Dead Pool III TEAMS . . .



  • I'm on a roll. I stuck with you Etta................. As Mole said, at last.

    wildbill7145 on P* gentlemen.

    Just in case some of you suckers get a payoff situation, could you all send your P* screen name to Milo by PM? He could add it to your roster for prompt payment rather than seeing "Where do I ship?" again and again.
  • Where do I ship?
  • Hey Bill.

    Where do I ship?
  • I thought I had this worked out of my system, however to my dismay....

  • $6 shipped to wildbill7145
  • I thought I had this worked out of my system, however to my dismay....


    Is there something in the rules like the rule in Monopoly where you can't collect rent when you're in jail? Pls put it in so that we don't have to pay Bill when compuease drops the hammer ;-)
  • Sorry Al, I think you missed something. Hobbes' has self appointed himself said "PFC asshole", thus.... No ban hammer.

    (you should read the thread pertaining to this if you haven't. It's pretty funny.)

    I was about to send Mole back a buck until I remembered the age categories!

    $6 Paid as Etta sadly passed at the tender age of 73:
  • I'm starting to think Bill is cheating.

    Shipped to the lucky fucker :D

    EDIT: Note to everyone, please check that the amount you ship is correct. I just underpaid Bill by $1 b/c I didn't see her age!
  • Interestingly, I just made an asshole out of myself over this. Got an email from an old friend I hadn't spoken to in a long time. We had a mutual affinity for Etta's music and she sent me a short email with a link to a headline re Etta.

    I replied "Yeah, pretty sad but I made almost $50 from it. How did you know I had her in a dead pool?" I later realized that she didn't know and that wasn't why she sent the email.

  • Ms. James pays off at $6.00 for Wildbill . . . that's two for the reigning champ.
  • Shipped...
  • Ugh, serious bad beat here.

    Reports: Joe Paterno 'near death,' off respirator -

    Just checked everyone's roster and he's no where to be found......except that I had him #23 on my list, and ahead of the bottom 5 on my roster.

    EDIT: Actually listed above my bottom 6 *sigh*
  • Don't think anyone had him Mole.

    He gone.

    Former Penn State coach Joe Paterno dies

    "More to come." they say..
  • Don't be so quick Bill, apparently it is near but has not happened as yet.

    Definitely conflicting reports... Hope you guys aren't so quick to report on my demise...

    Spokesman: Joe Paterno in serious condition - CBS News
  • I don't think he's dead yet. Heard on the radio that the reporter jumped the gun.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Don't be so quick Bill, apparently it is near but has not happened as yet.

    Definitely conflicting reports... Hope you guys aren't so quick to report on my demise...

    Spokesman: Joe Paterno in serious condition - CBS News

    We'll poke you with a stick first. :D
  • Published 30 min ago.

    A letter from the Managing Editor of Onward State:

    Earlier this evening, Onward State reported that Joe Paterno had passed away. However, the mountain of evidence stacked opposite that report is too much to ignore. At this time, I would like to issue a retraction of our earlier tweets.

    I never, in a million years, would have thought that Onward State would be cited by the national media, and today, I sincerely wish it never had been. To all those who read and passed along our reports, I sincerely apologize for misleading you. To the Penn State community and to the Paterno family most of all, I could not be more sorry for the emotional anguish I am sure we caused. There are no excuses for what we did. We all make mistakes, but it’s impossible to brush off one of this magnitude. Right now, we deserve all of the criticism headed our way.

    In this day and age, getting it first often conflicts with getting it right, but our intention was never to fall into that chasm. All I can do now is promise that in the future, we will exercise caution, restraint, and humility.

    I can only hope and pray that the outstanding work our writers and photographers do on a day-to-day basis is not overshadowed by the events of tonight. I understand that our reputation is in serious question, but I hope you will continue to stand by us as we do everything in our power to make amends.

    To begin that process, I will be stepping down from my post as Managing Editor, effective immediately. I take full responsibility for the events that transpired tonight, and for the black mark upon the organization that I have caused.

    I ask not for your forgiveness, but for your understanding. I am so very, very, sorry, and we at Onward State continue to pray for Coach Paterno.


    Devon Edwards
  • Don't think anyone had him Mole.

    Um, yeah I know, because Milo skipped him on my list. Did Hobbes steal your log-in?

  • Um, yeah I know, because Milo skipped him on my list. Did Hobbes steal your log-in?


    FUCK ME !!! You are right, Mole, I do not know how I missed that. If Joe Pa expires, I will ship. My apologies for the error.
  • Fuggetaboutit.

    At least I don't have to pay out someone else for it......especially wildbill....that guy makes Hobbes look like an angel.
  • Fuggetaboutit.

    At least I don't have to pay out someone else for it......especially wildbill....that guy makes Hobbes look like an angel.

    Bill is an angel, an ANGEL OF DEATH, muhahahahaha
  • You would think the Van Sun would double check references. When I lived in Van, The Province was the local tabloid rag that regularly jumped the gun.

    Great, now I'm the resident Angel of Death, an asshole and an idiot.

    At least I'm in great company.
  • You would think the Van Sun would double check references. When I lived in Van, The Province was the local tabloid rag that regularly jumped the gun.

    Great, now I'm the resident Angel of Death, an asshole and an idiot.

    At least I'm in great company.

    Welcome to the club. :)
  • Dam, I forgot to ship

    $6 shipped to wildbill7145
  • You would think the Van Sun would double check references. When I lived in Van, The Province was the local tabloid rag that regularly jumped the gun.

    Great, now I'm the resident Angel of Death, an asshole and an idiot.

    At least I'm in great company.

    As long as you don't steal my Cookie Monster gimmick, we're cool :)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Dam, I forgot to ship

    $6 shipped to wildbill7145

    I was going to say something, but I figured I'd been awfully hard on you of late and had perhaps hurt your feeling (singular). Rec'd.
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