Gonna be a grandpa



  • Man this is turning into an epic........ well similar to a HU battle!

    Everyone's been wishing mother and child well, I would like to add best wishes to poor Hobbes, imagine, being jerked around like this on your first try..>:D
  • compuease wrote: »
    Man this is turning into an epic........ well similar to a HU battle!

    Everyone's been wishing mother and child well, I would like to add best wishes to poor Hobbes, imagine, being jerked around like this on your first try..>:D

    I have to assume that what Hobbes' daughter is going through is significantly more painful than what he is based on the fact he's found the time to come on here and post stuff. That being said, I'm sure Hobbes is finding this all pretty exciting!
  • I have to assume that what Hobbes' daughter is going through is significantly more painful than what he is based on the fact he's found the time to come on here and post stuff. That being said, I'm sure Hobbes is finding this all pretty exciting!

    Pretty much observer status. :)

    The wife has everything under control. :)
  • I don't understand why they're not c-sectioning her. Poor baby is what? At least 30 hours in?
  • Yup about 30hrs now.

    14 heavy labour.

    They won't go much longer though.
  • Milo wrote: »
    First weekend of babysitting will cover that sentimental nonsense

    You are really bad at women, aren't you?
    Presuming her body is doing EXACTLY WHAT IT IS SUPPOSED TO, she'll be experiencing crushing hormone swings, baby blues, a massive life shift, no sleep, probably stitches, tearing, swelling, cracked bloody nipples...

    And 8/10 people who walk through the door think very little of it and just want to hold the baby.

    Every time your wife drags you to see some new baby, I want you to repeat the following, "I'm clueless-- utterly, hopelessly, clueless as to what that new Mom is going through", then call ahead to ask for her Timmy's order, hand it to her and say,
    "Awesome job, Mom! How are YOU feeling, and is there anything I can do to help while wifey is cuddling Junior?"

    Hobbes doesn't need this advice, he's one of the most aware people I've met on this forum, but for your own daughter's sake....buy her the flowers...and get your head out of your ass.
  • Considering I was with my wife throughout the birth process, including her emergency C-section, I think I have an inkling of what it's like . . . just a smidge. And, for the record, my wife's biggest gratitude after our daughter was born was being able to have a night to ourselves for a few hours a few weeks after she was born.

    That being said, my tongue was somewhat in my cheek with that comment, but your condescension is appreciated. Nice to know some things don't change.
  • Holding pattern until 4pm.
  • Seriously? The doc on the back nine or something? This is taking the whole Heinz commercial a bit far . . .
  • Daughter is determined to avoid a c-section if possible.

    Baby is not in distress so no issue there.

    They use a 48hr rule for c-sections after water breaks.

    Oh and it's a midwife. :)

    Kid is going to be bigger than me by the time she shows up. :D

    3D ultrasound from Sept 18

  • Already better looking . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Considering I was with my wife throughout the birth process, including her emergency C-section, I think I have an inkling of what it's like . . . just a smidge.

    Wrong, please correct and re-submit.
    Milo wrote:
    I'm clueless--utterly, hopelessly, clueless

    Milo, the arrogance involved in thinking you have any idea what child birth and recovery is like is outrageous. The next time a woman who has had children says, "You're missing the mark", the only reasonable response from someone who loves the women in his life is, "Thank you, Ma'am. I'll do better next time".

    If I'm wrong, and it's overkill--congratulations! You're a great Dad, Father, Friend, Relative for going above and beyond.

    If I'm right, you're an adequately supportive one.

    If you're wrong, you're punching a lady in the gut who just went a few rounds with a prize fighter.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Daughter is determined to avoid a c-section if possible.

    Baby is not in distress so no issue there.

    They use a 48hr rule for c-sections after water breaks.

    Oh and it's a midwife. :)

    Kid is going to be bigger than me by the time she shows up. :D

    3D ultrasound from Sept 18


    How is your daughter holding up? Has she been able to get any sleep?
  • she did get some sleep after the morphine last night.

    She's a real trooper.
  • Wow. Ultrasound has come such a long way from those indiscernible pictures I'm sure we all remember.

    "Uh, I have no idea what I'm looking at." (circa 1990)


    "Oh, that is clearly the face of the unborn child." (present)
  • They still do the old school ones most often, the 3d is usually reserved for anatomy checks and higher detail when the first kind's results are inconclusive. You used to have to go to a teaching hospital like McMaster to get one.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    she did get some sleep after the morphine last night.

    She's a real trooper.

    Amazing! :)
  • Kristy wrote: »
    They still do the old school ones most often, the 3d is usually reserved for anatomy checks and higher detail when the first kind's results are inconclusive. You used to have to go to a teaching hospital like McMaster to get one.

    There is actually a company here in Cambridge that will do them if you ask and pay for it.

    This was free, cause the tech was training on the new machine at the hospital. :D
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    There is actually a company here in Cambridge that will do them if you ask and pay for it.

    This was free, cause the tech was training on the new machine at the hospital. :D

    Hobbes extracting value wherever possible! Nice job son.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    There is actually a company here in Cambridge that will do them if you ask and pay for it.

    This was free, cause the tech was training on the new machine at the hospital. :D

    Privatized healthcare itt?
  • All this discussion re play by play, ultrasounds, dads in the room for the event sure shows how things have changed since 1971 when my oldest was born.

    We (my wife, our kitten and I) showed up at Oakville hospital, nurses met us at the maternity entrance and I was almost encouraged to just get lost for a day or two.. I took the kitten, went around to the cafeteria on the opposite side of the building, bought a salmon sandwich (which we shared) and snuck back in through a different entrance..
  • Kristy wrote: »
    congratulations! You're a great Dad, Father, Friend, Relative for going above and beyond.

    Thanks, Kristy . . .
  • "Oh, that is clearly the face of the unborn child." (present)
  • Milo wrote: »

    Smart edit.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Will soon get to meet her. :)

    Maybe a relative term by now?
  • Smart edit.

    I know . . .
  • Here's hoping 3rd time's the charm.

  • Jeebus, Hobbes, even I am starting to pace the floor now . . .
  • You and me both.
  • Yeah . . . but at least you get the pay-off when your grandchild finally arrives . . . and you look up into his/her eyes for the first time.

    The rest of us get to sit here on pins and needles waiting for the news.
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