CPF Help Appreciated!

On behalf of my 8 year old son I am asking for a piece of your time (or pieces...whatever you can afford is very much appreciated). My son Garrett is a burgeoning golfnut and by all evidence at the driving range will be outplaying me in the near future. We recently found a very generous contest being put on by GolfNorth, as they look for a re-design of their junior golf logo, that really got him excited. Contest details can be found here.. Golf North - GolfNorth FORE Kids but in short it is offering a GolfNorth Junior Membership every year until the age of 17, new Callaway clubs and bag and numerous other GolfNorth goodies for the top 50 vote getters from all entries.

For those of you outside the SW Ontario area, GolfNorth is a collection of courses partially owned by Jim Ballsilie which has it's warts and club issues, but there is no denying this is a very generous offer and my son is very stoked with the thoughts of a golf membership for the next 9 years.

Now here's where the CPF community can help. If you can spare a minute to go to the link Golf North - GolfNorth FORE Kids and scroll down to Vote Now and look for the entry called "Golf Fun Ahead!" (it says by Chris Lichti but that's me, the entry was done by my son Garrett but the entry process wouldn't allow an 8 year old in) and please give it a vote. You can vote for up to 3 entries once a day until June 9th so any time you can spare over the next 2 weeks to vote for him it would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any and all support from the CPF community.


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