Who is this Fed you speak of?



  • Where's Rocco?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Where's Rocco?

    Fed has nothing on Rocco.

    I miss Rocco.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Fed has nothing on Rocco.

    I miss Rocco.

    A yes, good old Rocco, one of the many times I've had my life threatened... :-X

    And xxCindyxx and so many more... Wouldn't it be nice to have a reunion?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Fed was a douche.

    Costanza is a good dude.


    ty sir.

    whose rocco?
  • Rocco = Macke, iirc. :D
  • Not that you owe anyone excuses, justifications, rationalizations, etc. and certainly don't owe me anything at all.. Discuss your behaviour on P5. I'm not a member, but I have lurked. Your assholery on there made you legendary in a very short time and that wasn't long ago. Again, you don't owe me anything so you can ignore this if you wish.

    I was a major asshole in many regards when I was younger as well (not saying you're an asshole, but you could be a fine addition to our army). I've honed that skill to a fine razor sharp edge however and now know when to draw my blade rather than flail it around at will.

    Either way, having someone else on here from this neck of the woods is a nice thing.
  • Not that you owe anyone excuses, justifications, rationalizations, etc. and certainly don't owe me anything at all.. Discuss your behaviour on P5. I'm not a member, but I have lurked. Your assholery on there made you legendary in a very short time and that wasn't long ago. Again, you don't owe me anything so you can ignore this if you wish.

    I was a major asshole in many regards when I was younger as well (not saying you're an asshole, but you could be a fine addition to our army). I've honed that skill to a fine razor sharp edge however and now know when to draw my blade rather than flail it around at will.

    Either way, having someone else on here from this neck of the woods is a nice thing.

    lol sweet jesus what a shit show that site was for me

    started with an innocent story involving my cat and rope, and snowballed into something that is undescribeable and led to me trolling like insanely just for the lulz

    I got it out of my system, I dont even post over there anymore, it is what it is
  • Not to be a complete asshole, but I did find the rope stuff pretty funny and the fact that it was driving you kind of crazy. Those guys were relentless about the rope and their desire for pics.
  • Still waiting, too . . .

    and Bill, the LAST thing ANY of us want to see is you flailing your "blade" around. You just keep that sucker tucked away, okay?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Still waiting, too . . .

    and Bill, the LAST thing ANY of us want to see is you flailing your "blade" around. You just keep that sucker tucked away, okay?

    waiting for what sir?
  • Oh man.

    Pics man pics! Said rope!
  • Not to be a complete asshole, but I did find the rope stuff pretty funny and the fact that it was driving you kind of crazy. Those guys were relentless about the rope and their desire for pics.

    Link ?
  • Nonononono . . . go to P5s and search it for yourself.
  • TheMill wrote: »
    Link ?

    If I remember correctly, there would be too many links to refer you to.
  • If I remember correctly, there would be too many links to refer you to.

  • We just want ONE link . . . pics or GTFO . . . lol
  • Lot of glad-handing here...

    Fed stole money from forum members. He lied / mislead other forum members. He then compounded this by ignoring his repeated bans, and further tried to circumvent things through fake accounts, FB connections, and deception.

    He should not be back, regardless of personality amendments. He is a thief and a liar.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Lot of glad-handing here...

    Fed stole money from forum members. He lied / mislead other forum members. He then compounded this by ignoring his repeated bans, and further tried to circumvent things through fake accounts, FB connections, and deception.

    He should not be back, regardless of personality amendments. He is a thief and a liar.

    Personal knowledge? And given your line of work and non capital punishment stance I find this post strangely odd... Do you know something?

    My personal position and read? Well it's one of caution... Can someone have an epiphany and change so quickly? Time will tell....
    Since I've never met him, it's hard to get a real true read but as long as he doesn't slip and fall back to old ways I'm ambivalent.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Fed stole money from forum members.

    i was not aware of this. i just thought he was an asshole. is this true? who did he steal from?
  • lol I never stole from anyone, I did a swap with t8 , I was tardy with shipping but I squared up and shipped vig for inconvenience. Truth be told I deposited and was to noob to know it took time to clear e-check to transfer, and was also to noob/scared to tell anyone lol. What a mess.

    No idea what that other shit dryyore is talking about but w/e

    I can't please everyone, there is bound to be ppl that can't get over things and I'm ok with that and deserve it, I don't take it personally. I got ppl who actually matter in the poker world knowing I'm all good these days, so that's all that matters to me, if they can see I'm an ok dude, then so will everyone else. Even if it takes time

    Let's lock this thread up, it sucks.

  • costanza wrote: »
    lol I never stole from anyone, I did a swap with t8 , I was tardy with shipping but I squared up and shipped vig for inconvenience. Truth be told I deposited and was to noob to know it took time to clear e-check to transfer, and was also to noob/scared to tell anyone lol. What a mess.


    This is false.


  • DrTyore wrote: »

    lmao circa 3+ years ago

    ppl change mark.

    also, i wasnt aware thats how it went down

    slightly better then what i thought, but still effed
  • I wasn't even aware that Costanza was Fed until he told me a few weeks ago. I must have been busy during the time that this was revealed. I don't recall him ever stealing, but I do take breaks at times from the forum due to IRL stuff.

    Personally, I think in his current form that he is a benefit to the forum. He certainly plays much more poker than some of his detractors and seems genuinely interested in improving his game.

    I would likely be more hesitant in shipping him 2k for backing than other more established members without a jaded history, but other than that I have nothing against him at all and actually enjoy his posts and sense of humour on here.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I wasn't even aware that Costanza was Fed until he told me a few weeks ago. I must have been busy during the time that this was revealed. I don't recall him ever stealing, but I do take breaks at times from the forum due to IRL stuff.

    Personally, I think in his current form that he is a benefit to the forum. He certainly plays much more poker than some of his detractors and seems genuinely interested in improving his game.

    I would likely be more hesitant in shipping him 2k for backing than other more established members without a jaded history, but other than that I have nothing against him at all and actually enjoy his posts and sense of humour on here.

    wow. you won over GTA. that's gotta mean something.

    fed never personally fucked with me and constanza seems like a stand up guy.
  • Wait, did Fed hang a cat?

    That's not cool...
  • Macke wrote: »
    Wait, did Fed hang a cat?

    That's not cool...

    lol... Nothing as serious as that...

    OK for the record Mark, and others who are questioning whether or not Mike (aka Fed) was/is a scammer. T8 has confirmed that Fed did pay him back and is ok with him.. He even bought one of Costanza's baps..
    What it seems like is that T8 shipped him $50. on Full Tilt, Fed lost $10. on a HU SNG, then he shipped $40. back to T8 with the explanation that he would ship back the extra &10. as soon as he could deposit on Stars. Then after he had deposited on Stars they wouldn't let him transfer right away so it was delayed. In the mean time the fan got hit by a bunch of brown stuff and we (the rest of the forum) lost track. Some time later apparently Fed shipped $15. to T8 on Stars as "vig". Now T8 can't recall the exact amount but is fine with it so please let the whole past die unless someone can provide proof of real scams or other recent (past few months or so) transgressions...

    No doubt he was a douche, he admits it, he apologizes profusely, so unless something new develops it's over... I have declared it so.. Even murders get parole here in Canada. :)

    If anyone has a problem with that pm me..
  • Mark - dont you work with troubled teens or something like that helping them get better / reform / whatever?

    I could be way off though.......
  • Folks . . . breath . . . it's just Mark's "time of the month". He'll be back to normal in a few days.
  • Hey

    All I'm saying is this is a guy that was "permabanned", until he basically ignored all the times he was told he's not allowed back and everyone caved.

    Everyone's forgiven, cool. But let's not forget, and certainly not let revisionist history open the door for a repeat.

    And yes, I do work with kids who get in trouble. Somewhat interesting that everyone sees my occupation and my stance on fed as contradictory rather than expert opinion.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    And yes, I do work with kids who get in trouble. Somewhat interesting that everyone sees my occupation and my stance on fed as contradictory rather than expert opinion.

    that is just lol.

This discussion has been closed.