

  • re post tho

  • Maybe offer him parole "if" he agrees to be deported and give up his citizenship... Otherwise serve the full time imo... Damage has already been done..
  • I think it is a damn shame. This kid was 15 years old. Convicted of a war crime for throwing a hand grenade when someone is shooting at him? The US needs to prosecute minors as war criminals? What a joke.

    And he didn't get 8 years. He got 8+10 years already served.

    This kid had no choice as to his parents and upbringing. They are the ones that need to be tossed.
  • So if you are raised as a Neo-Nazi it's all your parents's fault and you hold no blame for your actions?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Maybe offer him parole "if" he agrees to be deported and give up his citizenship... Otherwise serve the full time imo... Damage has already been done..

    Unforntunately, he was born here.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    So if you are raised as a Neo-Nazi it's all your parents's fault and you hold no blame for your actions?

    Does it make him 100% responsible? I guess you assume he was the one telling his parents to join up Al Qaeda because it was really cool and that all he asked for his 11th birthday was to move to Afghanistan because he wanted to be a suicide bomber when he grew up.

    You are a 15 year old kid and you are getting shot at. That makes him a war criminal worth an 18 year sentence?

    If he was caught planting roadside bombs or something but throwing a hand grenade defending yourself is hardly a terrorist act, never mind war criminal.

    First minor prosecuted for war crimes since WWII.
  • They should have done everyone a favour and summarily executed him in the field. Not a member of a recognized National Military organization, conducting operations against a legitimate military group. When he asked them to kill him, they should have obliged.

    That said, the "poor baby" never had a chance to be anything but a screwed up corpse in waiting. The parents are the real monsters in this tragedy. doubt Omar will ever be "deprogrammed", but he is Canadian, and we have an obligation to all our citizens, regardless of how execrable they may be.
  • Pretty fair trial no?

    Hey spend the rest of your life here or plead guilty. Sounds like a reasonable way to conduct law.

    15 year olds aren't responsible here .... why is he any different. Kid had no chance.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    15 year olds aren't responsible here .... why is he any different.

    He wasn't here? He can count himself lucky he was not tried in an Afghan court. doubt he would have lived to see his wounds heal.

    You can say what you like about Guantanomo Bay, and I think it is a stain on the reputation of the United States, but at least he received proper attention in the field, was accorded what his captors deemed to be a proper trial (though I would disagree there, as well), and will eventually be treated according to what Canada's Correctional Service deems appropriate. All in all, I think it is the best outcome he could have hoped for, given the circumstances.
  • All I know is that US Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales massacred 17 Afghan men, women and children and people feel sorry for him. Poor guy had a brain injury and suffered from PTSD. He garners a lot of sympathy from the right wingers, both here and in the US.

    But Khadr, let's face it, didn't play by the rules of this conflict. The US passed laws to allow them to capture and kill anybody they wanted and the Afghanis were not allowed to fight back. Ignorance is no excuse.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Maybe offer him parole "if" he agrees to be deported and give up his citizenship... Otherwise serve the full time imo... Damage has already been done..

    8 yrs? General population, the rest sorts it self out.
  • Deport the whole family IMO.
  • i don't know the specifics in this case, but i do enjoy the discussion of our responsibility in relation to blame/praise.

    he was what, 15? what if he was 10? 5? still responsible? still blameworthy?

    how responsible does he have to be to receive harsh punishment? 90% responsible? 75%? at least over 50%? in your opinion, how responsible was this kid? (and yes, he is still a kid)
  • In all seriousness though he should be giving a medal for fighting against (and killing) any American soldiers (and Canadian).

    Also a high five for any bodies he pissed on.
  • Its our god given right (given to us from the queen, who got her rights from god) as Canadians to hate Muslims.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Its our god given right (given to us from the queen, who got her rights from god) as Canadians to hate Muslims.

    I decide whom I dislike. And I dislike anyone who thinks the world would be a better place if I were not in it.
  • darbday wrote: »
    In all seriousness though he should be giving a medal for fighting against (and killing) any American soldiers (and Canadian).

    Also a high five for any bodies he pissed on.
    darbday wrote: »
    Its our god given right (given to us from the queen, who got her rights from god) as Canadians to hate Muslims.

  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    I decide whom I dislike. And I dislike anyone who thinks the world would be a better place if I were not in it.
    but you have to raise your intelligence to a level where you realize you are not smart enough to determine such a thing. You have to realize if you were in his shoes you would act the same way.

    And you have to realize, they hate us because we are ignorant towards them.

    Then you won't 'dislike' them so much, and then they won't dislike us so much.

    And you don't choose who you who you dislike, its conditioned into you, if you need an example, see this thread and link in op.
  • darbday wrote: »
    but you have to raise your intelligence to a level where you realize you are not smart enough to determine such a thing.

    If I personally hear someone state that they want a group of people (that I belong to), dead, then I am smart enough to determine that I should not hang around that person.
  • What if your group pissed on the other groups families dead bodies?

    deleted video as I find it offensive, may have actually happened but this is not the place..
  • darbday wrote: »
    What if its its a women and you and your group are raping her?

    I wouldn't be part of that group.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    I wouldn't be part of that group.
    you are Canadian right?
  • darbday wrote: »
    you are Canadian right?

    We have laws against that sort of thing. Not all Canadians rape Muslims. We would deal harshly with anyone we knew that would do this.

    It is unfortunate that their society doesn't feel the same about the extreme terrorists and their actions. If they persecuted them, the way we persecute our criminals, there wouldn't be an issue.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    We have laws against that sort of thing. Not all Canadians rape Muslims. We would deal harshly with anyone we knew that would do this.

    It is unfortunate that their society doesn't feel the same about the extreme terrorists and their actions. If they persecuted them, the way we persecute our criminals, there wouldn't be an issue.
    I encourage not to vote as you don't have the intelligence to make a proper decision, you still think that poker is fucking you with bad beats (you don't stop to question your game and try to improve it).

    Your definition of terrorist doesn't exist. A 'terrorist' is someone who goes against your countries ideals. For example, Americans piss on dead bodies, kill families children, and slaughter masses. They enter countries under their own laws and violently take over.

    The people who disagree and fight back are labeled terrorists, and idiots who fall for that scam subscribe to this.

    There are many people suffering this world, and you all have chosen to hate them and ignore them, and hate them when they hate you for your ignorance.
  • So the wrong-doer cannot do wrong without the hidden will of you all.
    Like a procession you walk together towards your god-self.
    You are the way and the wayfarers.
    And when one of you falls down he falls for those behind him, a caution against the stumbling stone.
    Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him, who though faster and surer of foot, yet removed not the stumbling stone.
    And this also, though the word lie heavy upon your hearts:
    The murdered is not unaccountable for his own murder,
    And the robbed is not blameless in being robbed.
    The righteous is not innocent of the deeds of the wicked,
    And the white-handed is not clean in the doings of the felon.
    Or do i not understand this?

  • darbday wrote: »
    I encourage not to vote as you don't have the intelligence to make a proper decision, you still think that poker is fucking you with bad beats (you don't stop to question your game and try to improve it).

    That's what I thought, you egotistical little troll. Not once did I make a derrogatory remark about your intelligence (or lack their of). I thought we were having a civilized debate.

    I can see now, that for all your words, you are not open to new ideas or even entertaining the thought that your view may be wrong or scewed.

    Because I make posts in a bad beat forum does not mean I am not trying to improve my game. By resorting to name calling, or making assumptions about me, you have told me all I need to know about you.

    Go smoke another one.

    G'bye Darbday.
  • i think that, i'm of course opposed to terror or any rational person is but I think that if we're serious about the question of terror serious about the question of violence, we have to recognize that it is a tactical and hence moral matter. incidentally, tactical issues are basically moral issues. they have to do with human consequences and if we're interested in let's say diminishing the amount of violence in the world, it's at least arguable and perhaps even sometimes true that a terroristic act does diminish the amount of violence in the world. hence a person who is opposed to violence will not be opposed to that terroristic act.
    or i didn't understand this maybe? (Noam Chomsky)

  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    That's what I thought, you egotistical little troll. Not once did I make a derrogatory remark about your intelligence (or lack their of). I thought we were having a civilized debate.
    No this isn't a civilizied debate. You are deciding a childs fate based on war crimes caused by YOUR ignorance. Thinking you have a right to comment and judge him is stupid, I'm accusing anyone here that is judging, of being stupid.
    I can see now, that for all your words, you are not open to new ideas or even entertaining the thought that your view may be wrong or scewed.
    You are trying to convince me that a 16 year old child is liable for war crimes, vs a facist country/army. Also I never claimed i was capable of changing my mind.
    Because I make posts in a bad beat forum does not mean I am not trying to improve my game.
    I wasn't suggesting you were trying to improve, i was pointing out the lunacy of constantly complaing and sinking money into a game of skill you refuse to improve at.
    By resorting to name calling, or making assumptions about me, you have told me all I need to know about you.
    I did no such thing.

    Go smoke another one.
    Again weed is a positive thing, not negative...you were lied too. ( this stoner is playing 24 tables while typing this)
    G'bye Darbday.
    was actually hopin to see you in the strat section.
  • honestly darb, for all your rhetoric you really come off as very dogmatic which seems to be the exact opposite of what you preach.
This discussion has been closed.