Who is this Fed you speak of?



  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Somewhat interesting that everyone sees my occupation and my stance on fed as contradictory rather than expert opinion.

    I do see it as contradictory, especially since I know you haven't exactly seen eye to eye with him in the past and certainly didn't gather all the facts...
    Look, I can't guarantee he won't re-offend in the douchness dept, in fact I can't guarantee I won't either but I do think it's time we allow his parole officer (me) time to work..;) As far as I can see only philli is on the same page as you, that should tell you something.. :D
  • compuease wrote: »
    I do see it as contradictory, especially since I know you haven't exactly seen eye to eye with him in the past and certainly didn't gather all the facts...
    Look, I can't guarantee he won't re-offend in the douchness dept, in fact I can't guarantee I won't either but I do think it's time we allow his parole officer (me) time to work..;) As far as I can see only philli is on the same page as you, that should tell you something.. :D

    Ya we have common sense.:)

    But hey I had arguements with Kristy and now am friends with her.

    All I care about is the forum members involved got their money.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Ya we have common sense.:)

    But hey I had arguements with Kristy and now am friends with her.

    All I care about is the forum members involved got their money.

    Having met DrTyore, I agree that he does. Please show proof of your common sense as I have seen nary a post proving said common sense exists in your world.
  • I agree with philli mark equals philli

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I agree with philli mark equals philli


  • Hold on...back the bus up...just a second here now...


    Well that changes EVERYTHING!

    I'm much more lurker than poster lately, and even then to a minimum, but I have to say Costanza's got a LONG way to go yet before he's back in the black imo. Sorry man, but history is what it is, and I just don't think people change THAT much THAT quickly.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Hold on...back the bus up...just a second here now...


    Well that changes EVERYTHING!

    I'm much more lurker than poster lately, and even then to a minimum, but I have to say Costanza's got a LONG way to go yet before he's back in the black imo. Sorry man, but history is what it is, and I just don't think people change THAT much THAT quickly.

    I don't know that he's necessarily said anything about all being forgiven and things of that nature. In fact, he's said exactly the opposite, stating that he understands people being hesitant and hopes that they'll give him another shot. He's owned up to his behaviour from the past and how bad it was and that even he himself can't believe he was "that" guy.

    I don't know if he's fully changed either. That said, I do feel his current incarnation has shown remorse and proven himself to be a commodity for our forum.
  • Thinking this through, closing this thread as it now serves no purpose other than a bashing whomever thread... Fed is on probation, for as long as we see fit and that's it... No need to keep rehashing old issues unless they are repeated.... Now we just need Rocco to come back and repent...
This discussion has been closed.