Cook Crew presents KW Heads-Up - Nov. 18



  • Woo hoo! Steve is there!
  • Good news/bad news
    The good news is that someone other than myself is now going to win this event (I was hustling y'al, I was going to dominate). Bad news is that my plans have changed again and I am actually unavailable Friday night after all. Sorry for the flip flop Trev :-<
    I actually got excited when I thought my Friday night plans fell through and I would be able to attend. Brad, I'm looking to you to win this one for us cash gamers, second chance tablers, losers... whatever you wanna call us and others of our ilk.
    Good luck to all, I'll see some of you tonight at Rob's.

  • Oh, Steve. Now I look like an idiot cheering for you to be there.
  • stpboy wrote:
    I'll try my best to bring a bounty prize for my own head, it is my birthday that day!


    uh oh, what did I start!

    Somthing CRAZY! ha that is new for me...... :P

    BUT WAIT! HARRY POTTER COMES OUT TODAY! MUST GO! MUST GO! /cocks gun wait never mind :P
  • I need directions from guelph if you could send them to me plz. Also add Grant and Curtis to the list! THX

    Note for Tyson...HERE COMES HAPPY :D:D
  • Happy420 wrote:
    I need directions from guelph if  you could send them to me plz.  Also add Grant and Curtis to the list! THX

    Happy, glad you are able to make it tonight.

    you have mail

    Prophet 22
  • Hey guys

    I would like to reserve one more seat.
    For Curtis T

  • taylodan wrote:
    I would like to reserve one more seat.
    For Curtis T
  • Just a final quick update. We are currently up to 27, so we still have 5 open seats (+ a few expected no-shows). I'll be monitoring the forum and email until 5:00, after which I may or may not get any messages. If anyone still needs directions, please PM me before then.

    Otherwise, the draw for seeding (and a coveted first-round bout with Tyson :) ) is at 7:00 pm SHARP. See you all then!
  • This will be fun. I have been wanting to do a heads up tourney.

    I am even coming straight from work I am so dedicated.
  • I always lose when I have somewhere to be after a poker tourney... none of that tonight baby!!!  I'm taking this one down!   :D

  • Sorry Trev, et. al, looks like tonight is out for sure. My girlfriend is on her way down from TO after work and the aformentioned on again off again original plans are a go. I was really hoping to cut my teeth in a heads up tourney. As I stated earlier, I'm relying on 23 Brad to take the title in honor of us cash gamers everywhere! Or whoever else wins will be cool too. I really don't care since i don't get to be there :'(
    Shannon and gang. I will call you tomorrow once I have a better idea what our itinerary in TO is for the evening.

  • I'll be there tonight with a magical bounty on my head...Also, tow of my 'girlfriends' were interested in coming out and playing some of the side action this cool? They are going to call after they have dinner at 7pm. I guess we'll see how things are going then.

  • I think they are doing this on purpose, leaving us in the dark as a way to guilt-trip us for not going :D
  • Sorry for the late posting, we were away yesterday moving my sister-in-law between cities.

    25 players started, so there were 7 first-round byes, and a prize pool of $250.  I didn't see much of most matches, since they were going everywhere, and was only able to watch the last match.  The final was a well-played back and forth match, with both players gaining and losing the lead routinely.  After 55 minutes, half-way through the 100-200 level, they got all the chips in, and Anthony pulls out the win.  Congratulations to Anthony on his win, and to all the other players.

    Round 1
    "Zithal" Rob Z. defeated "g2" Greg
    Grant d. "TheProphet22" Brent
    "Reddington" Tyson d. "SpecialK" Kyle
    "Beanie42" Trevor d. Tye
    "AAKKK" Carlos d. Larry
    "stpgirl" Kate d. "TwoThree" Brad
    "stpboy" Shannon d. Curtis
    "King Mob" Dave d. "Happy" Adam
    Rob K. d Curtis K.
    "Flint Bones" Andrew (bye)
    Vince D. (bye)
    "Kanga x5" Jenn (bye)
    "Skittleking" Anthony R. (bye)
    Dan T. (bye)
    John T. (bye)
    Danielle (bye)

    Round 2
    "Flint Bones" Andrew defeated "Zithal" Rob Z.
    Grant d. "Reddington" Tyson
    Vince D. d. "Beanie42" Trevor
    "Kanga x5" Jenn d. "AAKKK" Carlos
    "stpboy" Shannon d. "stpgirl" Kate
    "Skittleking" Anthony R. d. Dan T.
    John T. d "King Mob" Dave
    Rob K. d. Danielle

    Round 3
    Grant defeated "Flint Bones" Andrew
    Vince D. d. "Kanga x5" Jenn
    NOTE: Jenn finished in fifth since she had the quickest win in the second round.  On the first hand, she picked up 2 pair, and the river brought her the full house to pull ahead of Carlos' flush.  The bubble prize was a chip set donated by "TwoThree" Brad (thanks)!
    "Skittleking" Anthony R. d. "stpboy" Shannon
    NOTE: Anthony's victory won him the bounty Shannon had put on his own head for his birthday.  Happy Birthday Shannon!
    Rob K. d. John T.

    Round 4
    "Skittleking" Anthony R. defeated Grant ($25)
    Rob K. d. Vince D. ($25)

    Round 5 - FINAL
    "Skittleking" Anthony R. ($150) defeated Rob K. ($50)

    Again, thanks to everyone who came out, and we're looking forward to seeing you again at the next one in December.
  • The cash game was the place to be, either for the players, or for the numerous spectators who were watching. "Happy" Adam and "Reddington" Tyson bought "Mini" TD into his first cash game for $15. Fresh off his 10th birthday, he was ready to play. He pretty much took control of the table, and scared almost everyone with his fearlessness. It's not often that Happy, Tyson, and Brent can all be at the table, and none of them are the most aggressive.

    Jason played brilliantly at times, and foolishly at others, pretty much what you'd expect from a little guy. However, just over an hour in, he was over $20. After doubling up off of Andrew with a rivered straight, and calling Shannon all-in preflop with AK to Shannon's AQ, he was around $35 (from a $15 buy-in). However, his inexperience caught up to him, and when we finally stopped at 1 (an hour and a half later), he was down to $7. Part of it was due to being tired, but he also learned not to over-value small pockets.

    I actually had a good chat with him on Saturday about his play, and about money management. I think he learned a lot from Friday night, so thanks to everyone who sponsored him and played with him. However, I did let him know that while he played well sometimes, there were other hands I saw were people were being "nice" to the "kid". I understand and appreciate the sentiment, but to sound like a mean father, next time take all his money! :)

    I talked to him about the occasional "soft play", and he realizes he won't get better when people only play "half-speed". Also, losing it all will be a good lesson when he's young, unemployed, and it won't hurt so much :)
  • What made "the kid" so dangerous? You could never..ever...ever put him on a hand. I raise to $4 (in a .25/.50 NL game) with KK. kid goes all in with 9 8 off. I call it. Didn't see that coming!
  • Wow, made a bubble prize! Thanks Braad!!
  • What made "the kid" so dangerous? You could never..ever...ever put him on a hand. I raise to $4 (in a .25/.50 NL game) with KK. kid goes all in with 9 8 off. I call it. Didn't see that coming!
    No kidding ... just like the casino :)
  • Trevor's house is rigged. Just like Poker Stars.
  • KangaX5 wrote:
    Wow, made a bubble prize! Thanks Braad!!

    Not a problem, Glad you like them :D
  • There is a correction to the following statemnet...

    NOTE: Jenn finished in fifth since she had the quickest win in the second round. On the first hand, she picked up 2 pair, and the river brought her the full house while at the same time completing her opponents flush. The bubble prize was a chip set donated by "TwoThree" Brad (thanks)!

    I had the King high flush on fourth street.... I bet all in she called with two pairs... 9's and 10's..... there were only 4 cards that could help her... I'll win that hand 9 out of 10 times. but that is poker ...

    Hey Jenn ... Don't feel bad.... I didn't....

  • AAKKK wrote:
    There is a correction to the following statemnet...

    NOTE: Jenn finished in fifth since she had the quickest win in the second round. On the first hand, she picked up 2 pair, and the river brought her the full house while at the same time completing her opponents flush. The bubble prize was a chip set donated by "TwoThree" Brad (thanks)!

    She did the exact same play last night @ Voodoo, with the exact same result!!

    Atta girl, JeNN!!


    I had the King high flush on fourth street.... I bet all in she called with two pairs... 9's and 10's..... there were only 4 cards that could help her... I'll win that hand 9 out of 10 times. but that is poker ...

    Hey Jenn ... Don't feel bad.... I didn't....

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