Dead pool iv - team rosters



  • Author Tom Clancy died yesterday at age 66.

    I enjoyed his fiction books very much, although the last few were not up to his usual standard.

    gg Tom
  • Saw your tweet, and it floored me . . . Had all of his early stuff (maybe a dozen titles?). Stopped when it all became collaborative work, as that simply meant someone was doing the work, while he sat back and cashed the cheques. Very interesting journey to being a writer.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Saw your tweet, and it floored me . . . Had all of his early stuff (maybe a dozen titles?). Stopped when it all became collaborative work, as that simply meant someone was doing the work, while he sat back and cashed the cheques. Very interesting journey to being a writer.

    Believe it or not, I think that the terrorist attacks of September 11/01 kinda screwed his career. Several of his books had plots where some 'huge' event happened that was similar to 9/11. After it actually happened, it took some of the thrill out of his novels. Also when he started writing about Jack Ryan's kid and cousins I lost interest.
  • What got me interested was the fact that he used the game Harpoon, and it's info. as the jumping off point for Hunt For Red October. My friends and I played the same game, amongst others.
  • He wrote some great books. I heard on the radio that Ben Affleck was his favourite Jack Ryan out of all the actors who portrayed the character.

    Hunt for Red October is my favourite movie of his books.

  • 3 months with no action? This has to be a record.. We are definitely slipping..
  • This made me sad.

    Philip Chevron, Guitarist With the Pogues, Dies at 56

    Pogues Mahones!

  • Hobbes wrote: »

    Indeed. :(, and did you know that Pogues Mahones is a phrase that's a variant of the Irish phrase póg mo thóin, meaning "kiss my arse."?

    Could come in handy some day in a tough situation. Keep it in your "arse"-enal.
  • And just like that, we are off the schneid . . . rot in hell, Erich Priebke, you Nazi SOB.
  • Milo wrote: »
    And just like that, we are off the schneid . . . rot in hell, Erich Priebke, you Nazi SOB.

    Had him in last year's pool.
  • Who has him this year? Feeling lazy, it's officially the weekend.
  • Who has him this year? Feeling lazy, it's officially the weekend.


    and shipped
  • Who has him this year? Feeling lazy, it's officially the weekend.

    and yet no puppy has shown up on my doorstep. :D
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    and yet no puppy has shown up on my doorstep. :D

    Just for that I'm sending more pics.

    Given the description of nazi sob, I'm assuming he's a $5 tab.

    $5 shipped to compuease on P*.
  • shipped 5 to compuease
  • Milo wrote: »
    And just like that, we are off the schneid . . . rot in hell, Erich Priebke, you Nazi SOB.

    nice, it's been so long I almost forgot about this little morbid corner of our world..>:D

    Safe side of the ban hammer :p


    Other side of the ban hammer :mad:

  • Has Jacen been around lately?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Has Jacen been around lately?

    I just checked and I think he last logged in on Oct 7. I'm sure when he sees this thread having actual dead activity he'll pay up. Maybe a gentle pm would be a notification that he'd be more likely to see.

    It's only been two days after all.
  • It's only been two days after all.

    lol, I wasn't really jabbin at him, more for the razz factor in general...

    Would rather it have been you that hadn't paid up..;) And boy did I need this, since I haven't played online in forever my funds on Stars had almost dried up with my arid run in the pool this year. Was wondering how I would pay any future debts.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Was wondering how I would pay any future debts.

    Now you don't have to worry.

    Pay up girls.

    Mark "Chopper" Read

    Dead at 58=$8

    wildbill7145 on P*

    Off the hook:
    Remaining on the hook:

    Just noticed this brings me back into a tie with KWSteve with 4 dead for the season!
  • Milo wrote: »
    Has Jacen been around lately?

    Sorry I've been MIA. I recently moved and had limited Internet. I'll pay up in a couple hours when I can get on p*. Glad I was missed. Lol. Guess its my payments missed.
  • Remaining on the hook:

    sent, and escaped..
  • compuease wrote: »
    sent, and escaped..

    Phewf, just 'bout had to warm up the old girl.. Note, the notches. Many.
  • 8 to bill
  • i believe i'm off the hook so to speak
  • Phewf, just 'bout had to warm up the old girl.. Note, the notches. Many.

    It is a poor worker who keeps such shoddy care of his tools.

    In other news, "that guy", Ed Lauter passed away this week. You would recognize him from the original Longest Yard movie, where he played the head of the Guards.
  • Milo wrote: »
    It is a poor worker who keeps such shoddy care of his tools

    Or one busy mother fucker who doesn't have time to clean them. Just enough to add another notch till the next job's done.

    Hate to dust off your wallets again so soon girls, but a man's gotta earn a living.

    Bum Phillips dead at 90.

    $5 to wildbill7145 on P*. Thanks again.

    Off the hook:
    Comp (lol)
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