Bristol Street Poker premieres tonight on Rogers TV

Hi All,

If you are in the Kitchener/Waterloo area, just a reminder that Bristol Street Poker premieres tonight on Rogers TV (Cable 20 on most TVs).

The action starts at 10 pm.

Shows will be Thursday nights at 10pm for the next 8 weeks.

Some of the forum members on the show will be:




Hope you enjoy it!



  • DataMn wrote: »
    Some of the forum members on the show will be:




    Hope you enjoy it!


    About time they put a show out there on how to play bad poker. Nothing to learn from here. Should be funny though.
  • Any idea how any of us not on Rogers can see this, even later?
  • There is a link on the Rogers website where you can order copies of shows to DVD, but no price is listed. I will make some inquiries as to price. If they combine them it shouldn't be that bad, but if you have to order a DVD for each episode (8 in total) it could get cost prohibitive.

  • Comp

    I think Al just invited us all over to his place!!

    What time are you picking me up?

    Milton Slim
  • damn i better be able to stream these!
  • someone on FB mentioned you can stream it through the "my rogers" page regardless of where you live - I have Rogers so I'll try to save a copy or capture it.

    (No guarantees tho, and $4.99 per copy please)

    edit - capture blew up 2 minutes in lol. great watch though!
  • Who is going to the cast party tonight?
  • Shame I live outside the KW area, I will have to play against the stars of this show live only.

  • #marioisabadman
  • I can't wait to miss this!
  • just finished ep1, nice work guys!

    Al and Rob the commentary was awesome!
  • I got to go to the casting party and see the premiere! It was pretty awesome! Great job folks!

    Looking forward to round 2 next Thursday.
  • If you have ep1 can you bring it Friday please.
  • Nothing like a little (very little, almost non-existent) tv fame to get Beanie out of hibernation. Why they don't put the whole episode on this page is beyond me. I guess they want to make everyone order Rogers cable to be able to watch.

    Bristol Street Poker - Waterloo Region - Rogers TV
  • Not even on Rogers Anywhere TV......
  • I see it is 'rebroadcast' on Sat at 2:30. I don't get Rogers so will have to wait and see if some other means of viewing will be arranging by those with, uh, tech cred.
  • no one with rogers has a PVR or something? i don't have cable so i guess i'm screwed.
  • Wonder if someone can record it and host it somewhere, ie google drive or something similar?
  • Yeah a simple screen capture should work in theory - I was all set but it crashed out on me, ended up with only 2 minutes and no audio. If I'm around Sat I'll give it another go.

    But yeah lol how did no one PVR it??
  • I have Rogers and did PVR it but the new "so called upgraded Next box PVrs" prevent you from accessing the drive and copying the file. Looks like my only option is to play it on the pvr and screen capture on my laptop which is way too time consuming and subject to a loss in quality from external noise.

    I will save all the episodes at least for now and work on this and if it comes right down to it could host a viewing party in November.
  • Cheapskates at Rogers couldn't even give the folks actually in the show a copy of it on DVD?
  • Cheapskates at Rogers couldn't even give the folks actually in the show a copy of it on DVD?

  • Yeah but not until all the episodes have aired, besides they only have 4 episodes done and in the can.
  • Not every episode is complete, yet (we're close!) Episode #2 is this evening. Here's how I've been sending out to people to watch..

    Go to the Rogers Waterloo 20 page (Home - Waterloo Region - Rogers TV), and, as along as you have a single Rogers account, you can sign in from there and stream the show.

  • Cheapskates at Rogers couldn't even give the folks actually in the show a copy of it on DVD?

    Sadly they only give out one free copy (to the community organizer (me)).

    Remember, though, if it sells well, there's an opportunity to have more seasons and get more people involved!
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Sadly they only give out one free copy (to the community organizer (me)).
    Bristol St event with pregame video review?
  • I have the first two episodes on my PVR in HD. This weekend I will attempt to copy them onto DVD (unfortunately the quality will suffer) and rip them from the DVD onto the computer. Will then try to find a place to host them. If this works I should be able to do the same for the future episodes. No promises, but I will try!
  • Disclaimer before you click these links: this was broadcast in HD and looked very good. In order to digitize this I had to run it out of the PVR on composite cables and record in DVD format and then rip to computer. It lost a ton of video quality in the translation. But it is watchable as a last resort.

    These videos are not publicly searchable on YouTube but here's the links for the first episode which I've split into two parts:
    Part 1:
    Part 2:

    Second episode coming later.
  • BrennerM wrote: »
    Disclaimer before you click these links: this was broadcast in HD and looked very good. In order to digitize this I had to run it out of the PVR on composite cables and record in DVD format and then rip to computer. It lost a ton of video quality in the translation. But it is watchable as a last resort.

    These videos are not publicly searchable on YouTube but here's the links for the first episode which I've split into two parts:
    Part 1:
    Part 2:

    Second episode coming later.

    Great production quality. Quite surprising actually. Horrible poker, tho.
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