Cook Crew presents KW Chaos - Sept. 9



  • Larry L. wrote:
    Hey Trevor
    Man, that was a crazy evening of fun filled, insane, gut splitting  re-buy hold'em poker. Those $5.00 re-buys turned everyone at our starting table into Gus Hanson wana-be's. It was a blast! I definately want to join you folks for the next one. Next time I'll bring along  more homemade wine, one bottle just is'nt enough to calm my nerves!
    Tell Tyson the reason I did'nt call him when he had the pocket aces at the final table ( he tried to goat me in by calling me a wussy ) was cause I picked up ONE of his tells, which I will gladly share with anyone who is interested.
    Please give that dollar to your young assistant, a tip for the young man who found the wine screwer for me earlier in the evening. Take care all. See yah in downtown  Kitchener this saturday. I hope Tyson and Hollywood Cole are at the same starting table, the bluff kings going head to head!
    Shuffle up and deal. It's show time.
    Larry L.

    Hey Id love to know, he bluffs so much it is hard to tell when he is bluffing or has it
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