marks intellegence...



  • Pinhead wrote: »
    This thread actually hurts my head, not because of the debating, or the merits of either side's arguments, but because Mark's grammar is the one being questioned.

    Darb, if you're going to question somebody else's intelligence and grammar, do us all a favour and google "homonyms" so we can understand what you're (note: "you are" not "your") trying to say

    I honestly always thought that English was not his first language. Am I incorrect?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I have to admit that I always find it a bit amusing when Mark gives poker advice.

    Bah! You beat me HU one time!! Geez :P

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I honestly always thought that English was not his first language. Am I incorrect?

    I just thank god this wasn't a tete-a-tete between Darb and philli or my head would have already asploded trying to decipher it.
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    This thread actually hurts my head, not because of the debating, or the merits of either side's arguments, but because Mark's grammar is the one being questioned.

    Darb, if you're going to question somebody else's intelligence and grammar, do us all a favour and google "homonyms" so we can understand what you're (note: "you are" not "your") trying to say

    I didn't make you read it all....nor this response but your correlating grammar with intelligence and they don't relate.....

    I don't believe Mark's grammar was in question.....

    and I think grammar is becoming obsolete......but ya i 12 tabled all day yesterday while multitasking 4 or 5 different activities.....

    Just didn't have time....:-[
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    meh, try not to leave. I still believe this could be a good learning enviroment if we got something going. I'm probably the one worst suited to set up a skype chat or a grinding session since I'm in probably the least compatible timezone possible for this forum...

    Anyway, I've never really gotten the chance to talk poker with you so try to at least stick around until I get the chance to . With prague coming up I could use all the help and discussion I can get :P
    not leaving because of a disagreement.....threatened if the thread was bluff too..can't believe you all called...???
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Darb, Mark's an agitator. It's what he does. There's two ways you can go about it:

    1 - Start a thread in a forum because you're pissed off at him and don't know how to make him stop but then state later in the thread that you're not actually mad at him and thus show you're either lying or really, reaaaaaaaallllllly stoned as you started a random flogging thread for no real reason and are now busy contemplating the meaning of string,


    2 - Do what I did: take your 30 second phone call with Vince McMahon (it's cool, everybody gets one) and use it to convince him to put the world heavyweight title on Mark Henry and that a match between Henry and Great Khali on Raw would draw damned good ratings. Seriously, it's fun! I literally heard him peeling the wallpaper off with his fingernails and his head imploding when it happened :)
    1-string is just a dot from and infinite perspective....

    2-omg can you really do that wtf???
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I honestly always thought that English was not his first language. Am I incorrect? no ...thats not an excuse.....

    im just slow :(
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    With prague coming up I could use all the help and discussion I can get :P
    is he really allowed to just turn this into a brag tho ???
  • I can't 12 table. 12 tabling is impressive to me, if you're at least breaking even.
  • darbday wrote: »
    is he really allowed to just turn this into a brag tho ???

    meh, wpt prague or ept prague would've been a brag. forumers seem to play $1500 tourneys all the time lol
  • literation wrote: »
    I can't 12 table. 12 tabling is impressive to me, if you're at least breaking even.

    It's true. I checked in on him yesterday. Couldn't believe he was immersed in that drama, plus multi tabling so many games. Pretty sick, on 2 levels :)
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    It's true. I checked in on him yesterday. Couldn't believe he was immersed in that drama, plus multi tabling so many games. Pretty sick, on 2 levels :)

    If he was actually playing. :D

    <- Stirs the pot :D
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Hmm... it would appear I'm pretty unpopular everywhere west of St. John's . . .


    Just cuz you seemed lonely
  • Lol this thread gotz referenzed...

    Just wanted to point out that according to sharkscope, our friend darb here is "killing me" at the game, but about $0.08, and 3 points of ability... I iz pwned.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Lol this thread gotz referenzed...

    Just wanted to point out that according to sharkscope, our friend darb here is "killing me" at the game, but about $0.08, and 3 points of ability... I iz pwned.

    I'll teach you how to read stats one day too ;)

    But you can bash my results and even berate my game, it doesn't bother me, I came here to find my leaks. I'll admit haven't been doing well this year because Vekked changed something in my game but left me with only half a thought. But the recent min raise folding thread just made a whole shit load of things crystal clear.

    It does however, bother me when you berate me so much that you've obviously taken a personal and emotional stance to were filling the chat box with berating comments towards me the whole game. And every time I would make a play you would call me down for it. Then you would come on the forum and do the same thing in all the threads I was posting in.

    The point of this thread was...

    Calling yourself intelligent
    Taking time from your day to ruin someone's poker experience +

    =Uncontrollable ignorant stupidity
  • Man Darb...

    If you really think I hate you personally, you're vastly over estimating your importance in my life.

    Take my advice in the other thread, go see a professional (mental health, not poker).

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Man Darb...

    If you really think I hate you personally, you're vastly over estimating your importance in my life.

    i agree. i don't think you hate darb at all.

    it's definitely more focused on what you enjoy doing. that is, acting superior and arrogant. i honestly don't really disagree with your opinions most of the time (some are just insane though, sorry).

    however, i almost always disagree with the way you state your opinions though as tact is something that is greatly lacking in your online conversations (and you've even admitted this multiple times yet always at the same time say something about how you don't care about acting the way you do - in fact you're proud of the way you act on here. perhaps this concept should also be something discussed in your CBT classes as it seems pretty pertinent and important imho).

    also, i hope you took notice that i used the word 'opinion' when referring to your arguments on here. it's sad that you don't realize that they are opinions and not facts. you're not the only one guilty of that on here though.

    and i apologize if it seems like i'm attacking you but i'm of the opinion that we can disagree and not be assholes about it. i love debating when open minds are present. i've never seen you consider a point you disagree with simply because beforehand you already knew your opinion was right to begin with, and you think that everyone else who disagrees with you is stupid. i'm sorry but that's not debating.

    it is quite funny that you of all people on this site try to start 'debates'. you need to come up with a new term for them because you my friend have never debated about anything from what i've seen on here.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i agree. i don't think you hate darb at all.

    it's definitely more focused on what you enjoy doing. that is, acting superior and arrogant. i honestly don't really disagree with your opinions most of the time (some are just insane though, sorry).

    however, i almost always disagree with the way you state your opinions though as tact is something that is greatly lacking in your online conversations (and you've even admitted this multiple times yet always at the same time say something about how you don't care about acting the way you do - in fact you're proud of the way you act on here. perhaps this concept should also be something discussed in your CBT classes as it seems pretty pertinent and important imho).

    also, i hope you took notice that i used the word 'opinion' when referring to your arguments on here. it's sad that you don't realize that they are opinions and not facts. you're not the only one guilty of that on here though.

    and i apologize if it seems like i'm attacking you but i'm of the opinion that we can disagree and not be assholes about it. i love debating when open minds are present. i've never seen you consider a point you disagree with simply because beforehand you already knew your opinion was right to begin with, and you think that everyone else who disagrees with you is stupid. i'm sorry but that's not debating.

    it is quite funny that you of all people on this site try to start 'debates'. you need to come up with a new term for them because you my friend have never debated about anything from what i've seen on here.


    I know it's hard to see on here, but I do consider when people give me their thoughts. Taking time to type things out however, allows me to mentally make up my mind about them, and disregard them.

    I do have strong opinions on many things. I think that's a good thing, and like it when people stand up to me. Now, I'm terrible with names / faces, have we met IRL? I'd love to sit and chat. You'll see I am still very strongly opinionated, and an asshole, but a loveable one! :) The relationships I have with some of the people on here are not ones most would have guessed at working out due to diametrically opposed POV's. If you're in the area, come out and let's have a drink.

  • One thing I can say about Mark is no matter how much you disagree with him and his views, he is still a lovable asshole, just like he said.
  • Darb = Einstein on crack (I never seem to know what the phuck he is saying, but it sounds right?)

    Mark = Einstein on roids (tells u what your oppinion should be, and will phuck u up if you don't agree)
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I know it's hard to see on here, but I do consider when people give me their thoughts. Taking time to type things out however, allows me to mentally make up my mind about them, and disregard them.

    I do have strong opinions on many things. I think that's a good thing, and like it when people stand up to me. Now, I'm terrible with names / faces, have we met IRL? I'd love to sit and chat. You'll see I am still very strongly opinionated, and an asshole, but a loveable one! :) The relationships I have with some of the people on here are not ones most would have guessed at working out due to diametrically opposed POV's. If you're in the area, come out and let's have a drink.


    we've never met IRL though i think we probably would get along fine. i don't mind strong opinions (actually i prefer them in general). i was considering heading out to a CPF game this summer since i have never attended one yet.
  • trigs wrote: »
    was considering heading out to a CPF game this summer since i have never attended one yet.

    Aug 1st is Badugi @ zithal's
  • Trigs;

    LMK when you go and I'll do my best to show up. I may even share a drink with ya! :)

  • why are there no quotes in the title?
  • You got anything more here, or are we done? I have to admit, I'm surprised nobody else is chirping in....

    Our hands are all to greasy from the butter on the popcorn.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Aug 1st is Badugi @ zithal's

    that's one of the reasons i don't go. i pretty much suck at poker outside of holdem and 5 card draw (well, i kind of suck at them too). i could possibly do omaha and nit it up hard but that's about it.
  • What I see are people like Darb posting wildly outrageous claims and disregarding all input that doesn't corroborate their initial point. Granted, Mark likes to poke fun at these people for his (and our) entertainment. Maybe it gets a little mean spirited when the OP becomes incensed and tries to make it personal. Then time and again, Mark does not back down and things escalate.
    Some would argue that Mark need not be involved at all and then there would be no issue but I feel that would be wrong. The root is certain people not being able to accept the responsibility of conflicting views when they put forward their initial statement. This isn't kindergarten. We don't hold hands and we don't coddle. I've seen many debates turn into flame wars on here but many have been debates have been a legitimate sharing of differing view points. Mark and Milo often disagree but nobody would claim that Mark hates Milo and targets him or vice versa.
    Now I admit I'm more of a lurker and not a frequent poster so I take a somewhat voyeuristic pleasure in Mark's witty dissections of certain outrageous claims. I don't agree with him on everything but I don't get all offended and take it personally. I've been attacked on here before and sure it pissed me off momentarily. Then I remembered that this is just an online forum that has no bearing on my personal worth or sense of self IRL and I moved on.
    Sometimes people with little going on in their lives try and build themselves up online. They then place way too much value in their online persona, it's image and how others online perceive them. This makes them get unreasonably upset whenever someone threatens to unravel their built up pseudo-self. Then Mark comes in and...
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    What I see are people like Darb posting wildly outrageous claims and disregarding all input that doesn't corroborate their initial point. Granted, Mark likes to poke fun at these people for his (and our) entertainment. Maybe it gets a little mean spirited when the OP becomes incensed and tries to make it personal. Then time and again, Mark does not back down and things escalate.
    Some would argue that Mark need not be involved at all and then there would be no issue but I feel that would be wrong. The root is certain people not being able to accept the responsibility of conflicting views when they put forward their initial statement. This isn't kindergarten. We don't hold hands and we don't coddle. I've seen many debates turn into flame wars on here but many have been debates have been a legitimate sharing of differing view points. Mark and Milo often disagree but nobody would claim that Mark hates Milo and targets him or vice versa.
    Now I admit I'm more of a lurker and not a frequent poster so I take a somewhat voyeuristic pleasure in Mark's witty dissections of certain outrageous claims. I don't agree with him on everything but I don't get all offended and take it personally. I've been attacked on here before and sure it pissed me off momentarily. Then I remembered that this is just an online forum that has no bearing on my personal worth or sense of self IRL and I moved on.
    Sometimes people with little going on in their lives try and build themselves up online. They then place way too much value in their online persona, it's image and how others online perceive them. This makes them get unreasonably upset whenever someone threatens to unravel their built up pseudo-self. Then Mark comes in and...
    I feel like you're commenting on a situation that you did not witness.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    What I see are people like Darb posting wildly outrageous claims and disregarding all input that doesn't corroborate their initial point. Granted, Mark likes to poke fun at these people for his (and our) entertainment. Maybe it gets a little mean spirited when the OP becomes incensed and tries to make it personal. Then time and again, Mark does not back down and things escalate.
    Some would argue that Mark need not be involved at all and then there would be no issue but I feel that would be wrong. The root is certain people not being able to accept the responsibility of conflicting views when they put forward their initial statement. This isn't kindergarten. We don't hold hands and we don't coddle. I've seen many debates turn into flame wars on here but many have been debates have been a legitimate sharing of differing view points. Mark and Milo often disagree but nobody would claim that Mark hates Milo and targets him or vice versa.
    Now I admit I'm more of a lurker and not a frequent poster so I take a somewhat voyeuristic pleasure in Mark's witty dissections of certain outrageous claims. I don't agree with him on everything but I don't get all offended and take it personally. I've been attacked on here before and sure it pissed me off momentarily. Then I remembered that this is just an online forum that has no bearing on my personal worth or sense of self IRL and I moved on.
    Sometimes people with little going on in their lives try and build themselves up online. They then place way too much value in their online persona, it's image and how others online perceive them. This makes them get unreasonably upset whenever someone threatens to unravel their built up pseudo-self. Then Mark comes in and...

    Boy you're way off...

    I'd totally hold your hand.

  • Shtebs wrote: »
    What I see are people like Darb posting wildly outrageous claims and disregarding all input that doesn't corroborate their initial point. Granted, Mark likes to poke fun at these people for his (and our) entertainment. Maybe it gets a little mean spirited when the OP becomes incensed and tries to make it personal. Then time and again, Mark does not back down and things escalate.
    Some would argue that Mark need not be involved at all and then there would be no issue but I feel that would be wrong. The root is certain people not being able to accept the responsibility of conflicting views when they put forward their initial statement. This isn't kindergarten. We don't hold hands and we don't coddle. I've seen many debates turn into flame wars on here but many have been debates have been a legitimate sharing of differing view points. Mark and Milo often disagree but nobody would claim that Mark hates Milo and targets him or vice versa.
    Now I admit I'm more of a lurker and not a frequent poster so I take a somewhat voyeuristic pleasure in Mark's witty dissections of certain outrageous claims. I don't agree with him on everything but I don't get all offended and take it personally. I've been attacked on here before and sure it pissed me off momentarily. Then I remembered that this is just an online forum that has no bearing on my personal worth or sense of self IRL and I moved on.
    Sometimes people with little going on in their lives try and build themselves up online. They then place way too much value in their online persona, it's image and how others online perceive them. This makes them get unreasonably upset whenever someone threatens to unravel their built up pseudo-self. Then Mark comes in and...

    lol this post sucks .jpg
This discussion has been closed.