The Official CPF Lotto 6/49 Pool

Ever feel like telling your family to piss-off or tell your boss to go hell? Ever wondering what it's like to own your own Ferrari or an airplane? I do!

Here's your chance with The Official CPF Lotto 6/49 Pool!

Each player in the pool will ship me $8/month via EMT or P*. I will buy on Lotto 6/49 ticket for the each Saturday that players are paid up for and will post a pic of said ticket.

Any small winnings ($50 and under) will be cashed in for other lines in the next Wednesday draw. Over $50 and I will ship money back unless otherwise requested.

No one else may join the group until the month is up. If you haven't pitched in for the pool, you are not eligible to win with us.

PM for my EMT address or ship to homerbuddy on P*

If we win the top prize outright, $25,000 will be automatically skimmed off the top and put towards a PFC Pokerstars home game. A $25,000 GTD freeroll. You must be a legit member of CPF to qualify. (Noobs and banned members are disqualified)


  • November Horseshoe-in-the-ass squad:

    1. JohnnieH
    2. TheMill (paid)
    3. WildBill (paid)
    4. Hobbes (paid)
    5. kwSteve (paid)
    6. djgolfcan (paid)
    7. Muddguts (paid, not a deadbeat)

    Draw dates/results:

    Nov 3- SFA
    Nov 10-SFA
    Nov 14- five dolla holla
    Nov 17- SFA
    Nov 24-SFA
  • $ shipped.

    Just out of curiosity Johnnie, in the event of a win is the $25k event open to all members of the forum who are members of the forum tourneys home games group? I don't think we ever decided that. There's lots of folks in that group that aren't 'really' forum members. Maybe played one forum game, lots that likely haven't played any. Anyhoo, we should consider this just in case.

    In the event of a win, I guess we could just set up a new home game on P* and figure this out later.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    You must be a legit member of CPF to qualify. (Noobs and banned members are disqualified)

  • costanza wrote: »

    You aren't currently banned, so what's the problem?
  • Just out of curiosity Johnnie, in the event of a win is the $25k event open to all members of the forum who are members of the forum tourneys home games group? I don't think we ever decided that. There's lots of folks in that group that aren't 'really' forum members. Maybe played one forum game, lots that likely haven't played any. Anyhoo, we should consider this just in case.

    In the event of a win, I guess we could just set up a new home game on P* and figure this out later.

    I would prefer to have it open to long time and up-standing members. We are (WILL BE!) giving away free money, and I want a say in who's eligible and who's not. The winner of the freeroll can always donate a few grand to whomever they like.

    I could always have a live game somewhere and keep it to invite only.
  • We're on the same page. Excellent. We're dreamers, but dreamers need a solid plan just in case.
  • shipped to homebuddy
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    shipped to homebuddy
    Hope you meant Homerbuddy, or someone just got a gift for Halloween.
  • Hope you meant Homerbuddy, or someone just got a gift for Halloween.

    lol that's what I meant
  • In and shipped via PokerStars.
  • in. just awating EMT details
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    in. just awating EMT details

    PM sent.

    I'll be going to get the ticket for this week after breakfast. If anyone else wants in, say so now before I'm done eating!
  • Here is this weeks ticket:

    Attachment not found.

    WTH, played Encore too.
  • I have a suggestion. If you split the numbers into two tickets, each with one Encore, then it works out evenly money-wise. You wouldn't have to put out the extra buck each time.

    So with 7 people you could have two tickets with 3 lines and an Encore. You lose a line but gain an Encore.

    With 8 people you'd need one ticket with 3 lines plus Encore and one ticket with 4 lines plus Encore. And so on.
  • I do whatever you guys want. I bought the Encore just because I'm in a gamblooling mood. Consider it a gift for this week.
  • I was on holidays all last week. I have ZERO ambition to return to work on Monday, so please, let's ship this thing ok?
  • Swing and a miss.
  • Just getting warmed up is all
  • Am I buying a ticket for tomorrow?
  • I would say yes, given Steve's suggestion.
  • Just saw that this thing is going to be worth.... $47M!

    I will patiently await, clearing my van of the paint gear. Actually, why bother. I'll just put a "Free van!" sign on the whole thing and be done with it.
  • Might as well do that now. You could be like a Viking. :D
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Am I buying a ticket for tomorrow?

    sure. if the prize pool is that sick
  • I call the encore! shipped on stars
  • TheMill wrote: »
    I call the encore! shipped on stars

    Not sure if this is possible given the first and second posts in this thread.

    You would be eligible for the next months lotto team. I don't know if we ever talked about people jumping in half way through the month though.

    Just my initial thoughts however, and I took about 5 seconds to ponder them, so others may feel otherwise.
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