Gonna be a grandpa



  • Just logging in after being out for a few hours expecting some progress buuuuuuut, noooooo, Hobbes still doesn't deliver... oh wait, it's not Hobbes we're waiting for is it?

    Anyone have any suspicions that Hobbes is spinning a yarn here? Either that or a massive slow roll...:p
  • Poor thing still in labor. Using nitrous oxide now.
  • Geez Louise!
  • congratulations!
  • Still in labor
  • After all this it's c-section time.

    Poor kid. :(
  • Well, at least they are getting it done, finally. Good luck to all.
  • Poor baby!

    She's amazing for making it this far.
  • Pretty sure most would have given up long before she did.

    60 hrs since water broke, and almost 36hrs of heavy labour. :(

    But I get to hold my granddaughter soon. :)
  • Remember to give Mom a kiss first.
  • Mom and baby doing well. :)

    It will be a couple of hours before we can go and see her though.

    More details and pictures (lots of pictures) to follow. ;)
  • First......


    Congrats gramps, it's a wonderful world.
  • compuease wrote: »


    Congrats gramps, it's a wonderful world.
    Wolffhound wrote: »


    Note: Keeping this off Facebook until they make the official announcement.

    My extended poker family was the only ones that knew of her in labour.
  • Congrats Hobbes. Really good to hear.
  • Congratulations . . . you are no longer the shortest person in your family.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Congratulations . . . you are no longer the shortest person in your family.

    My daughter is actually shorter than me. :D
  • I demand a recount . . .
  • milo wrote: »
    i demand a re-measure. . .
  • Hobbes wrote: »

    Note: Keeping this off Facebook until they make the official announcement.

    My extended poker family was the only ones that knew of her in labour.
  • 8:51 am
    7lbs 15oz
    21" long
  • Congrats! That's a decent sized tadpole, no wonder the wait!
  • 1st picture

  • Wow! I thought they were supposed to be all wrinkly and gross! That is the cutest newborn pic I've ever seen. Usually I'm like "god, get that thing away from me it's gonna bite or something."

    I'm not much of a baby person obviously. Unpredictable, smelly, loud, needy, affect sleep, etc.
  • She's a cutie, very happy for you and yours!
  • Dad and Lilli








    Baby Feet


    The new family

  • Worth the wait wasn't it, Gramps? Little tyke is GORGEOUS. Happy to see Mom pulled through the ordeal.
  • Wow! I thought they were supposed to be all wrinkly and gross! That is the cutest newborn pic I've ever seen. Usually I'm like "god, get that thing away from me it's gonna bite or something."

    I'm not much of a baby person obviously. Unpredictable, smelly, loud, needy, affect sleep, etc.

    The pic was about 2hrs after she was born.
  • Milton Slim
  • Congratulations Grandpa!!!
    Gorgeous name. :)
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