, or send you the answer by PM?
  • PM is fine. :) Feel free to, as Scotty's done, taunt everyone else with morsels of knowledge.

    And I just realized Scotty is right. There's not enough info in the OPt to get past where he's stuck, BUT the answers can be found in previous posts from me.
  • Zithal wrote:
    PM is fine. :)   Feel free to, as Scotty's done, taunt everyone else with morsels of knowledge.
    Ok.  Will Tom Cruise be at this tourney?
    Zithal wrote:
    And I just realized Scotty is right.  There's not enough info in the OPt to get past where he's stuck, BUT the answers can be found in previous posts from me.
    No kidding, although I don't know if we're stuck at the same spot.  My programmer skills are failing me with "RobScript" :)

    BTW - thanks alot for posting this Monday morning. Not like my boss has work for me or anything ;)
  • No kidding, although I don't know if we're stuck at the same spot.

    I'm currenty stuck at a text input box (not sure if there's a jargony name for that kind of thing) with a button below it that says "25-50".
    And I just realized Scotty is right. There's not enough info in the OPt to get past where he's stuck, BUT the answers can be found in previous posts from me.

    Sweet, you can't have made too many posts here, have you? ... D'oh! ;)

    I guess I'm going to need a hint on that part then. Feel free to throw me a bone (by PM if you don't want to give it away in public) before I spiral into madness.

  • I'm guessing some sort of headsup tourney.....which I hope it is, sounds fun!

    but, who's kidding who....

    I'm not going to kid myself, I'm not nearly smart enough to figure this out...and I'm too lazy to try..but if there's a spot please count me in.....

  • The legends of Bristol Street...  first letter of each word.  I am stopped from there.

    ALso hope post number 666 isn't significant
  • A quick FAQ:

    It's not about the next Bristol and I'm not taking reserves for this yet (I'm a ways away on that one)
  • Rob you are insane, seriously that was awesome, but also makes me wonder why you have nothing better to do with your time. Of coruse i spent all my time trying to figure it out...Sounds big though I'm looking forward to this one. Can't wait for more details.
  • moose04 wrote:
    Enter me please.

    I'm not sure but I don't think he was pre-registering. :D
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    moose04 wrote:
    Enter me please.

    I'm not sure but I don't think he was pre-registering.  :D

    "I suppose you want to probe me", Homer Simpson
  • The legends of Bristol Street... first letter of each word.

    For absolutely no reason at all, I am wondering what the first letters of each word in "The Legends of Bristol Street" are.

    I'll bet you'd get a totally different set of 5 letters by choosing another sequence of 5 words at random, like, hmmmm, let's say: "though luck often bypasses skill."

  • Hey Rob is your next major tourament the Dec 3 Day tournament that West Side Poker Club is putting on.

  • Wow.

    The tournament sounds awesome. I can see why it would cause various gnomes to dance.

  • ScottyZ wrote:

    The tournament sounds awesome. I can see why it would cause various gnomes to dance.


    Indeed. But still, dancing gnomes?? That's not normal man. You're insane Rob, insane.
  • good job Rob, I'm getting least I got to the page now :)
  • Congrats to Scotty for being the first person to make it all the way to the end!!
  • Regardless, I want in.
    Enter me please.
    But, I'm in.
    but if there's a spot please count me in.....

    I'm surprised. There turns out to be a lot of interest for a $5,000 (with rebuys) half-pot limit triple-draw lowball (dealer's choice alternating between A-5, and 2-7) played in Alert, Ellesmere island on Jan 1, 2043.


    P.S. Just to be clear, I was kidding about the format / location / date.

    The format is actually Crazy Pineapple.

    Also, there are (unconfirmed) rumours of the tournament being moved to Grise Fiord, being located closer to the nearest Tim Hortons.
  • Kory's g/f wrote:
    Enter me please.
    I'm just getting warmed up now.
  • Zithal wrote:
    Congrats to Scotty for being the first person to make it all the way to the end!!


    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the biggest puzzle-solving nerd of all?


    P.S. Whatever this thing turns out to be, sign me up.
  • Woohoo, I see the gnomes now, I see the gnomes!!!!! thanks for helping to waste away a perfectly boring Monday!!!!!!
  • Zithal wrote:
    Congrats to Scotty for being the first person to make it all the way to the end!!

    I think I got there about the same time! Being a Bristol Streeter I had an advantage over him though. And I needed that hint from punky to get me started.
  • the format is still a mystery...but looking at the op and the word MAJOR I can only assume it's a MAhJong tourney with the losers having to make ORigami Zithal replicas?

    shit like this can really pass the time!!!!!
  • I pieced together a date well a month but still cant get it all. Oh well 4:30 time to go home. Thanks for helping me wasting my day. :)
  • Hey Rob I don' get it.

  • I finally made it to the 25-50 screen Scotty referenced...only a few hours behind, again very cool Rob!

    Exactly what do you do during the day that you had time for this?????
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