Who is this Fed you speak of?

Exactly what were Feds crimes against the PFC? I've seen the references but now I need the story behind the legend. Some deets would be helpful to those of us that haven't been round the forum as long. Perhaps Hobbes has some documentation in the asshole files?


  • Those are classified and compartmentalized. You need not know of this.

    Try search.
  • For the love of Christ lets move on

    I've been thru the wringer and admitted my faults

    Yeah, I used to troll hard and say retarded shit, but I've grown up and tried hard to be a normal contributing member that stays positive

    I've made some good ass friends from this site and networked well and ppl will vouch that I'm a stand up up guy.

    I really don't care about ppl's problems with me from the past, I've apologized tons and paid my dues and took my tongue lashings and the ridicule.

    If u wanna carry on with it then go for it, I don't give a fuck.
  • I've made my peace with him and I won't be adding to this.
  • pretty sure the op has no clue about the past, and as the op reads threads and occasionally sees someone say FED or references FED, the op is wondering what the hell everyone is talking about
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    pretty sure the op has no clue about the past, and as the op reads threads and occasionally sees someone say FED or references FED, the op is wondering what the hell everyone is talking about

    Ah yes, ty for clearing that up steve

    fed Cliffs:

    -Used to smoke ALOT of weed and drink ALOT
    -insulted probably every single member in some way
    -grew up
    -fell in love with poker (really in love)
    -studied the game hard, ran ok, ppl started realizing I'm not a complete retard
    -met ppl from here, knew I had to clean up my act
    -stopped drinking/smoking herb all together
    -looked at past and shook my head isthisreallife.jpg
    -apaologized to everyone I crossed, admitted my faults
    -hoping to move on as best I can with the huge douchebag shadow I cast on myself

    Above cliffs may not be in chronological order

    again, I'm sorry to anyone ive ever offended and regret my past to the fullest , it's an embarrassment and still affects me, I'm red faced as I write this.

    I feel like brad booth right now lol, Fack.
  • costanza wrote: »
    I feel like brad booth right now lol, Fack.

    You owe somebody $30K?
  • compuease wrote: »
    You owe somebody $30K?

  • ive seen this before on other threads - ' isthisreallife.jpg'

    why the .jpg??
  • I remember seeing posts about fed. I'm assuming by his post costanza was formerly known as fed. Costanza seems like a very decent guy from what I've seen so whatever.
  • When I first came here Milo kept accusing me of being Fed in the home game.

    I busted him that game as well.
  • He also said that I play exactly like fed.

    I took it as an insult not knowing if thats what he meant.

    and then I busted him.
  • Playing like me is probably the best compliment u could ever get imo
  • costanza wrote: »
    Playing like me is probably the best compliment u could ever get imo
    I wish i had the rungood you've been getting the last couple years. Especially that 5.50 big you took down about 3 months ago.
  • costanza wrote: »
    again, I'm sorry to anyone ive ever offended and regret my past to the fullest , it's an embarrassment and still affects me, I'm red faced as I write this.

    You were a huge dick to everyone, and a real pain in the ass to CPF. Although you will still have some more penitence to go through, I'm starting to come around on this. If Hobbes can forgive and forget so can I. I too was a very different man when I was younger, made many mistakes, nut finally grew up and made a change for the better.

    Can I ask what motivated you to change?
  • Definite change in going from fed to costanza. Fed was a nutjob. Costanza just plays the nuts.
  • I wish i had the rungood you've been getting the last couple years. Especially that 5.50 big you took down about 3 months ago.

    haha thanx, ive only really crushed for about 8 months now, I'm still pretty sheepish about shoving air on the turn and drilled a wheel to 4 out the villian and cruise to ship town, pretty ridic.

    Thanx for the words tho

    JohnnieH wrote: »
    You were a huge dick to everyone, and a real pain in the ass to CPF. Although you will still have some more penitence to go through, I'm starting to come around on this. If
    Hobbes can forgive and forget so can I. I too was a very different man when I was younger, made many mistakes, nut finally grew up and made a change for the better.

    Can I ask what motivated you to change?

    I just knew that poker is something I want to do well for the rest of my life.

    Reputation is everything in this game and I want to be known as a trust worthy good man like all my friends, not some punk douchebag.

    I also grew up, some IRL stuff occured an I have smartened up, I was a disgrace before and just really wack over all, not just on forums but IRL too.

    Alot of great people/posters on this forum, and I hope to follow in their steps and be a respected person in the community.

    don't get me wrong, I still horse around a bit and have fun with people but as far as insulting and berating ppl, those days are over.

    Thanx for being able to see past prior bullshit johnnie. I know that ain't easy.
  • Personal growth on a Poker Forum. Let's see 2+2 do that !!
  • am I the only one that didn't know Costanza = Fed?
  • Costanza, thats one hell of a bird you have as your avatar ;) but why is it foaming ice from the mouth??! haha
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    am I the only one that didn't know Costanza = Fed?

    I didn't.

    BUt then again I never really knew who fed was either
  • Costanza, thats one hell of a bird you have as your avatar ;) but why is it foaming ice from the mouth??! haha

    it is cold in newfieland
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    am I the only one that didn't know Costanza = Fed?

    I think this is a good thing, prolly means I turned a leaf, most ppl knew, was never trying to hide it.
    Costanza, thats one hell of a bird you have as your avatar ;) but why is it foaming ice from the mouth??! haha

    That's a puffin, I'm very proud to be a Newfoundlander

    That's Caplin in her mouth too btw lol not foam
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    am I the only one that didn't know Costanza = Fed?

    i just found this out the other day from milo
  • newbs not knowing fed = costanza. lol. Think this was solved by the time Costanza had two posts....

    I knew fed/costanza in highschool, and while we didnt really hang out, we had a lot of common friends, and def had some classes together. Glad I have got to know costanza, rather than fed though...

    Good work M. Keep it up.
  • ive seen this before on other threads - ' isthisreallife.jpg'

    why the .jpg??


  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    am I the only one that didn't know Costanza = Fed?

    I participate in his BAP's regardless of prior acts.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    am I the only one that didn't know Costanza = Fed?

    i had no idea either lol
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Personal growth on a Poker Forum. Let's see 2+2 do that !!

    Well, I don't know about 2+2, but I keep getting e-mails for these pills that promise HUGE personal growth. Fortunately, that is not an issue for me, as people constantly tell me what a huge dick I am.
  • Fed was a douche.

    Costanza is a good dude.

This discussion has been closed.