Bristol Street Poker premieres tonight on Rogers TV



  • Great work to all those involved.
    One note: you should have flown in a professional dealer :)
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Great work to all those involved.
    One note: you should have flown in a professional dealer :)

    How about a professional dealer that can fly himself... ? Good to hear from you John... Our little community is dying I fear..:(
  • Episode 5 part 2:
    (FYI YouTube is picking the thumbnails automatically, I don't have a secret obsession with Mark!)
  • Thanks Mike!

    I may or may not have access to the video files and there may or may not be a very special prize at MXM this year. ;)
    BrennerM wrote: »
    The videos are set as Unlisted so at least a Rogers person won't stumble into them on a YouTube search. Our little secret.

    And Rob I am saving the DVDs I am burning of each episode. You are welcome to have them. The quality is only slightly better than YouTube though.
  • I like what you guys have done with the poker game and rogers, well done. I may become autograph hound. So if you see large guy stalking you, that might be me.

    I think you could have made it a cash game. I can not see it breaking any laws. I think that the OPP and AGCO would give you a look if someone is to complain. Remember you can run a game, it cannot be raked nor can you profit from it. So the question would be is Rogers profiting from this or is this promoting the game of poker in the community.
  • BrennerM wrote: »
    Nice play with the 82o!
  • BrennerM wrote: »
    Trevor, what were you thinking?? Sometimes you gotta fold the nuts. Seriously. Not a lot of analysis went into that hand.
  • Spoiler Alert:

    Watched episode 5. Typical Bristol, Mark donkeys out, bad beats abound, rookie takes it down. Same old, same old.

    incredible job though, kudos Rob.
  • Redington wrote: »
    Watched episode 5. Typical Bristol, Mark donkeys out, bad beats abound, rookie takes it down. Same old, same old.

    incredible job though, kudos Rob.
    What happened to spoiler alerts?
  • The final table begins: Episode 7 part 1:

    NOTE: the final hand is cut off, so after you watch part 1, here's the final hand of part 1 with a proper ending:
  • The Mario A2 hand got cut between part 1 and part 2. Any chance of restoring it?
  • moose wrote: »
    The Mario A2 hand got cut between part 1 and part 2. Any chance of restoring it?

    Odd, I'm using a new computer and all times were shifted by 1 minute despite doing the same things I did on previous episodes.

    I've uploaded a new video of just that hand:
  • Are the final episodes posted yet? (And thanks for all of the great work BrennerM!)
  • I have last week's episode on the PVR and there is another episode tonight. I will attempt to get both posted this weekend.
  • BrennerM wrote: »
    I have last week's episode on the PVR and there is another episode tonight. I will attempt to get both posted this weekend.

    I thought it finished last week. But you're the man either way! Thanks for getting these up.
  • Tye, you are right, this is the last episode which was aired last week. They started replaying it from the start this week.

    Episode 8, part 1:
  • And finally...episode 8 part 2:
  • Thanks to everyone for an awesome run! I can't believe we got to make a poker show!

    Congrats to our champ as well as the other 7 players. You represented Bristol Street well!
  • Thanks "Zithal" Rob, "GammaBomb" Missy and the rest of the crew at Rogers for a fantastic time! (So, if there is not another Bristol St Poker on tv, does that mean I will be the Forever Reigning Bristol St Television Champion?) 🎱🍻🎱

    ignore this post if you still haven't watched the last episode like me!

    Milton Slim
  • Upping the celeb status...

    Itsame Mario and I were asked to pose for a picture Saturday night.... some rando in a pool hall came up and asked if we were the guys from Bristol street, and had his kid snap a pic.

  • Pants.... on or off???

    Milton Slim

    Leaving Maple Leaf Gardens many, many, many years ago, someone thought I was Ian Turnbull (still had colour in Hair!)
    signed autographs for about 5 minutes

    The autographs are PRICELESS!!!

    No, Worthless! lol
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