Gonna be a grandpa



  • i'm still trying to figure out how grandparents always had to walk uphill both ways to and from work.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i'm still trying to figure out how grandparents always had to walk uphill both ways to and from work.

    Do you even escher?

    tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
  • Yours ONLY had to go uphill both ways? They're lucky.. Mine had to get up half an hour before he went to bed, tend the farm, and then go uphill both ways to school, with his brother on his back, and pancakes on his feet--because they couldn't afford shoes. Those pancakes were also their lunch.
  • The kid is slow-rolling me. :)
  • Very cool Ron. Congrats in advance. Hope all goes well for Mom/Baby.
    Look forward to the Macro shots of drool vs Macro shots of broken Marbles....
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Where's the baby pics, grandpa?

    F the pics, we want video, live broadcast.. This is the modern world grandpa...

    and play by play..
  • compuease wrote: »
    and play by play..

    {Ow, ow, ow, it hurts, I can't, why do you do this to me} ^ n
  • Is the kid still all in?
  • Since you've got time...
    With the birth of each of my children someone has bought me one of those flower arrangements that come in multipurpose holders. One was a carriage shaped plant pot, another was an, "It's a boy" coffee mug. It seems silly, but they were really nice gestures...and helped in the exhausted daze of new parenthood to feel appreciated. I still have/use both today.

    Everyone brings cute baby clothes etc, but something special from you to the new Mom would probably be truly cherished.
  • Ours was a fire truck, still sits on display a year later (sans flowers of course)
  • Hey! Belated Congrats!
  • Kristy wrote: »
    Hey! Belated Congrats!


    Mods, pls ban for thread jacking.
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    Mods, pls ban for thread jacking.

    I'm in Merika now... I DO WHAT I WANT!
  • Congratulations!
  • Kristy wrote: »

    Gramps nodded off?
  • Contractions are 7 minutes apart. Still a ways to go.
  • They are holding off inducing until the morning.
  • In honour of your daughter's impending birth of her child, I've been throwing up all day and shivering with freezing cold chills because of some kind of horrible stomach flu.

    It's not the same as labour, but that's as far as I'm going Hobbes.

    Congrats Sir, yer gonna make a great Grampa. 1Tb of pics at a time!
  • Feel better Bill
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Grandpa is what we settled on.

    Pfft. Been giving my kids that lecture for a long time.

    My lawn consists of mostly weeds. :)

    First off, congrats! Will be watching the thread to see the joy enter your life.

    I wanted, Mr. G for a handle, my wife said I would be kicked in the nuts, as it turned out, since our 1st started talking, I am "ya ya". Seems we really don't have a say.

    So happy for you. As a wise elder at work said, "had I known, I would have had the grand kids first..."

    Keep us posted!
  • Midwife on her way.

    Looks like it may be a home birth.
  • Oh God. Home birth?!?!
    I had intentions to sleep tonight, but now I'm gonna have to stay awake and rail this...and get drunk...for the baby.

    Best wishes and thoughts with your baby, while she has her baby!
  • You can go to bed.

    Heading to the hospital now.
  • Oh thank Reef!

    I think I'll have one more drink...just to be on the safe side.
  • After a brief trip to the hospital for some drugs we came back home to get some rest.

    Looks like round 2 is starting now, since the drugs have worn off.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i'm still trying to figure out how grandparents always had to walk uphill both ways to and from work.

    You'll understand when you get there . . .
    Kristy wrote: »
    Yours ONLY had to go uphill both ways? They're lucky.. Mine had to get up half an hour before he went to bed, tend the farm, and then go uphill both ways to school, with his brother on his back, and pancakes on his feet--because they couldn't afford shoes. Those pancakes were also their lunch.

    Luxury . . . mine had to do that AND sleep in a cardboard box in the barn.
    Kristy wrote: »
    Since you've got time...
    With the birth of each of my children someone has bought me one of those flower arrangements that come in multipurpose holders. One was a carriage shaped plant pot, another was an, "It's a boy" coffee mug. It seems silly, but they were really nice gestures...and helped in the exhausted daze of new parenthood to feel appreciated. I still have/use both today.

    Everyone brings cute baby clothes etc, but something special from you to the new Mom would probably be truly cherished.

    First weekend of babysitting will cover that sentimental nonsense.
    Kristy wrote: »
    I'm in Merika now... I DO WHAT I WANT!

    As opposed to . . .?

    Congratulations, Ron . . . keeping a good thought that all goes well, and your daughter is delivered of a happy and healthy . . .
  • Wow, round 2 of labour. Happy for my extra y on the 23rd chromosome or whatever it is. Good luck Hobbes' daughter (et al)!
  • jontm wrote: »
    . As a wise elder at work said, "had I known, I would have only had the grand kids..."

    Ditto to this, one step further but fixed it a little..
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