Cook Crew presents KW Shootout - Oct. 28



  • Can you throw me on the waiting list.
  • Trevor,

    Just wondering if this is going to be a blind draw when we sign in or are you already going to have the seating assignments made out.

  • Just wondering if this is going to be a blind draw when we sign in or are you already going to have the seating assignments made out.
    As I usually do (for efficiency), I have the seating assingments already drawn. They are totally random, so I don't see any problem with them. If anyone has a problem with that LMK, and if enough people desire a live redraw we'll do it. However, if you do want a redraw, please tell me ASAP. I don't want to decide this later, or there is the possibilty that someone will arrive and overhear who's at there table, and then decide they want a redraw...
  • If I don't get in the money I would really like a redraw.
  • If I'm not at Tyson's table I want a redraw. :D

  • Sadly,

    I do not think I will be at ANY table.

    I will be stuck on the truck again tonight.

    Rounding the corner now.... hope to be done tommorow !!!
  • Can I be at Table 2, Seat 3? :D

    cya in a hour and a half :D
  • running 5 mins late - ill be there
  • Thanks for hosting Trev and Jenn. Was a great night overall. The first table to go heads up and was the last to "finish" (ended in a chop), and busted out second hand with trip Js and Mark flopped straight.

    Looking forward to the next one Trev.
  • Trev and Jen thanks a ton for hosting! Was a Blast! :D

    Put me down for the next one, and I'll bring 2 bubble prizes this time!
  • TwoThree wrote:
    Trev and Jen thanks a ton for hosting! Was a Blast! :D

    Put me down for the next one, and I'll bring 2 bubble prizes this time!

    That would be great. Us 2nd bubble people would appreciate that.

    Thanks to Trev and Jenn for hosting.

  • Thanx Trev, Great night out. After being a maniac and putting the maniac out (TWO THREE) I really needed to tighten up but didn't. But it's ok I got him in the cash game :)
  • Thanks again to Trev and Jenn it was a great time. I'll be at the next one if Jenn'll let me attend after busting her out twice. To the rest of you. If you're gonna bust me out out of the money, please do it in time for me to catch the cash game. Congrats to Easy on the dominating win all round. It was worth the price of admission just to see those two really rough suck outs on Mark and then Johnnie. Sorry boys but it was pretty funny for everyone else to witness.

  • Great night, Thanks again Jenn and Trev.
  • Thanks for hosting Trevor & Jenn! It was a lot of fun and i'm glad I was finally able to make it out to your place Trev. And on a Friday as well! Thanks again for a great night of poker.

  • Table 1
    1. "SkinnyT" TJ S. ($37.50)
    2. "SkittleKing" Anthony R. (Round 6 - 4:08 remaining, $37.50)
    3. "King Mob" Dave (5 - 0:20)
    4. "The Prophet 22" Brent (5 - 1:58)
    5. "PunkyMisha" Sandros (4 - 7:33)
    6. Gwen (4 - 19:00)
    7. "AAKKK" Carlos (3 - 16:30)
    8. "g2" Greg (1 - 19:15)
    This table started fast and furious, with Greg setting a new Cook Crew record busting out inside of a minute.  This table was the first to finish with a chop between TJ and Anthony.

    Table 2
    1. Tye ($75)
    2. Johnnie H (Round 8 - 5:50 remaining)
    3. "Shtebs" Steve S. (8 - 13:28)
    4. Miranda (7 - 12:30)
    5. Vince D. (7 - 19:30)
    6. "TNorth" Tom N. (6 - 6:38)
    7. "Kanga" Jenn C. (4 - 4:20)
    8. "Zithal" Rob L. (4 - 15:40)
    Tight.  This table took over an hour to eliminate it's first player, and was still at 6 players when all the other tables were at 3.  However, you have to give them credit for not being the last table to finish!  Steve joins Mario on Jenn's prestigious "grrrr" list, knocking her out of the main tournament and a side game afterwards (congrats :) ).

    Table 3
    1. "Easy" Amanda C. ($75)
    2. "Dirty Whore" Mark (Round 7 - 13:30 remaining)
    3. Shopsy (6 - 2:38)
    4. "stpboy" Shannon (5 - 6:15)
    5. "ItsaMe" Mario (4 - 5:50)
    6. "Fallen Angel" Gow (3 - 3:05)
    7. Dom M. (3 - 3:05)
    From everything I heard, this table was not an easy table, it was an "Easy" table.  Based on eye-witness accounts, Amanda was catching runners like it was a marathon, and set the story for the final table.

    Table 4
    1. "MrWebbs" Kevin W. ($37.50)
    2. "westside8" Wesley (Round 9 - 11:00 remaining, $37.50)
    3. "Beanie42" Trevor C. (7 - 19:22)
    4. "AcidJoe" (5 - 16:10)
    5. Jen (4 - 0:01)
    6. Aimee (3 - 15:45)
    7. "TwoThree" Brad (2 - 12:15)
    My table, so I can actually give some details :)  We had 2 maniacs, Joe and Brad, who made it cost at least $75 (with blinds at 10-20) to see the flop EVERY hand from the start.  Brad built up a pretty nice stack, as did Joe, but there aggression finally caught up with them.  With 3 minutes left in the 30-60 level, I had 135 left (2 BB).  I waited 3 hands until I was UTG and finally pushed in, and got 2 callers to my meager bet.  I tripled up, then doubled up, and got a run of cards like I've never seen, ending my streak with 2800 chips 10 hands later.  After I was eliminated, Kevin and Wes had a LONG run heads-up, and finally gave in to peer pressure and settled for a chop in order to start the final table.

    Final Table
    1. "Easy" Amanda C. ($300)
    2. "MrWebbs" Kevin W. (Round 6 - 1:00, chip-set)
    3. Johnnie H (5 - 1:50)
    4. "Dirty Whore" Mark (5 - 4:00)
    5. "SkittleKing" Anthony R. (5 - 17:11)
    6. "SkinnyT" TJ S. (4 - 3:30)
    7. Tye (1 - 5:00)
    8. "westside8" Wesley (1 - 16:17)
    Things got going quickly here, with 2 players knocked out in the first 15 minutes.  Amanda continue her suck-out run, and cruised into a tough heads-up battle with Kevin.  "Easy" finally closed the deal when she caught Kevin with his hand in the cookie-jar, and won the shoot-out.  Congratulations on the win Amanda!

    Thanks again to "TwoThree" Brad (The Play - 701-2960) for once again bringing out a chip-set as the bubble-prize.  Also thanks to Rob, Joe, and Brent for bringing out table-tops and cards.
  • A big thank-you who came out Friday night.  It was a blast, and I enjoyed all the new faces that came out.  This was my first experience with a shoot-out (playing or running), and I'd appreciate any comments from those who played, but here's my "mixed" reaction.

    1. I loved the style of play this tournament produced.  From the very first hand, there was a "final table atmosphere", and it was very enjoyable and exciting to play.  Every hand and decision seemed so much more important than normal, and without table collapsing, blinding into the money simply wasn't an option.

    2. This was also very enjoyable and easy-to-run as a host.  With no rebuys and no table collapsing, I pretty much just counted out the chips and let everyone loose.  This also allowed me to be able to focus a little more on my actual play, giving me my best finish at my own home (although still not in the money).  This really isn't the most important point, since my goal is to make it enjoyable for all my guests, but I'm noting this for any other hosts who are considering this.

    3. Not everything was roses.  The biggest negative IMO is that no table collapsing means no open tables for side games.  There was an additional table for the cash game, but once this was filled, everyone had to wait for the first round to finish.  This caused more people to leave after they busted out, which meant they only got to play in the single event.

    4. Another issue was the difference in length of games between the 4 tables.  The first table finished had to wait over an hour for the final table to form, which is not something you want when you're running well.

    5. Playing really well for a long time didn't necessarily pay-off.  Johnnie and Mark played 253 minutes (2nd and 3rd place) and 223 minutes (2nd and 4th) respectively.  Around 4 hours each, and neither of them won a dime.  It's pretty hard to finish on the bubble, and I'd assume this is even harder since the bubble involved 2nd and 3rd place finishes.  I don't know whether I consider this a positive or negative for the tournament, since I like the "go for first" atmosphere, and since 5 spots were paid, but it is definitely something to consider.  (NOTE: sorry to pick on you two, but you're the best examples of the hard work put in - no offense is meant to either of you! ).

    My overall feeling is that I probably would not try a shoot-out again.  As fun as the first round felt, the lack of anything to do for players once they bust out is too much to overcome.  As always, I will defer to the players, but unless there's a bunch who would like to try this format again, I'll probably put it on the shelf for quite a while :)

    COMMERCIAL: As most of you know, I'm cycling through different formats right now, and will eventually get back to a simple/basic MTT in a few months.  November's tourney will be Heads-Up, so stay tuned for an announcement in the next couple of weeks.

    Again, a big thank-you to everyone who came.
  • TwoThree wrote:
    Put me down for the next one, and I'll bring 2 bubble prizes this time!
    No problem, Jenn and I (and all the bubble-boys) really appreciate your donations (of chips).  And congrats on being the second player out (your other donation :) )- that's your best finish at my place so far!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    [My table, so I can actually give some details :) We had 2 maniacs, Joe and Brad, who made it cost at least $75 (with blinds at 10-20) to see the flop EVERY hand from the start. Brad built up a pretty nice stack, as did Joe, but there aggression finally caught up with them.

    I resent being called a maniac..... I was only trying to keep Braad honest so we could play some poker :)

    Unfortunately I kept being super aggressive and it cost me. Still a great night out.
  • As always, Trevor and the Cook Crew ran a fantastic event. Everything was set-up upon arrival, seating assignments were given out, and I think we pretty much started on time!! We also got to see a few faces that haven't been around lately.

    That being said, I personally am not a fan of the shoot-out style of tournaments. Yes, it's sour grapes, but Mark and I played great poker for over 4 hours, to come it 4th and 3rd, and still go home empty handed. In a MTT, we could have made $60-$80, and $100-$120. That sucks!!!!!


    Note: Trevor, am I wrong in thinking the final standings are incorrect? Wasn't it (1st-8th) Amanda, Kevin, Johnnie, Mark, Anthony, TJ, Tye, and Wesely? I'm sure that Anthony and Mark went out before me.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Wasn't it (1st-8th) Amanda, Kevin, Johnnie, Mark, Anthony, TJ, Tye, and Wesely?  I'm sure that Anthony and Mark went out before me.
    Yes, sorry. Jenn was asleep when I put this together last night, but I just confirmed with her that you finished third (since she was dealing). I must have written down the round wrong (4 instead of 5), sorry. I've corrected the results.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    That being said, I personally am not a fan of the shoot-out style of tournaments.  Yes, it's sour grapes, but Mark and I played great poker for over 4 hours, to come it 4th and 3rd, and still go home empty handed.  In a MTT, we could have made $60-$80, and $100-$120. That sucks!!!!!
    After fixing the results, your time is actually bumped up to over 4 hours, so maybe a little sour-grapes, but I think I'd feel the same. Unfortunately while mixing up the formats, I'm bound to run into some duds, and I think this one was fun but ultimately failed (except for Amanda :) ). I really appreciate the comments though.
  • My 2 cents...

    I personally liked the 2x SNG (which is basically what it is), but I think I was talking to Zithal, and he pointed out that some other Shootouts paid the top 3 on the first table, and then more than just 1st on the final table. In total, the 1st/1st of the tables would take home $375 out of the $600 pot.

    I think that while Amanda played an awesome AWESOME game of poker (I still love ya darlin'), Johnnie has a point as well. Bottom line however, we all knew what we were getting into. I think yes, 4 hours to win nothing sucks, but I got a lot of GREAT practice, and am quite happy with my game.

    Future considerations? Maybe break out the cash a bit more in the 1st table, pay the top 3, as getting the shot at the big money (not to mention 1.5 times the starting stack) is a pretty good incentive to win the 1st table, though it may cause some longer heads up (less chop, more tight as 3rd wouldn't move on, but still pay). So maybe (based on the $75 1st got), something like 20-25-30 for payouts, because really, we're all aiming for the final table? Or if you just wanted two then 45-30? (No, I'm not saying this because I came 2nd!). This way, even if you played 4 hours of poker and break even, well, that's what happens in cash games sometimes!

    All said, I loved the game, and the Cook Crew put on a fun filled night. No regrets at all. I like the shootout, as i know that when collapsing tables, at one point a monster shows up and takes your 2nd stack to a diminutive one. This is part of the MTT, just as a long time with no payout is a characteristic of the Shootout.

  • Remember all... betting $2 in a .25 / .50 cent game against Shopsy and Reddington? Well, that's just like checking!


    I feel left out.

    Prophet 22
  • Really good points Mark.
    DrTyore wrote:
    I personally liked the 2x SNG (which is basically what it is), but I think I was talking to Zithal, and he pointed out that some other Shootouts paid the top 3 on the first table, and then more than just 1st on the final table.  In total, the 1st/1st of the tables would take home $375 out of the $600 pot.
    Part of the reason only 1st payed was so I could say "winner take all" :) .  The other reason though was so it wasn't simply 2 SnG's tacked together.  If you pay 3 places, you could effectively simply run a bunch of $10 SnGs, then you could run some $20 SnGs after, etc.  Basically a "steps" style tournament.  Maybe paying top 2 would make people still play hard for first, while still compensating them a bit for all their time.  I'm not sure I'd want to pay 3 under the shoot-out format, though.
    DrTyore wrote:
    I think that while Amanda played an awesome AWESOME game of poker (I still love ya darlin'), Johnnie has a point as well.  Bottom line however, we all knew what we were getting into.
    I've had a few PM's to that effect, that everyone knew what to expect.  I don't think anyone is complaining that they were surprised, only that at the end of the day, it wasn't as enjoyable as expected.  Based on the PM's and posts, right now I have 6 who liked it and would do it again (including me and Jenn), and 2 who would prefer not to try that format.  

    There's still the issue of people waiting around (which is my main problem with the format, as host), but that could possibly be addressed by adding a few tables upstairs for side games (this is only speculative, as I still have the kids :) ).  Depending on how many yay/nay responses come after these, we may just see it again (with some tweaks :) ).
  • Well, consider myself as a "like it" vote.

  • Thanks T and J, it was nice to be back. Some players that I used to have a read on have definately gotten better over the passed 6 months, I felt a bit rusty even though I did feel quite at home playing. Anyway, congrats to Easy and all of the other final table participants and thanks to all who welcomed me in.

  • Thought the format was great, even though I busted out early. I would change the payout structure through. With 32 players, that's $80 on the first tables and $320 for the final table. The first table could pay out $60/$20, while the final table could have something like $160/$100/$60.

    The neat thing was the pressure it was putting on everyone. Amanda said that she's never been more nervous in a heads-up situation as the difference between first and second was $300. The other benefit was that the format actually encouraged deal-making, which I think could have been used a bit more.

    Definately wasn't my night! (Though, between the main event, the cash game and the 4 mini tournaments I was in, I only ended up down $20, so that wasn't *too* bad.)
  • Trev,

    The two girl's and I enjoyed the night it was fun and thanks for hosting.  It is always appreciated.  Reading the article you had in the attachment to the tourney it was no surprise that you wanted a big payday for the winner and I believe everyone knew that.  The only thing I can think of is to possibly adjust the payouts so most people at the final table got something.  The first SNG would be more of a qualification round for the final table and then disperse the money to the top 5.

    Possibly something like


    Regardless it was a good night and if I wasn't going into retirement for the remainder of the year I would definitely be at any others you and your better half host.
  • PUNKYMISHA wrote:
    Regardless it was a good night and if I wasn't going into retirement for the remainder of the year I would definitely be at any others you and your better half host.
    Thanks for the feedback, and I'm sorry you won't be back out for a bit, but I'll pencil you in for the big one in January to end your retirement. :) Assuming you're still dealing, I should see you in a couple weeks at Voodoo for Lou's tourney, though.
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