Cook Crew presents KW Heads-Up - Nov. 18

The Cook Crew is pleased to announce:
:DKW Heads-Up  :D
No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament
Friday, November 18th at 7:00pm
(doors open at 6:30pm)

The next format in our rotation is a 32-person single elimination heads-up tournament.  The buy-in will be $10, and there will obviously be no rebuys or add-on.  Players will start each round with 1000 chips.  "Robert's Rules" will be used to resolve any disputes.  People are free to play additional games during and after the main tournament as tables become available.

Tournament Seeding
Due to the gladiatorial nature of this format, we will be breaking tradition and having a live draw.  This draw will commence at 7:00 SHARP.  This draw will determine match-ups as well as who starts with the button.  Subsequent rounds will high-card for the button.

Late Players
Timing is critical for this tournaments success, as is being on time, so the following rules and penalties will be in effect.  Players who do not arrive by 7:00 (in time for the live draw) will be penalized by automatically starting in the big blind.  Players who do not arrive by 7:10 (which only leaves a few minutes to register and get seated) will have their seat given to the next person on the waiting list.  The first round will start at 7:15 SHARP.  Late players (for the first or subsequent rounds) will be blinded out at the rate of 1 BB every 2 minutes for the first level, and 1 BB every minute thereafter.  This BB penalty will be due at the start of each 1 or 2 minute period, so a player who is 30 seconds late will be penalized 1 BB, while a player who is 3 minutes late will be penalized 2 BB.  Hands will not be dealt until the player arrives, at which point all accumulated blind penalties will be paid, and the late player will start in the BB (the "on-time" player will start with the button).

The blind levels will be 5-10, 10-20, 20-40, 30-60, 50-100, 100-200, 150-300 (at which point they will be capped).  Each level will be 10 minutes long, so each match is expected to last approximately 1 hour.  With 5 rounds to declare a champion, the main tournament is expected to last 5-6 hours.  New rounds will be started 10 minutes after the last match of each round has concluded.

2nd place will receive 20%, 3rd/4th place will each receive 10%, each rounded to the next $5.  1st place will receive the remaining 55-60% (depending on the rounding).  "TwoThree" Brad (The Play - 701-2960) is generously donating a bubble-prize.  This bubble-prize will be awarded to 5th place, which will be awarded to the player with the quickest win in round 2.  To clarify, of the 4 players who lose in the third round, the player whose match ended first in the second round will be declared fifth place.

Second Chance
For those who are eliminated during the first and second round, a $10 multi-table freezeout will be run at the beginning of the third round (using the "Cook Crew" payout chart for the number of players participating).  Brad is kindly donating a second bubble-prize for this event!

When registering, please include your first name and last initial.  If you need directions, let me know by PM.  For reference, I am located in the Stanley Park area of Kitchener.  BYOB BYOS.



  • 1. "Beanie" Trevor C.                             
    2. "Kanga" Jenn C.
    3. "SkittleKing" Anthony R.
    4. "TwoThree" Brad
    5. "The Prophet 22" Brent
    6. "Blazin72" Cam
    7. Reserved
    8. "stpgirl"
    9. "2Bullets" Jeremy
    10. Mandy
    11. "Zithal" Rob
    12. "AAKKK" Carlos
    13. Shopsy
    14. "Redington" Tyson
    15. "taylodan"
    16. Jon T.

    17. Rob K.
    18. "FlintBones" Andrew
    19. "Happy420"
    20. "g2" Greg
    21. "King Mob" Dave
    22. Larry L.
    23. Danielle
    24. Tye
    25. "Special K" Kyle
    26. Curtis T
    27. "Shtebs" Steve ???

    Waiting List

  • As always, I am in need of a few additional table-tops for the tournament.  I am planning on seating 2 matches (4 players) per table, so I need 6 additional table tops if possible.  If you can bring one, please PM me.

    UPDATE:  We've got most of them covered, just need a few more.  And thanks to Dave (Wolffhound) who will not be able to attend, but is still sending the table-tops in his place :)
    Table-top 1: beanie42
    Table-top 2: beanie42
    Table-top 3: Wolffhound
    Table-top 4: Wolffhound
    Table-top 5: Zithal
    Table-top 6: FlintBones
    Table-top 7: beanie42
    Table-top 8:
  • Hey Trev

    I'll play
  • Hey Trevor......

    Could you sign Jeremy and I up please.

    Thank you

  • Sign me up. (And I can bring a top. Two if you're really in need)
  • Ugh.. can't make it.. planning night of girlfriendly-bday stuff....


  • Hi Trevor,

    Please add me to the list of players.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Ugh.. can't make it.. planning night of girlfriendly-bday stuff....
    Girls love poker. What better present than a buy-in :)
  • Honey as much as I  :h: poker.... you better not seriously think a buy in is a great gift.....
  • KangaX5 wrote:
    Honey as much as I :h: poker.... you better not seriously think a buy in is a great gift.....
    Whoops - forgot you were watching :(
  • Damn, I wish this was a week later, getting back from Vegas on the 16th, I think my wife would kill me!
    Hopefully someone repeats this format, I'd love to try it.
  • Sign me up Trev,

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Ugh.. can't make it.. planning night of girlfriendly-bday stuff....



    Mark, when is Cathrine's B-Day? Wraychel's is Tues Nov 22.................And we're doing her Birthday thingy (also a surprise!!) that weekend!!! Damn!!
    Trev, I guess I'll wait until the next one. Sorry

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    DrTyore wrote:
    Ugh.. can't make it.. planning night of girlfriendly-bday stuff....



    Mark, when is Cathrine's B-Day? Wraychel's is Tues Nov 22.................And we're doing her Birthday thingy (also a surprise!!) that weekend!!! Damn!!
    Trev, I guess I'll wait until the next one. Sorry


    Hey Johnnie..

    It's on the 21st of Nov.... a monday, and we're doing something in Guelph the friday before with some people that she no idea that I know how to contact... i'm so sneaky... I'm even typing this with her about 2 feet away from me... hahahahaha....

    I'm gonna remember the 22nd for Wraychel though.. that's a tuesday... mmm... office humiliation.

  • I want in Trevor, I know I had to miss the last one buty I want in on this one
  • My brother, a friend and I would also like to join.
    Jon T
    Rob K

    I also have 2 fold-up tables if you need them.
    Not fancy but just plastic folding ones.
  • taylodan wrote:
    I also have 2 fold-up tables if you need them. Not fancy but just plastic folding ones.
    Thanks for the offer, but I'm ok for tables, just looking for the "poker table-tops" so we have some felt for the cards. Not entirely necessary, but a personal preference :)
  • Hi Trevor,

    Sign me up. I can bring a fold up table top if required.
  • looks right up Happy's alley :D:D I'm going to try and get a ride... let you know!
    P.S I want Tyson 1st... easy prelim match to warm me up :D
  • Happy420 wrote:
    looks right up Happy's alley :D:D I'm going to try and get a ride... let you know!
    P.S I want Tyson 1st... easy prelim match to warm me up :D


  • WOW! I would think people would love to have me 1st! I am a :fish: at heads up :D

    There will be a cash game right? :P
  • TwoThree wrote:
    There will be a cash game right? :P
    Of course - I need to reward you somehow :) . I've "reserved" the kitchen for the cash game, since the main tournament and second tournament will take up the family room. The cash game can start once the 2 first round matches at that table are completed.
  • Just a quick bump since we're only at 19 and I'd like to filll this thing (so nobody gets an easy path :) ). HU tourneys don't come up very often, so here's your chance!
  • OK Trevor, I can't hold out any longer. Sign me up!

  • g2 wrote:
    OK Trevor, I can't hold out any longer.  Sign me up!
    You just noticed the cash game - lol. You're on the list.
  • beanie42 wrote:
    g2 wrote:
    OK Trevor, I can't hold out any longer.  Sign me up!
    You just noticed the cash game - lol.  You're on the list.
    Oh!  We got a funny man here.  I told you guys, I had somewhere to be!  Besides, I made my $20 back running a kegger that night.

    I've got an idea... to make you eat your words... I'd love to knock out the host in the first round!  Watch yourself Trevor, I just might slap you in the face with the deck again just like that other time at your place ;)

    Can't wait for the heads-up tourney!  I'm thinking of running some kind of alternate format event in the near future as well.

  • g2 wrote:
    I've got an idea... to make you eat your words... I'd love to knock out the host in the first round!  Watch yourself Trevor, I just might slap you in the face with the deck again just like that other time at your place ;)
    LOL - what a challenge. The host has gone out early at every tourney he's run - I guess I can't play and manage at the same time...

    As far as slapping me with the deck again, I'm looking for softer cards cuz that hurt :)
  • I sure know how it feels to lose money at my own tourneys. I think Tyson has racked up about $560 bucks that should have been mine.

  • g2 wrote:
    I sure know how it feels to lose money at my own tourneys. I think Tyson has racked up about $560 bucks that should have been mine.


    I know.... I will read a book and try and get better at this game.
  • Can you find me the book that teaches "KING EIGHT MAKE MONEY" !?!?!?

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