Question Week: Cerberus

Fire when ready!


  • What has been the happiest day of your life? (Not including birth of children, or marriage or anything like that.)
  • How did you get into poker?

    Why don't you come visit us more often?

    How are the wedding plans coming along?

    Plans to have kids? Or just more cats?
  • Where did you grow up?

    What is your biggest poker win online?

    What is your biggest poker win live?

    How many cats do you have?
  • You used to be someone else on here? We played hu at a final table live once?
  • Screw all these personal, real life type questions . . .

    Ever regret not getting the BJ from Big Sexy?

    Change your mind on how he meant that in light of the Hulkster's sex tape?

    Best non-BJ related "road story" from the wrasslin' gig.
  • if you could rule over an army of killer cats, who would be the first celebrity that you would have killed and why?
  • Macke wrote: »
    What has been the happiest day of your life? (Not including birth of children, or marriage or anything like that.)

    Discounting the obvious answer of meeting my Alpha (I'm assuming that's including in the bracketed part), I'd probably go with Aug 25, 2012.

    I've been involved with pro wrestling for the last 7.5 years. Mostly, it was training to be a wrestler, so when it came time for shows, I was setting up the ring and working security. This summer, that all changed.

    No one had ran shows locally in two years. My best friend (also the guy that trained me) decided it was time to run shows again, as he wanted his students to have a place to work. He wanted Alpha and I to get a team together and run the show. Definitely a big step up!

    We got a group of people together, all of whom had worked on shows for years with us but had never really gotten the chance to make an impact. We wanted to make this a different show, not just in the ring but outside of it.

    We began organizing everything 3 months in advance. I don't mean just getting talent, but everything. Concessions, sound, video, ring crew, everything. We divided everything up, so everyone had a job they were responsible for. If they needed help with anything, they came to Alpha or myself. We got weekly updates from each person so we knew were everyone was at but never harassed them for anything.

    My job was to find a venue and get sponsors. It was awesome! I was able to go out and interact with people, showing them our big vision. Our goal was to get small businesses, offer them a very big value for not a lot of money, so that everyone wins.

    The show was Aug 24. Aug 25 was the happiest day because I was able to look back at everything we did and see how fantastic we did and that you could truly run things differently that the status quo. Looking at the massive success it was at all levels, it was just awesome.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    How did you get into poker?

    Why don't you come visit us more often?

    How are the wedding plans coming along?

    Plans to have kids? Or just more cats?

    I think some buddies at work were playing and invited me over. We played .25/.50 and I got my clock cleaned for about $100. Went home pissed off. Went online, started reading everything I could find so it wouldn't happen again (so much for that!) The rest is history :)

    At the moment, I'm organizing another wrestling show for Oct 20, planning the wedding, working full time, writing a book, helping my best friend renovate his house, doing commentary for our Aug 24 show and filming spots for our Can Am Rising YouTube show that starts next week. However, I am doing everything in my power to make sure that I'm available for the curling/poker event this year. Just don't let Moose make it for Feb 8 as I'm already booked!

    Wedding plans are friggin' annoying. It takes a lot of time to plan one of these suckers, especially for a destination wedding and when your bride to be is deathly allergic to nuts. It'll be great once we do it though :)

    No plans for kids. Neither of us want them. I used to think that I wanted kids. When I got together with Alpha and it started to get serious, she sat me down and told me that she didn't want kids. Immediately, I felt oddly relieved. When I thought about why, I realized that I just didn't believe I would make a good father. I can barely take care of myself most days and have struggled with serious anger issues for most of my life. I can't pass that on to another human life that I would only be half assed taking care of. It was kind of crappy to realize on one hand, but on the other it took a lot of weight off of my shoulders that I never knew was there.
  • Where did you grow up?

    What is your biggest poker win online?

    What is your biggest poker win live?

    How many cats do you have?

    Grew up in Duncan, BC. Fun fact: I made it into my first newspaper headline the day I was born. My name was the most popular baby name at that time according to some study (might have been a census thingy) and my first baby picture was in the article.

    Biggest win online was in Sept 2008 (I believe, might have been 2007). I had terrible bankroll management at the time. I had built up $10 into about $600 and thought "10 BI's is plenty, I'm gonna play the $55 tourney tonight." 6 hours later, I woke up half my apartment building when I luckboxed a 3rd place for $5800. Thanks to Stephan Harper's shitty mismanagement of our country, once the conversion went through, I was able to get a little over $7K.

    Biggest win live was around $600, unless you count the time I was at the table that hit the biggest bad beat jackpot in Caesar's Windsor history. We were playing short handed at about 3am. They were changing it after this bad beat hit so you had to have Aces full of Kings losing to hit the BBJ. At the time, it was Aces full of 10's. Sure enough, A10 vs AK aipf, board comes out AKA510 and we all go nuts. Got $3600 for sitting at that table :)

    Right now, I have 2 cats. I've been told several times that they'll be the last ones I have. Looks like it's a puppy dog after these ones are gone, but since they're only 5 and a half, I've got a lot of years of kitty time left.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    You used to be someone else on here? We played hu at a final table live once?

    I've only ever been Cerberus on here and sadly I have yet to meet you IRL. I think that situation needs to be rectified sometime down the road :)
  • Milo wrote: »
    Screw all these personal, real life type questions . . .

    Ever regret not getting the BJ from Big Sexy?

    Change your mind on how he meant that in light of the Hulkster's sex tape?

    Best non-BJ related "road story" from the wrasslin' gig.

    Every day of my life. He's the one that got away :(

    Nash truly is Big Sexy, so to this day I'm still not sure what would have happened if I'd of said yes.

    There's a word in this story that's going to be bleeped, for obvious reasons. About 3 months after I moved to Windsor to really give wrestling an honest try, I was driving 3 other wrestlers to a show outside of Newmarket. I wish I could remember the name for the life of me! It was at some arena that hosted 4H shows, so the area where the ring was set up was covered in dirt and poop.

    Anyhow, it's myself, two other Windsor guys and a guy from Japan that was training with us. His English still was not the greatest yet, so for most conversations you had to speak broken English. About halfway along the trip, he says to me "Matt-san, what?" and points to some cows in the field we were driving past.

    "They're cows, Kaiju-san (not his real name; protecting myself from a beating for relating this story to others)."


    "Yes, really."

    "Realllly?" Yes, he was having trouble with the L's, so it was coming out as rearry.

    The other two wrestlers stop their conversation and join in "Yes, Kaiju-san, REALLY!"

    Kaiju stares out the window for about 30 seconds, then turns to me and says

    "In Japan, only n***** cows."

    I nearly drove the car into the divider. From that day forward, I never really believed that him when he said "I don't understand" if we asked him something.
  • trigs wrote: »
    if you could rule over an army of killer cats, who would be the first celebrity that you would have killed and why?

    I'd say the Kardashians. Best part is, they're always hanging around together, telling each other how pretty they are, so I wouldn't have to just settle for one of them :D
  • Choice for a last meal?

    Favourite type of cookie?

    How do you take your coffee?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Choice for a last meal?

    Favourite type of cookie?

    How do you take your coffee?

    I'd probably say my mom's lasagna, a big slice of uber buttery garlic bread and an Arizona Iced Tea. Otherwise, I'd get a triple baconator large combo, since I was going to die anyways. That way it would at least be from somewhat natural causes.

    Chocolate chip! For store brand, I prefer the Chips A'Hoy Chewy variety. Bakery style, I used to grab this giant cookie every day after school for 10 years from this little bakery in Victoria. When I went back a couple of years ago, the lady still knew my name ^-^

    I used to take it 2 milk, 4 sugar. Now I take it as green tea :)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I've only ever been Cerberus on here and sadly I have yet to meet you IRL. I think that situation needs to be rectified sometime down the road :)

    My bad...who am I thinking of:)
  • Favourite hobby(ies) outside of wrestling and poker related pursuits?

    How old are you?

    How long have you been with your Alpha? How did you meet?

    PFC member who's posts you enjoy the most? The least?

    Tell us about your family (ie. How many siblings, Parents, step-parents, etc..)
  • no questions cerb, just wanted to tell you that its easy to tell u are one of the straight up good guys.. can tell by ur writing

    post moar
  • Can you not quote costanza's question when you respond?

    Not knowing what he asked will make the answer more surreal . . .
  • I'm Ron Burgandy?
  • costanza wrote: »
    no questions cerb, just wanted to tell you that its easy to tell u are one of the straight up good guys.. can tell by ur writing

    post moar

    Appreciate the love. I'm all about positive energy and that what we put out into the universe, we get back and then some.

    Will try to post more as things quiet down in a couple of weeks.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Can you not quote costanza's question when you respond?

    Not knowing what he asked will make the answer more surreal . . .

    Had to quote it as I think it was something good for you to see. As much as he has been a troll in the past, there is a legit good side to Costanza. Just have to keep inspiring him to be positive :)
  • can't costanza even follow the rules of the questions week thread?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I'm Ron Burgandy?

    Hell yeah you are!
  • .........
  • costanza wrote: »

    I don't understand the question...
  • trigs wrote: »
    can't costanza even follow the rules of the questions week thread?

    Due to the positive nature of the post, I was cool with the lack of a question. Also, I believe that he'll post a question later in the week, probably asking for numbers of cookies eaten lifetime :)
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Favourite hobby(ies) outside of wrestling and poker related pursuits?

    How old are you?

    How long have you been with your Alpha? How did you meet?

    PFC member who's posts you enjoy the most? The least?

    Tell us about your family (ie. How many siblings, Parents, step-parents, etc..)

    Favourite hobby would be either video games or making 8 bit artwork from beads using the sprites of old video games. I'm at work right now, but I will post pics when I get home as trying to explain does the work no justice whatsoever.

    31.... Fack, I'm getting old.

    Alpha and I met almost three years ago. She does photography for our wrestling shows. Became fast friends and about 3 months after we met, both looked at each other, loudly yelled "MINE!!!!" and have been together ever since.

    Favourite poster would have to be JohnnieH. When I look at the posts that I click the LIKE button for, it's usually his. Plus, he's a Dolphins fan!

    I don't really have a least favourite poster. I think I get along pretty well with everyone here on the forum and tend to have a good rapore with all. But, in fairness to the question and to channel my inner Hobbes, I'll say Wes.

    Family is mom, dad and my older brother, Hockref. Have two wonderful nieces, an awesome sister in law who tolerates my brother for some unknown reason and two hilarious grandmothers (3 if you count Alpha's, as she's awesome too).
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Had to quote it as I think it was something good for you to see. As much as he has been a troll in the past, there is a legit good side to Costanza. Just have to keep inspiring him to be positive :)

    This is just the prelude to a "heel" turn, isn't it?

    ISN'T IT ?!?
  • Milo wrote: »
    This is just the prelude to a "heel" turn, isn't it?

    ISN'T IT ?!?

    Not sure who you're worried about turning heel. If it's Costanza, the answers are possibly and I hope not. If it's me, then your answers are both the same: when the #*$% was I a face?!
  • Do you really convert poker winnings into Potato Heads? (there has to be a back story on this signature I am not yet privy to)

    If so, any rare ones in your collection?

    Ever buy any of the crazy Star Wars ones, or are there any that fit your wrestling gig?

    Fast Five....if Vin Diesel and The Rock had come to blows, who would have won?

    Lou Hulk or Hulk does that match go down?
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