Anyone watching the big jump today ....



  • Bit of a clustrerfuck on the comms.
  • Pretty much my generations moonwalk?

    Felt like it anyway.
  • Milo wrote: »
    it's a beauty.

    128,000+ ft . . . wow.

    Kittinger keeps the freefall record, though . . .

    wait. what? guy didn't even get the record?
  • trigs wrote: »
    wait. what? guy didn't even get the record?

    102,000 was the record.
  • trigs wrote: »
    wait. what? guy didn't even get the record?

    The time in freefall record was 4:28, this guy deployed his chute at 4:22.

    Records he did break:

    Highest manned balloon flight
    Fastest free fall speed
    Highest altitude jumped from
  • Just watched the footage. Wow, fucking incredible.

    Except for the parts near the end where they kept giving the guy the wrong directions of wind.... Several times!
  • Helmet Cam video

  • So much talk about this being on an equivalent level with Armstrong's moon walk or the Mars landings... I don't look at it that way, more of an Evil Knieval type stunt than real technological accomplishment.. That's the way I look at it at least. How about the rest of you?
  • Pretty much the same. My understanding of the "science" is that this is an incremental push to technology/knowledge that already exists, rather than a whole new field being opened up. Still . . . it was pretty damn cool to watch.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Helmet Cam video

    Well that showed not much.:baffled:
  • The Moon landing as a way, way bigger deal, obviously.

    Felix had 100 people help him over 5 years to reach his goal of jumping from 120K

    The Moon landing has hundreds of thousands people working basically non-stop for 9 years to get Apollo 11 on the Moon. Too bad there was only that one camera filming Armstrong and Aldrin on the Lunar surface.

    That being said, the jump was a very impressive accomplishment. He must have a huge set of brass ones dangling between his legs.
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