What does someone need to do to get banned from this site?

Seems to be a lot of inconsistencies with banning on this site. Thoughts?


  • I have no problem with the dynamic application of the ban hammer as long as it is implemented judiciously and with common sense. It is my opinion that this has been the case in all the bans, and I guess non-bans I have seen since my time on the site.

    Comp is basically the only mod on the forum. I think it's pushing it a little to expect him to make a decision that makes everyone happy in all situations. He does the best he can with the time he has available.

    I haven't seen anyone offering up their services to assist him as a co mod, even when he suggested this a few months ago.

    Just my thoughts Jah.
  • volunteer forms over there on the right... Pay commensurate with experience... Oh wait....
  • And didn't you have a temp ban way back?

    and please name the inconsistencies... Promise, it won't earn you a ban..
  • Draft Bill for Mod . . .

    Seriously, there have been several temporary bans in my time here, but very few permanent ones. The site is pretty liberal in what it tolerates from members. Maybe that hurts growth, I don't know . . .

    I think comp has a pretty even keel about these things, much more so than I (one of the reasons I would not step up, besides you all having a conniption at the concept).
  • Milo wrote: »
    Draft Bill for Mod . . .
    I think on a poker forum, one should have slightly (read GREATLY) higher skills in the fine art of poker than I possess for this role.

    Half the time I read the strategy threads and have absolutely no clue what those guys are talking about.
  • Back when Graham owned CPF I offered to Mod, but I was denied as I'm not that handy with Internet software b

    For what its worth, I offer my services again.
  • I disagree . . . being a mod is more about keeping the ship off the rocks, keeping members from abusing one another, and generally putting out the small fires that crop up from time to time. A level-headed temperament is more important than poker skill. You have always seemed pretty sensible (poker aside).
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Back when Graham owned CPF I offered to Mod, but I was denied as I'm not that handy with Internet software b.

    Another reason I would be disqualified . . . you should hear the invective from my lips if the slightest hiccup occurs in my laptop. :D

    By the way . . . spicy or sweet Chili?
  • Milo wrote: »

    By the way . . . spicy or sweet Chili?

    better be spicy or hammer.gif
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    better be spicy or hammer.gif

    It has a bit of a back end spice. Remember, the wife and kid are eating it too.

    Maybe I'll make a 5 alarm chilli for my annual deepstack in December.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Maybe I'll make a 5 alarm chilli for my annual deepstack in December.

  • am i the only one who hasn't been banned on this site (yet)?
  • trigs wrote: »
    am i the only one who hasn't been banned on this site (yet)?

    I haven't.

    There was talk of making a whole team of Royal Cup from members who had been banned. I'm sure we could get that going again :)
  • Never banned . . . and I am not sure if there have been enough individual "temp bans" to field a Royal Cup squad
  • Now as far as an additional mod goes, it will have to wait for Scoops to show up. He hasn't been on in several days, similar to Wes... If I was an admin I think I could give someone mod powers however a lowly mod :( can't assign another mod..
    As for skills, aptitudes etc, I don't think anyone needs and particular internet skills as that is only a small part and as long as at least one mod knows his way around it would be fine. Most important attributes would be keeping a cool head, having thick skin, having the respect of the majority (silent or otherwise) of the members, being able to mediate disputes, willing to work for peanuts.:).

    After writing above I found the quote below on another forum and it seems quite appropriate.. Note: I may have not been always perfect on all points..

    *************** Rules for Mods to live by *********************

    Lead by example - this is really just common sense. Act the way you want others to act, good behavior will 'rub off' on the rest of the membership.

    Always remember that Mods are held to a higher standard than regular members, because they wield greater influence. For example, if a Mod starts a flamewar, the membership might think that this is acceptable, whereas if a member does the same thing, everyone just thinks he's an idiot.

    When deleting a thread, move it into quarantined topics, do not outright delete it. Inform the people on the thread, why it was deleted. You can 'Close' the thread and post your explanation, or delete it right away and PM the offending party.

    Do not use your status to intimidate others. Don't alter others posts without notifying them, and don't threaten banning or thread deletion if they disagree with you on a topic. You can joke about it all you want, though.

    Do not get personally involved in the classic 'unsolvable' situations. Members will argue about politics, or religion, or any number of other subjects that are a matter of opinion at heart and therefore not a debate that can be won from either side of the fence. Keep an eye on these, by all means, and step in to keep the peace if required.

    If you have a complaint with another Moderator or Administrator, bring it up by posting in the Mods forum. Many times others are not aware there are problems, so they cannot help.

    Last, but not least, try not to cause headaches for the Admins, or your fellow mods!
  • trigs wrote: »
    am i the only one who hasn't been banned on this site (yet)?

    Actually the number banned, either permanently or temporarily, on this site is very low. Especially if you don't include the obvious spammers that are ip banned on an almost daily basis..

    Then if you don't include the 100 or so times that fed was banned it falls to an even lower number..;)

    There are are a few regs on here that have had short term temp bans in the past. I could name maybe a half dozen but no more than that.
  • I nominate someone who loves poker and isn't controversial

    Wetts , actyper or steve Kerr get my vote (if they were wiling)
  • Controversy creates cash.
  • Macke wrote: »
    Controversy creates cash.

    Thank you Eric Bischoff . . .

    If I don't like your post, will you ship me a dollar?
  • Macke wrote: »
    Controversy creates cash.

  • costanza wrote: »
    I nominate someone who loves poker and isn't controversial

    Wetts , actyper or steve Kerr get my vote (if they were wiling)

    No, Yes, Maybe.
  • Two out of those three would probably not have the time or inclination to ride herd on we idiots.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Two out of those three would probably not have the time or inclination to ride herd on we idiots.

    Those that I listed , i thought hard about

    they are the 3 guys that a) post regularly enough b) have been here long enough c) dont post bull shit d) are well respected

    I dont even think that wetts, ash, or steve like me that much, but I look past that and think they would be the best for the forum.

    Of course my opinion doesnt mean much given my history, but I think they would be good leaders.
  • i'll be mod. just give me the power!!

    i'm on here pretty much every day anyway. pretty sure there are quite a few that hate me here though.
  • Not disputing that one iota . . . just willing to wager that their attitude would be one of, "too much on my plate already . . ."

    Besides, do we really want a cross-dressing mod on our hands in the near future?

    this relates to Costanza's post, not Trigs. Trigs, those who wish for power probably should not be allowed to wield it.
  • should also mention that Comp gets alot of grief from people, but I really do think we need more leadership around here

    scoops owns this bitch and never posts (lol?) , wes is MIA half the time, and Comp is here most of the time, but has difficulty making decisions

    As far as im concerned, being mod is fairly simple.. keep threads on topic, keep negative/testing posts to a minimum , and do decisions based on what's best for the FORUM, not necessarily friends/members.

    I know it seems like I care too much, but this is my favorite site on the internet... with a bit more seriousness and better moderation , we can potentially grow and attract more people to post up in this piece.

    If a noob was to join they would see locked/moved threads all over the place, heated political debates, relentless trolling, and other bullshit.. not very appealing.

    let's clean this bitch up, get the pokerz talk going, and make this place the bomb like it was a couple years ago
  • also, im going to throw Jontm's name in the mix

    Jon is a poker guy through and through and this place could use someone like him as well.

    Jon is well respected not just here, but in the ENTIRE community. Not sure if he has enough time, or posts from an actual computer often enough (always asking people to post pics for him because hes on his tablet lol) but Jon would be an excellent choice as well fwiw.
  • costanza wrote: »
    should also mention that Comp gets alot of grief from people, but I really do think we need more leadership around here

    scoops owns this bitch and never posts (lol?) , wes is MIA half the time, and Comp is here most of the time, but has difficulty making decisions

    As far as im concerned, being mod is fairly simple.. keep threads on topic, keep negative/testing posts to a minimum , and do decisions based on what's best for the FORUM, not necessarily friends/members.

    I know it seems like I care too much, but this is my favorite site on the internet... with a bit more seriousness and better moderation , we can potentially grow and attract more people to post up in this piece.

    If a noob was to join they would see locked/moved threads all over the place, heated political debates, relentless trolling, and other bullshit.. not very appealing.

    let's clean this bitch up, get the pokerz talk going, and make this place the bomb like it was a couple years ago

    You have a selective memory for the "good ol' days" . . . this site goes through periodic spells like this. Kristy was quite good at it, in case you need a refresher. The poker talk is always ongoing, though it may take a back-seat to the drama (just like other sites). Hell, this site is tame compared to a Nissan Cube site I was in for a while when I first got mine. That place was nuts with mods trolling members harder than anyone has ever gone after you or darb . . . seriously, sometimes you don't realize how decent this site is . . . not that it's perfect, but it's not bad, overall.

  • My 2 cents;


    Comp is one of the fairest and patient mods I have run across and Scoops gives us a TON of rope. It's true, this place has turned into more of a social club than strictly a poker forum, but that's kinda what I like.

    The favorites thing holds no weight, look at 2+2...those guys can trash who they want in NVG and the higher the post count, the more slack they seem to get. It's the way it is.

    I would still love to hear what Comp would have done in Negreanu situation, just as it was a tough call.

    Anywhoo, we don't need new mods. I think any of the 3 listed would be less inclined to wade through the BS and much quicker on the Ban Hammer given the opportunity, so carefull what you wish for as they say...
  • jontm wrote: »
    My 2 cents;


    Comp is one of the fairest and patient mods I have run across and Scoops gives us a TON of rope. It's true, this place has turned into more of a social club than strictly a poker forum, but that's kinda what I like.

    The favorites thing holds no weight, look at 2+2...those guys can trash who they want in NVG and the higher the post count, the more slack they seem to get. It's the way it is.

    I would still love to hear what Comp would have done in Negreanu situation, just as it was a tough call.

    Anywhoo, we don't need new mods. I think any of the 3 listed would be less inclined to wade through the BS and much quicker on the Ban Hammer given the opportunity, so carefull what you wish for as they say...

    Will only quibble in that I think another mod would take some of the pressure off of comp in terms of monitoring.
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