marks intellegence...

before you lock this comp..undestand ive been berated ever since i got here from mark years ago...time and time me down everything i say...every time i play for fun in the forum... and i asked for no mod.

if you go through all these threads youlll find mark blatantly call me names hunting me and targeting me....a case in point my thread that he started by saying he wanted nothing to do with it....and is no sabotaging a great discussion...




Mark HAS been on my ass about my poker skillz and how to play poker...calling me a douchebag (i have the chat) and telling me how smart he is and how im stupid and a d grade poker player.....

Lets talk about your intelligence on judging skill...and giving advice on poker.....lets talk about how you think your a better poker player....or even think your in my league.....

or should be saying anything to a player who's being taught by the best...


was fun havin ya.....

PS wondering if you won't answer like you accused me of not doing but i actually answered the question i was being accused of.....



  • Why should I lock it? we're all adults here aren't we?
  • Hell.. I'm excited

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Hell.. I'm excited

    im sure you not the type of guy who would just come around to ruin someone's day.....or just to wreck a topic...

    im also sure your not the type of guy to dodge a question,

    especially after accusing me of it....

    tell me more about how i suck at poker and need to listen to you?
  • Pffft . . . no potential . . . Mark IS smart. Just not as smart as he thinks . . .
  • darbday wrote: »
    Mark HAS been on my ass about my poker skillz and how to play poker...calling me a douchebag (i have the chat) and telling me how smart he is and how im stupid and a d grade poker player.....

    To start.. let me say I recall saying that I LOVE that you were posting HH threads, and that I'm digging the discussions around that. BUT, I tried, repeatedly, to give feedback and my opinion, which was thrown out the window as evidenced by the fact that you played the exact same way over and over on those hands.... you STILL play exactly the same on the forum games. I just said in another thread that you're a black hole of feedback, and I wanted to make sure that this wasn't a "Geez, that guy never replies to our questions", it's more a matter of you never hear anything that people are saying to you. I don't know if it's the way you were brought up (lol referenced!), or your recreational activities, but you do NOT listen to other people, even when you ask.... and no, I'm not naive enough to believe you ignore everyone's advice... but you do discard much.

    Lets talk about your intelligence on judging skill...and giving advice on poker.....lets talk about how you think your a better poker player....or even think your in my league.....

    or should be saying anything to a player who's being taught by the best...

    Well, I'll admit, I'm not a pro, I'm a casual player at best. But you DID ask for feedback, and I noted that you ignored it constantly. It got to the point where I told you what you needed to do to beat me at the game, and you still haven't taken that into account (happened in tonight's game). As for my credentials? Best I got is roughly 8 years of hobby-play. Read and re-read numerous books on the subject, some more than once. Studied and understand the math. And, for a while, I was being paid to write articles on poker for a now defunct site, and this one as well.

    I'm not bragging or nothing, you asked. Aside from this, I would consider myself to be of above average intelligence, and understanding of human nature. I'm not saying I'm a genius and you should all bow before me (feel free if you'd like though), but I feel I am.


    was fun havin ya.....

    PS wondering if you won't answer like you accused me of not doing but i actually answered the question i was being accused of.....

    Actually man, I love to argue... it's great! I have often said people should argue everyday. Am I smart in my own world? Yes. There's an old saying something to the effect of "Everyone's a genius, but if you gauge a fish's intelligence by its ability to ride a bicycle...". I've worked with people who aren't bright, either through laziness, inexperience, or actual physical / chemical / mental deficits. I say I'm smart in the "real world applicable" sense. However, if there was an apocalyptic event, I wouldn't even be able to make a freaking pen....


    * - Citation needed ;)

  • Milo wrote: »
    Pffft . . . no potential . . . Mark IS smart. Just not as smart as he thinks . . .

    I've sat with him a few times, he's not smart.. Just drives a car...
  • darbday wrote: »

    tell me more about how i suck at poker and need to listen to you?

    First part - been there done that repeatedly, with degrading levels of respectfulness (guilty). Second part, the most likely thing I would have said is "I'm not wrong about this".

    Hey, here's a fun experiment... I think I'm the best Omaha player at the Royal cups.... discuss all!

  • FWIW Darb...

    I sincerely hope you don't leave CPF. Hell, I hope I get to meet you some day! But I will argue with you.. and probably call you a douchebag again... if you're being a douchebag.

  • Oh oh oh!

    Also, as a completely non-scientific, I wrote some essays for a third year psych class credentials kinda way... I totally nail 4 out of 5 of these...

    5 Unexpected Downsides of High Intelligence |
  • To start.. let me say I recall saying that I LOVE that you were posting HH threads, and that I'm digging the discussions around that. BUT, I tried, repeatedly, to give feedback and my opinion, which was thrown out the window as evidenced by the fact that you played the exact same way over and over on those hands.... you STILL play exactly the same on the forum games. I just said in another thread that you're a black hole of feedback, and I wanted to make sure that this wasn't a "Geez, that guy never replies to our questions", it's more a matter of you never hear anything that people are saying to you. I don't know if it's the way you were brought up (lol referenced!), or your recreational activities, but you do NOT listen to other people, even when you ask.... and no, I'm not naive enough to believe you ignore everyone's advice... but you do discard much.

    i play no where near how i did when i first came to this forum....nor do i play the same i play 3months ago or a week ago....thats how fast im suggested i don't listen before and i citied the things i changed in my game....

    but alas i don't take your suggestions....i guess ..i have to apologize for that? do i have to say it....why i dont't? will you really bother me until i finally say you suck and im crushing?

    But i think you also confuse my challenging answers as disagreeing...its not...i never have disagreed to the point where im not listening to poker advice....but i dig until btp or v or wetts or whoever is sick of me...and im sorry...i wanted to learn....and i thanked people in all my threads....

    but i listened....and im sorry but if you haven't noticed then your not as smart as your trying to convey...

    But you have been berating me and dogging me....and nowhere in your response do you admit that...

    Well, I'll admit, I'm not a pro, I'm a casual player at best. But you DID ask for feedback, and I noted that you ignored it constantly. It got to the point where I told you what you needed to do to beat me at the game, and you still haven't taken that into account (happened in tonight's game). As for my credentials? Best I got is roughly 8 years of hobby-play. Read and re-read numerous books on the subject, some more than once. Studied and understand the math. And, for a while, I was being paid to write articles on poker for a now defunct site, and this one as well.

    yes everything you stated suggests i absolutely rape you at this game.

    I'm not bragging or nothing, you asked. Aside from this, I would consider myself to be of above average intelligence, and understanding of human nature. I'm not saying I'm a genius and you should all bow before me (feel free if you'd like though), but I feel I am.

    just that if you don't talk to me like im less intelligent....then i won't go there....

    Actually man, I love to argue... it's great! I have often said people should argue everyday. Am I smart in my own world? Yes. There's an old saying something to the effect of "Everyone's a genius, but if you gauge a fish's intelligence by its ability to ride a bicycle...". I've worked with people who aren't bright, either through laziness, inexperience, or actual physical / chemical / mental deficits. I say I'm smart in the "real world applicable" sense. However, if there was an apocalyptic event, I wouldn't even be able to make a freaking pen....

    an intelligent mind...does not think in terms of conflict...

    and anger blinds....that you might know having probably read daniel goleman....that our emotional centre supercedes our logic centre....meaning as you get angry you get irrational....heated debate....and emotional conflict....has no logic....

    * - Citation needed

    no citation needed...again im telling you you are wrong and am not the d class player you think i am, and i am leagues above you ...and its not to brag...its because you won't leave me i need to post my stats...isn't that just embarrassing?

    Quite a different tone in this letters than the badgering and berating ive gotten since I joined this forum. Do you make everyone you meet stand up to you to get respect?
  • I instantly respect someone more if they stand up to me yes.

    But your posts are full of braggadocio and defensiveness. Also, you're making assumptions... I'm probably one of the least angry guys you'll meet - ask the regulars. If you want me to admit I pick on you? Sure.. I pick on you. Hell, you're referring to the shit I've said here, if you heard how many times I shit talked you in real life to my roommate, you'd break my nose!

    You want to be the better player than me? Cool... you win. You are better at a game of cards than me. Well done. I've realized and stopped offering you feedback, and when I do say anything, it's totally just to piss you off. I'll own that. I'll post this one again since it seems pertinent to both of us at this point.

    5 Logical Fallacies That Make You Wrong More Than You Think |


    P.S. your grammar sucks - pwned. lol
  • As another aside... I actually paused "The Walking Dead" to come and check this thread again! That's a compliment! I loves me my zombies!

    You're nothing if not thought provoking... or in other words "way your mind works" provoking.

  • P.S. your grammar sucks - pwned. lol

    smart people talk dumbly?
  • darbday wrote: »
    P.S. your grammar sucks - pwned. lol

    smart people talk dumbly?

    Just think of me as the CPF hipster.. I'm doing it ironically.... (pushes thick black lens-free glasses up nose).

    You got anything more here, or are we done? I have to admit, I'm surprised nobody else is chirping in....

  • It appears to me that this beef can only be squashed in one way --->HU4ROLLZ ldo
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Just think of me as the CPF hipster.. I'm doing it ironically.... (pushes thick black lens-free glasses up nose).

    You got anything more here, or are we done? I have to admit, I'm surprised nobody else is chirping in....

    just that min raising every hand helped me learn how to play postflop and now im winning tourneys filled with winning regs running a vpip of over 30% sometimes 40% and im thinking i can ramp that up......

    and others prob won't chirp in ....don't need to ...hopefully..

    and don't worry im not sensitive...we just need some perceptive i think...
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    It appears to me that this beef can only be squashed in one way --->HU4ROLLZ ldo


    I wanted a best two out of three falls match.

  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    It appears to me that this beef can only be squashed in one way --->HU4ROLLZ ldo
    whoa whoa whoa....i never said hu pokerz.... ???
  • darbday wrote: »
    just that min raising every hand helped me learn how to play postflop and now im winning tourneys filled with winning regs running a vpip of over 30% sometimes 40% and im thinking i can ramp that up......

    and others prob won't chirp in ....don't need to ...hopefully..

    and don't worry im not sensitive...we just need some perceptive i think...

    If others didn't need to chirp in, or if you never expected them to, then what exactly is the purpose of this thread? It could have been discussed in PM's, MSN, Skype, or various other methods.

    Theory 1: You wanted to "sick brag" about your mad MTT skills.

    Theory 2: You were hoping secretly someone would gang up against me (a la the Royal Cup thread)

    Theory 3: Vanilla Ice

    Theory 4:
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Theory 1: You wanted to "sick brag" about your mad MTT skills.
    no no...i forgot to finish the 'burn' and say im not even very good :p
    DrTyore wrote: »

    Theory 2: You were hoping secretly someone would gang up against me (a la the Royal Cup thread)
    i honestly don't know the thread you are refering to...i didn't read it.....but no..i don't like people ganging up on someone...

    DrTyore wrote: »

    Theory 3: Vanilla Ice

    i don't know what it means but its seems possible..
    DrTyore wrote: »

    no never at the petty things...hopefully never....but i think now when you take my chips the banter will have a different context...

    but why public not pmish...i dunno..seemed be arbitrated i dunno..its not a huge deal...just thought it was simple and direct....
  • I think both of you need to take a step back and stop taking what is said on the interwebz personally.

    Darbay, when someone gives you feedback on a hand, that you have requested, say thank you and you can decide whether to use it or not. And don't berate the player's advice just becuase you don't think they can't play or aren't as good as you. That does not win you friends.

    I have watched your progress over the last little while and there is no question you can play, but even lesser players may have some insight you can use.

    Mark, I know you just like to stir the pot and will take a contrary view, even if you don't believe it, just to get a reaction from people. That's you, and I get it but some people don't.
  • Hey dj

    Agreed I have been known to take that kinda stance but...

    Fella called me out on this one, and sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do pilgrim. I'm not mad at this thread - more amused. In fact I found I slipped into my work mentality a bit so maybe I can help out our west coast hippie friend here at some point. At the very least, I get to make compuease shake his head about us damned youngins!!

    Question though darb- how old are you (please believe me that isn't a sarcastic shot - I
    34 if that helps).

  • 30 soon ;p
  • I thought me and GTA had problems.....
  • This thread actually hurts my head, not because of the debating, or the merits of either side's arguments, but because Mark's grammar is the one being questioned.

    Darb, if you're going to question somebody else's intelligence and grammar, do us all a favour and google "homonyms" so we can understand what you're (note: "you are" not "your") trying to say
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I have to admit, I'm surprised nobody else is chirping in....


    It's ok, there are other people that think you are dick. You may rest easy.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    It's ok, there are other people that think you are dick. You may rest easy.

    Hmm... it would appear I'm pretty unpopular everywhere west of Alberta.....

  • meh, try not to leave. I still believe this could be a good learning enviroment if we got something going. I'm probably the one worst suited to set up a skype chat or a grinding session since I'm in probably the least compatible timezone possible for this forum...

    Anyway, I've never really gotten the chance to talk poker with you so try to at least stick around until I get the chance to . With prague coming up I could use all the help and discussion I can get :P
  • Darb, Mark's an agitator. It's what he does. There's two ways you can go about it:

    1 - Start a thread in a forum because you're pissed off at him and don't know how to make him stop but then state later in the thread that you're not actually mad at him and thus show you're either lying or really, reaaaaaaaallllllly stoned as you started a random flogging thread for no real reason and are now busy contemplating the meaning of string,


    2 - Do what I did: take your 30 second phone call with Vince McMahon (it's cool, everybody gets one) and use it to convince him to put the world heavyweight title on Mark Henry and that a match between Henry and Great Khali on Raw would draw damned good ratings. Seriously, it's fun! I literally heard him peeling the wallpaper off with his fingernails and his head imploding when it happened :)
  • I have to admit that I always find it a bit amusing when Mark gives poker advice.
This discussion has been closed.