What does someone need to do to get banned from this site?



  • costanza wrote: »
    Democracy tho

    Democracy is based on the assumption that a million people are collectively wiser than one man. How's that again? I missed something . . .

    Autocracy is based on the idea that one man is wiser than a million . . . kets look at that again, too. Who decides?
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    grunchity grunch grunch, just please shorten Darb's ban cos 2 years seems absurd, and his latest poker threads were ridic good and extremely informative!!!

    (my 2 cents)
    jdAA88 wrote: »
    probably am lol
    costanza wrote: »
    not sure why people think my opinion means less than anyone else's??

    if anything, it should mean more imo
    Milo wrote: »
    Democracy is based on the assumption that a million people are collectively wiser than one man. How's that again? I missed something . . .

    Autocracy is based on the idea that one man is wiser than a million . . . kets look at that again, too. Who decides?

    Let me remind those that do not understand, this is not a democracy. We live in a democracy (or at least partly) but this site is owned by Scoops, sorta like your own house or business is. He ultimately decides and is in fact looking at this whole thing. I do not like darbs chances at all, and actually costanza, you should be concerned. He tells me that he is normally much quicker at bannings than I am..
    jd you need to have seen some of the crap that darb directed at people on here and especially myself. That could not go on... He was daring me.. Can't have that.
  • seriously costanza, i'll ask again. why do you hate me so much? why do you think i'm illiterate and uneducated (or however you stated it)? i was actually supporting you and your going pro thing until you started outright mocking me for no reason.

    idk, maybe some people just love to hate. i don't get it.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Fwiw I don't see a need for more mods... Permaban racist hatemongerers and then deal with the rest of us. Ezgame

    Only criticismis that darb should obv be banned for life for the crap here spews. I haven't read a post of hours since he lost his shit but from other posters on here I can see it has likely gotten worse

    The need for another mod comes from me wanting someone else to bounce things off, ie another opinion, not so much the workload.

    What the f is the last sentence in your last paragraph? lol, I have no clue what you are trying to say there....

    To someone else's comment about 2 years being too long a ban for darb, well that is the longest I could do it without permabanning. It was merely to give Scoops time to have a look and decide.. From talking to him I'm pretty sure which way it's going to go.
    Back a ways I too was a darb supporter but aside from his poker thoughts, which were at least interesting, he was just uncontrollable, he flaunted authority and rule of law openly.. Can't have that in any organized society or anarchy ensues, kinda like here. ;)
  • compuease wrote: »
    The need for another mod comes from me wanting someone else to bounce things off, ie another opinion, not so much the workload.

    What the f is the last sentence in your last paragraph? lol, I have no clue what you are trying to say there....

    To someone else's comment about 2 years being too long a ban for darb, well that is the longest I could do it without permabanning. It was merely to give Scoops time to have a look and decide.. From talking to him I'm pretty sure which way it's going to go.
    Back a ways I too was a darb supporter but aside from his poker thoughts, which were at least interesting, he was just uncontrollable, he flaunted authority and rule of law openly.. Can't have that in any organized society or anarchy ensues, kinda like here. ;)

    Yeah, was typing on my phone and not paying attention to autocorrect..something along the lines of me blocking darb but being able to tell from other responses to his posts that he is still doing the same shit if not worse.

    I was just wondering what happened to darb this year. It seems that sitting in a dark room 30 tabling micro limit sngs can really fuck you up as a person. Either that or it eroded his prefrontal cortex and he lost his ability to mask his true self over time.
  • trigs wrote: »
    seriously costanza, i'll ask again. why do you hate me so much? why do you think i'm illiterate and uneducated (or however you stated it)? i was actually supporting you and your going pro thing until you started outright mocking me for no reason.

    idk, maybe some people just love to hate. i don't get it.

    Maybe he got beaten for not finishing The Catcher in The Rye as a small child. I was thinking the same thing earlier about you and assumed I missed some posts between the two of you. I've never seen you be rude to many people on here and find you almost as boring as Wetts.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Maybe he got beaten for not finishing The Catcher in The Rye as a small child. I was thinking the same thing earlier about you and assumed I missed some posts between the two of you. I've never seen you be rude to many people on here as find you almost as boring as Wetts.

    lol, can you not at least put a smilie after your posts? Your sarcasm is not always easily detected.. :(
  • smiles are for the weak :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    To someone else's comment about 2 years being too long a ban for darb, well that is the longest I could do it without permabanning. It was merely to give Scoops time to have a look and decide.. From talking to him I'm pretty sure which way it's going to go.
    Back a ways I too was a darb supporter but aside from his poker thoughts, which were at least interesting, he was just uncontrollable, he flaunted authority and rule of law openly.. Can't have that in any organized society or anarchy ensues, kinda like here. ;)

    I banned Darb from my eyes many months ago and frankly the defense (by some here) of the indefensible he has spouted in the past on the basis he is a "great poker mind" is most sickening in my mind. I hate to admit it but I watched his holocaust denial video in full and according to the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia the working definition of antisemitism includes "denying the holocaust or accusing Jews or Israel of exaggerating it".

    Fed/Costanza I've never really felt the need to ignore. I find him more humourous in a trolly sort of way. That being said if Scoops' decision is to ban him I have no arguments. If you pay the bills you have every right to include or exclude whomever you want.

    Finally, I think comp does a fantastic job balancing the personalities here and any inference that he is part of the problem, I find to be laughable.
  • costanza wrote: »
    not sure why people think my opinion means less than anyone else's??

    if anything, it should mean more imo

    Not sure where you got the idea that people think your opinion means less. Your opinion, as in the existence of having opinions, is no less or more valued than any other. However, some of your specific opinions may be looked at as less valuable due to their lack of a solid basis from which they were formed.

    Why do you feel your opinion is more valuable than others in this case?
  • Look guys, while I really appreciate both the public and the private support I don't want this issue to come down to that. It is not me vs darb nor should it be. I am sick over the whole thing but he is/was too much... Sometimes I understand what psychologists go through. How they do it every day I have no idea. I also would like costanza to stay as I do feel he has greatly matured since the old days (2 years ago).. Some of us are immune to trolling and heavy sarcasm but you have to remember when you were younger. You too may have lashed out at others when seemingly insulting things are said.
    I probably haven't explained myself well but I'm somewhat disturbed.. lol, no jokes here...
  • Milo wrote: »
    Trigs might actually be a decent choice for mod . . . he's a teacher, iirc, so he has experience with unruly children.

    for the record, i teach high school english and social science courses to adults (adults meaning 19 years+ as they are too old to attend regular high schools). my students are a mixture of immigrants and high school drop outs (the latter making up the majority). most of my students suffer from learning disabilities and/or behavioural issues. many have been in jail in the past and/or are on medication for a variety of differing issues.

    i've had students in my face screaming and swearing at the top of their lungs, throwing chairs and tables around, threatening my life, their own lives, and other students' lives. patience is definitely a virtue i possess. if i go three straight days without having a student throw a temper tantrum and tell me off i feel like i'm doing well. dealing with the people on here = cake walk.
  • I missed all the shit that went down, so i dont know much.
    But banning darb.....I mean the guy is the best contributer on the site and its not even close. Sure sometimes he gets out of line. But when its someone else getting out of line to a newbie or something everyone says..."if you dont have thick skin you wont last long here"
    Comp you have a very tough job here and i really think people who are jumping on you for decisions you sometime have to make are out of line. Its not like this is some high paying job or you want to get up everyday to deal with the childish behaviour that happens on here lol.
    I just think you should reconsider the whole darb thing. His best posts out rank his worst by a long shot....
    just saying
  • His best posts out rank his worst by a long shot....
    just saying

    i don't think anyone on here will argue that darb did not contribute very good strat posts. however, your comment above is exactly what the issue was for comp. i don't think he wanted to ban darb simply because he does contribute some of the best posts on this site. hence the dilemma for him. however, some here disagree with you and feel that darb's worst posts slightly out rank his best.

    i will go on the record and state that i will definitely miss darb on this forum (even despite his insults towards me when i disagree with him), but i also think that some of the things he has said on here do not belong on a poker forum (or any forum for that matter).

    he was warned multiple times. many suggested to him to stick to strat posts and ignore the off topic section. not only did he not listen to that advice, he went out of his way to continue posting his 'rants' and eventually began insulting those who run the site. again, i for one will miss him on here, but i do feel that he is mostly to blame for this outcome.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i don't think anyone on here will argue that darb did not contribute very good strat posts. however, your comment above is exactly what the issue was for comp. i don't think he wanted to ban darb simply because he does contribute some of the best posts on this site. hence the dilemma for him. however, some here disagree with you and feel that darb's worst posts slightly out rank his best.

    i will go on the record and state that i will definitely miss darb on this forum (even despite his insults towards me when i disagree with him), but i also think that some of the things he has said on here do not belong on a poker forum (or any forum for that matter).

    he was warned multiple times. many suggested to him to stick to strat posts and ignore the off topic section. not only did he not listen to that advice, he went out of his way to continue posting his 'rants' and eventually began insulting those who run the site. again, i for one will miss him on here, but i do feel that he is mostly to blame for this outcome.

    blah blah blah, no one really gives a fuck what u think

    any juan but trigs for mod imo, not a "poker" guy and very controversial.. exactly what we dont need in a mod

    johnnie would be a good choice too... and that guy fckin hates me lol, but i think he's alright
  • I just think you should reconsider the whole darb thing. His best posts out rank his worst by a long shot....
    just saying

    here is a thread on improving your three betting range, and btw have you seen this video about the holocaust being a hoax...please.

    Maybe he could be banned to the Off Topic Lounge?
  • costanza wrote: »
    blah blah blah, no one really gives a fuck what u think
    Why do you say these things? Seriously? Obviously there are people who posted in this thread that disagree, but you jajajajust ignore that. It just really makes your social skills look juvenile. Not trying to be an ass here, just stating the obvious.
  • costanza wrote: »
    blah blah blah, no one really gives a fuck what u think

    any juan but trigs for mod imo, not a "poker" guy and very controversial.. exactly what we dont need in a mod

    johnnie would be a good choice too... and that guy fckin hates me lol, but i think he's alright

    well, i guess that kind of answers my question (that you keep ignoring) somewhat. i'm too controversial and not a 'poker' guy in your opinion.

    could you please give me an example of my very controversial ways? i honestly don't know what you're referring to.

    i'll even grant you the i'm not a 'poker guy' thing. i'm just a recreational player. sorry, but not all of us can go pro.
  • and btw, i think my dealing with you lately has shown others on this site that i can be very patient and i can handle dealing with the people on this forum. so thanks for that at least.
  • Why do you say these things? Seriously? Obviously there are people who posted in this thread that disagree, but you jajajajust ignore that. It just really makes your social skills look juvenile. Not trying to be an ass here, just stating the obvious.

    Highlight of the thread IMO lol

    and just ban mike hes gonna be worse now that yodas gone.

    Trigs is obv good choice, mike just develops hates towards people based on the color of his mood ring
  • Why do you say these things? Seriously? Obviously there are people who posted in this thread that disagree, but you jajajajust ignore that. It just really makes your social skills look juvenile. Not trying to be an ass here, just stating the obvious.

    maybe my debating skillz need work ok?

    not the best when it comes to this shit
  • costanza wrote: »
    maybe my debating skillz need work ok?

    not the best when it comes to this shit

    sorry but lmao at 'debating'. you're just slinging insults at me guy.

    EDIT: i'm being completely serious here. i'll do a write up about debating and critical thinking in the off topic if you or anyone else is interested. i do have some experience on the matter as i took quite a few classes on it. i'm assuming not many are though.

    side note: philosophy of logic was a horrible class and i had to take two classes on it for my degree. probably led directly to my hatred of monty python.
  • trigs wrote: »
    sorry but lmao at 'debating'. you're just slinging insults at me guy.

    my names not guy, guy
  • just wanted to say that i pm'ed costanza to try to deal with this issue between us. hopefully it'll get resolved one way or another.
  • trigs wrote: »
    just wanted to say that i pm'ed costanza to try to deal with this issue between us. hopefully it'll get resolved one way or another.

    hey dipshit, the whole reason of a PM is for it to be a PM

    you dont have to just state it for the forum

    you are lulzy because you are already taking some sort of moderator position in your posts, its so funny
  • costanza wrote: »
    hey dipshit, the whole reason of a PM is for it to be a PM

    you dont have to just state it for the forum

    you are lulzy because you are already taking some sort of moderator position in your posts, its so funny


    well i guess your decision has been made. it's been a pleasure fed.
  • trigs wrote: »

    well i guess your decision has been made. it's been a pleasure fed.

This discussion has been closed.