Cook Crew presents KW Chaos - Sept. 9



  • Add Moose please.  I have directions.

    Screw 7th place. This time I WILL take that bubble prize.
  • Trev,

    I"ll need your address also

  • Anyone coming from Waterloo with room for another in their car? I'm in downtown Waterloo, give me a PM if you do.

  • SirWatts wrote:
    Anyone coming from Waterloo with room for another in their car? I'm in downtown Waterloo, give me a PM if you do.


    Same situation as he is. Planning to bus there at this point, but if anyone don't mind for me as well, that will be great. Thanks.
  • I'll be happy to drive you both... more money in the pot for me :D

    Check your messages.

  • g2 wrote:
    I'll be happy to drive you both... more money in the pot for me :D
    Thanks g2 for helping the guys out. And you're right - the 2nd place money will be higher :)
  • I will sign up, and my wife, at 4pm, as soon as i know if I can get a babysitter.

    Anyone planning on hitting the casino after, maybe want to drive and split on gas?
  • why hit a casino?

    Im sure we can provide a game you would like....
  • Trevor,

    Could you send me directions to your place?


    Tim Mc
  • dgangsta wrote:
    Could you send me directions to your place?
    Email address didn't work - sent you a PM. If you don't get it, LMK.
  • why hit a casino?

    You know, I've wanted to ask George Clooney this for years now.

    If there pops up a cash game of interest, I will exnay the asinocay.
  • Hello,

    How's it going? Could you please sign up one friend for me. Her name is Nichole. Thanks!!!

  • 2BULLETS wrote:
    Could you please sign up one friend for me. Her name is Nichole. Thanks!!!
  • Blast, all my babysitters are busy tonight. Won't be able to make it out, sorry.

    Hopefully next time.

    Too bad too, i really enjoyed the CPFers that showed up at my game last week.

    You are a good lot.
  • I think Trevor's son is mature enough watch over a kid or two. He practically ran the last Cook Crew tournament.


    note: This is a joke. Not to be taken seriously. Side effects may include annoyance, rage and uncontrolled laughter. If irritation continues, consult your doctor.
  • There's a thought.

    Does anyone that is going tonight ave a 14-16 year old that wants to make $20 and watch my 1 and 5 year old?

    If no response by 6:30 then I will just carry on with my other plans for the evening.
  • beanie42 Hats off to you man, again a great game! and yes the title was very fitting for my table :P 23!!! re-buys alone from mine :D

    Had a great time, Can't wait for the next one.!!

  • Thank you for an awesome night. Very enjoyable as this is the first event that I've attended hosted by others on the forum. Looking forward to future games.
  • Thanks Again to the Cook Crew for hosing a great night of CRAZY poker. With the $5 unlimited rebuys things where hairy to say the least. But if was fun, except when I Totally misplayed my last hand. Oops.

    I finished in 6th place winning $22 but my net for the night was (-3), sinice I rebought 3 times.

    Waiting patiently for the next one.

  • Trevor,

    Great Setup, great tourney... WOW between you and Zithal us other smaller hosters have ALOT to live up to.

    I think the $5 rebuy was great, it called for a completely different strategy.

    Great Job Again - Whens the next one?
  • The chaos started very early.  We had a full table worth of players drop out a few days before the tourney, and with 10 minutes until the doors opened, we sat at 23 players.  Because of this Jenn and I only set up 3 tables.  However, in the next 5 min we had another 4 players so we had to set up a fourth table (and redraw for seating).  We ended up starting about 20 minutes late with 28 players.

    The rebuy period was a mixed boat.  There seemed to be a couple normal/tight tables, and a couple loose/"what the hell were you thinking" tables.  In a cruel twist of fate, a straight flush was beaten by a Royal Flush, setting the tone for a night of big beats (some good, lots bad).  By the end of the rebuy period, a couple players had already gone out, and the pot was at $560 from the 56 rebuys.  With 84,000 chips in play, I realized this would be a long night.  In hindsight, I probably should have shortened the round length a couple minutes when we added the extra table (sorry :( ).

    The final table was formed when Mike ("SirWatts") busted out right around the 4 hr mark (not including breaks :) ).  The final table was:
    1. Johnnie (5200)
    2. Tyson (21,800)
    3. Jamie (9,300)
    4. Larry (3,400)
    5. Greg (9,600)
    6. Brian (7,100)
    7. Tom (20,500)
    8. Rohit (7,100)

    Jamie went out quickly, followed almost immediately by Brian on the bubble.  Brian received a very nice chipset courtesy of "TwoThree" Brad (The Play - 701-2960).  Now we're in the money, and play tightened up A LOT!  It was almost 20 min later when Johnnie busted out in 6th for $22, and another 20 min for Greg who earned $44 in 5th.  10 minutes later, with the blinds at 1000-2000, Tom busted out 10 in 4th making $67.  Late in the next level, Larry finished his strong comeback from short-stack in third, netting him $89.  Tyson and Rohit started heads up with Tyson having a slight edge in chips.  Heads-up lasted exactly 20 minutes, and nearing the end of the 2000-4000 level, Rohit won a big pot beating Tysons straight with a flush, and finally finishing him off.  Congratulations to Rohit on his big win of $190.  In second, Tyson took home $145 (thus covering all his rebuys ;) ). 1:45am and my second tournament is complete.

    Another fun time, and thanks to everyone for coming out.  There were a lot of new faces I've seen on the forum and never played with, so the K-W crowd is obviously still growing (and starting to move around a bit more).  I'm looking forward to our next event, early in October.
  • 1.Rohit J.
    2."Redington" Tyson - level 16 (337 min.)
    3.Larry L. - level 15 (316 min.)
    4.Tom N. - level 14 (291 min.)
    5."g2" Greg - level 14 (282 min.)
    6."JohnnieH" - level 13 (261 min.)
    7.Brian C. - level 12 (246 min.)
    8.Jamie S. - level 12 (243 min.)
    9."SirWatts" Mike - level 11 (236 min.)
    10."Moose" Rob - level 11 (224 min.)
    11.Michael L. - level 11 (222 min.)
    12.Frank S. - level 11 (222 min.)
    13."dgansta" Tim McC. - level 10 (218 min.)
    14.Jay - level 10 (211 min.)
    15."carmaker" Geoff C. - level 10 (201 min.)
    16."2Bullets" Jeremy S. - level 9 (187 min.)
    17."westside8" Wesley - level 8 (169 min.)
    18.Nichole - level 8 (169 min.)
    19.Adam - level 7 (157 min.)
    20."DrTyore" Mark - level 7 (156 min.)
    21."Kanga" Jenn C. - level 7 (150 min.)
    22."Shopsy" - level 7 (144 min.)
    23."ItsaMe" Mario - level 6 (122 min.)
    24."Beanie42" Trevor C. - level 6 (122 min.)
    25.Dave - level 6 (122 min.)
    26."AcidJoe" - level 5 (101 min.)
    27."SkittleKing" Anthony R. - level 4 (97 min.)
    28."TwoThree" Brad - level 4 (81 min.)
  • Anyone adding up the payouts will notice a discrepancy. The computer rounded stuff out wrong, and I found $3 underneath the cashbox this morning. Rohit, Tyson, and Larry - I owe each of you $1, which I'll get to you next time I see you. I apologize for this oversight.

  • Redington wrote:
    Great Job Again - Whens the next one?
    Our next tournament is planned for Friday, October 7.  It is going to be a special format, which I will announce when I post for registrations closer to the end of the month.  Just as an appetizer, we will not be using our fifth table this time, as the format requires exactly 4 tables, but the winner should receive a very healthy pay-day.  The marketing statement (meaning enticing, misleading, and totally unenforceable later :) ) is : $20 buy-in (times the expected 32 players = $640) with second-place taking home NOTHING!  Mark your calendars...
  • Trevor, I think you have Tom and I mixed up... I came in 5th and won $44

    Can't wait for your next event. I love the marketing statement!!!

  • beanie42 wrote:
    Redington wrote:
    Great Job Again - Whens the next one?
    Our next tournament is planned for Friday, October 7.  It is going to be a special format, which I will announce when I post for registrations closer to the end of the month.  Just as an appetizer, we will not be using our fifth table this time, as the format requires exactly 4 tables, but the winner should receive a very healthy pay-day.  The marketing statement (meaning enticing, misleading, and totally unenforceable later :) ) is : $20 buy-in (times the expected 32 players = $640) with second-place taking home NOTHING!  Mark your calendars...

    Sign me up! and i'll bring another Bubble Boy Prize!!!!

    28. "TwoThree" Brad - level 4 (81 min.) WOO HOO I did not know I lasted that long :P
  • g2 wrote:
    Trevor, I think you have Tom and I mixed up... I came in 5th and won $44
    Whoops - fixed.
  • TwoThree wrote:
    Sign me up! and i'll bring another Bubble Boy Prize!!!!
    That will make you 3 for 3 (with buble prizes) at my tourneys. I think I'm going to have to make you our official mascot :)
  • Thanx, it was a great tourney even if you didn't spend all my CHIPS wisely. Now if you could do something about the GD traffic since they closed 2 out of 3 lanes from hwy 6 to mavis pretty much on the 401. 2 1/2 hours going home. Hopefully I won't have to work for the next one so I can actually stay and play. LOL
  • Hey Trevor
    Man, that was a crazy evening of fun filled, insane, gut splitting re-buy hold'em poker. Those $5.00 re-buys turned everyone at our starting table into Gus Hanson wana-be's. It was a blast! I definately want to join you folks for the next one. Next time I'll bring along more homemade wine, one bottle just is'nt enough to calm my nerves!
    Tell Tyson the reason I did'nt call him when he had the pocket aces at the final table ( he tried to goat me in by calling me a wussy ) was cause I picked up ONE of his tells, which I will gladly share with anyone who is interested.
    Please give that dollar to your young assistant, a tip for the young man who found the wine screwer for me earlier in the evening. Take care all. See yah in downtown Kitchener this saturday. I hope Tyson and Hollywood Cole are at the same starting table, the bluff kings going head to head!
    Shuffle up and deal. It's show time.
    Larry L.
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