Stars $500 + $30



  • lmao RT looks like a genious now..... my previous comment was when he was only getting 80... 90 was better... and its looking real good now lol!
  • And in the end, Grinder owns all.
  • the grinder was some pro or whatver wasnt he? i guess hes kicking himself for dealing now.... costed him about 70k... he didnt even make quite as much as the RT guy lol
  • grinder = mike mizrachi

    Glad I wasn't the only one watching that soap opera. lmao
  • Well, it was a big week for him. He won 280K in tunnica, not sure how much for first @ home Hard Rock tourney, and then won 90K from stars. Nice way to start the year.
  • he closed it with a bang too. won a wpt bracelet at five diamonds in dec. I was there in amsterdam drinking champagne with his brother Rob after he won the half a million in november.

    man that family sure can play
  • HG, how do you know him? Childhood friends?
  • For those who are interested, 3 key hands from yesterday afternoon.

    The good.

    25/50. I'm BB with 2s 4c. I have 3K or so, average for my table is slightly less.

    MP raises the minimum to 100, MP+1 calls, SB calls, and I call for the hell of it.

    Flop: Ac 2d 2c. Checked around.
    Turn: Kc. SB bets 150, I make it 300, MP folds, MP+1 calls, SB calls.
    River: Jd. SB checks, I bet 300, MP+1 folds, SB calls. My hand is good. I see now that SB had A9, no clubs.

    The bad.

    75/150. I'm SB with 5s 8d. I have 2390, which is below average.

    Folded to me in the small blind and I make it 450. BB calls. It should be noted that BB started the hand with 1650, and was playing tightly. Obviously, I didn't want him to call there.

    Flop: 3h 9h Kh. I move in. SB calls, and shows Kc Jh. Oops. The fact that a tight player called my raise should have set off alarm bells, and I should have checked and folded this flop. The reason I chose to move in was because a lot of players will fold a lot of hands on monotone flops, especially when it's for all of their chips. Obviously, top pair with the 3rd nut flush draw is not one of those hands.

    The ugly.

    After crippling myself on that last hand, and then building my way back up with a series of all-in moves (one of which was called, and I got lucky), this hand came up.

    75/150. I'm BB with Ad 4d. I have 2300, which is below average, but playable.

    Folded to the button (7750) who makes it 600. I think there are a lot of hands he could do this with, given the situation (position, his stack, my stack, etc...). I re-raise another 1700 all-in, thinking he'll probably fold. He calls, with pocket fives. No help for me, and I'm done.

    Any comments appreciated, and again congrats to talonchick on her great finish.
  • Believe it or not I was watching for all three of those hands. I think you characterized them well...good, bad and ugly. I would have likely done the same as you on the ugly hand, I think you had a gutshot on the flop too...
    2 5 x?

    The bad...I don't attempt steals with bad hands but with this players tight image it might be a +EV play in the long run. He doesn't hit anything on the flop he folds to your all-in, unlucky I guess.

    The good...all I can say is that it was hilarious to see HG raise UTG with 24h and get re-raised with AQ and not improve. He took it well :)

  • 24o was a key hand for a lot of people, strangely enough. As you said, it was hilarious, and as I told HG, I actually liked the raise. He hadn't been raising a lot, so he was betting that nobody had a big enough hand to call a raise from a seemingly tight player. A good play, IMO. Then, he was pot-committed when the AQ re-raised all-in, had to call, and we all got to bask in his 24 (soooooooooooted!!!) glory. Too bad he didn't hit, that woulda been priceless.
  • regarding aces three hands.

    Hand #1
    You hit a bingo flop and got paid off perfectly by a guy who was slow playing his ace and thought you hit a King or maybe picked up a flush draw or something.

    Hand #2
    If he was a tight player generally i think the limp steal may have been a better tool against this player, even with your rags because your intent was to fire on the flop anyways. With the limp steal i obviously lose the great advantage of not taking down the pot pre-flop ... but generally i find unless the BB nails something huge on the flop, most times with the pot being tiny they simply won't continue with the hand. Pre-flop though hope springs eternal for people.

    I limp and fire out a bet of 250 or 300 ... odds are 2/3 of the time that finishs the entire encounter. Other benefit is that in total you've risked the same as your pre-flop raise but have an overall better chance of chipping away with small pots.

    Hand 3: Tough spot, if you're sure based on his prior play that he'll lay his hand down than fine. I think i let it go this time, and find a better spot where i can be the true agressor than being a reactionary agressor (fancy word combination i just made up, but i think everyone gets the point)
  • i must've missed a post or something

    but what place did talonchick finish? :confused:

    congratz talonchick :biggrin:

    and thx all_aces for posting some hands :)

    CO :confused:
  • I believe talonchick placed 50th.
  • talonchick wrote:
    FoxyPlayer is all over the place....has no idea what she wants...50K, 53K, 60K, 58K

    I know FoxyPlayer and spoke to him afterward, he negotiated brilliantly. He was well aware of chip position.

    Actually, he started out at 50k.. he managed to guarantee himself an extra 8k in one orbit, which is pretty good. It was actually LucKat who was brutal, demanding a chop but not giving up any of his 2nd place $, so brutal.

    Foxy got 3k less than 3rd place money, mostly from Firefly who kept announcing how bad he was and how desperate he was to deal. Foxy definitely took advantage of his desperation to deal. At the time of the deal, he had 40% of the chips but got only 20% of the prize money.

    Foxy got 3rd place money while last in chips. A pretty good deal if you ask me.

    I, on the other hand, did not play due to a 16 hr 20-40 session at GBH Saturday night/Sunday am.
  • I, on the other hand, did not play due to a 16 hr 20-40 session at GBH Saturday night/Sunday am.
    Did you register for March 9th?
  • I thought the forum was well represented. Hope hartgosh, didn't mind my ribbing about not being able to fold, on the 42 hand. For me that hand is my personal favourite, though.

    At this past WSOP, I was short stacked on Day 2. I had about 3.5BB left on the button with 42. Folded around to me. I push in, and the BB calls me with K9o. Flop comes T72, and my 42 holds up. The look on the BB was priceless, as well as the look from Johny World. If I had only won my next race, I could have been a contender!! Good, to see I'm not the only won who likes 42.

    Aces, I noticed you seem to really like small suited aces in the mid/late stages. I think I would have done the same in the 500 tourney, but in the 10 tourney I saw you call a huge bet with it, and you were a huge stack. I would check your stats to see how you've been doing with small suited aces overall.

  • in the 10 tourney I saw you call a huge bet with it, and you were a huge stack.
    Hi Magi,

    If you refer back to that thread (not sure which one it was....) I followed up with details of that As5s hand. Scotty reminded me, actually. I made a standard raise in early or middle position with the hand, after it had been folded to me. I think one person re-raised me all-in, and another called, making it correct for me to call the all-in re-raise due to pot odds. As you mentioned, I had a huge stack, so the call was an easy one based on pot odds, and the fact that I'd still have a more-than-healthy stack if I lost.

    In short, I'm not a small suited ace freak. You just happened to tune in to a couple of hands I've mentioned here for one reason or another.
  • Thanks for the well wishes everyone....sorry are quite right about your friend's deal. I was just getting frustrated because I really wanted them to play it out a bit...

    I think my memorable hand...that allowed me to make another $300 or so was my T4 (dont' even remember if it was suited or what the other hand was) but in classic PS fashion I had an open ended str8 draw on the turn and could hit either pairs....good old ten on the river!

    It always blows me away how much ppl love pp2 to pp7. Do you all call all in bets for up to 50% of your stack with these hands? I just always think that at best it is a race, and at worse I am against an over pair. Too much gamble for my game.
  • all_aces wrote:
    Hi Magi,

    If you refer back to that thread (not sure which one it was....) I followed up with details of that As5s hand. Scotty reminded me, actually. I made a standard raise in early or middle position with the hand, after it had been folded to me. I think one person re-raised me all-in, and another called, making it correct for me to call the all-in re-raise due to pot odds. As you mentioned, I had a huge stack, so the call was an easy one based on pot odds, and the fact that I'd still have a more-than-healthy stack if I lost.

    In short, I'm not a small suited ace freak. You just happened to tune in to a couple of hands I've mentioned here for one reason or another.

    I forgot about Scotty's response (I found it). I just saw two situations, and thought it might be a trend!

  • lol np... I'd probably think so too. Hell, who knows, it might be a leak in my game. I've busted out with hands like A5s a few times before, and actually made a decision a while ago to proceed with more caution with these hands. However, I'd play both of these particular A-x suited hands the same in similar situations.

    OK, maybe not the one from Sunday's $500 tourney... :redface: A high-variance approach, when I probably should have been a little more low-variance. I had a playable stack, and didn't need to take that stand.
  • all_aces wrote:
    Did you register for March 9th?

    Yep, I'm spot #74 out of 88, and I intend to take down about 35k, which is what I estimate to 1st place.

    Worst case, I get some fish to reraise me all in with AQ when I hold KK.

    Do you know when Woodbridge is restarting?
  • I only did that because it looked like you were trying to run over the table, you bastard. Nice set-up, I admit.

    Although, while we're on the subject, I think the last time we were at a poker table, one of us busted out in 4th place, and the other went on to chop top three?

    Glad you got into the tournament. I'm not sure when Woodbridge is restarting... they said a three or four week break two or three weeks ago.
  • Gamblor wrote:
    Yep, I'm spot #74 out of 88, and I intend to take down about 35k, which is what I estimate to 1st place.

    Let the trash talking begin!!

    I guess you guys are forgetting about us peons that have put money down to play this tounament also.

    Gamblor ---> you better start looking at second place money!
  • Dead Money wrote:
    Let the trash talking begin!!

    I guess you guys are forgetting about us peons that have put money down to play this tounament also.

    Gamblor ---> you better start looking at second place money!

    he, he, I have spot 33! I exclaimed that it was my lucky number and the lady at the cage says, "really?" Guess she doesn't play poker.

    I think we should all get together at the event and engage in a Dave S. "luggage" wager for $500 bucks. We'll all be marked as gambling fish!!

    I'll be one of the peons looking to ride some luck to the final table.

    Hope I can meet up with you all there.

  • Assuming i'm 'lucky' enough to actually squeeze time tomorrow to get to port perry to register (looks iffy),

    then 'lucky' enough for them not to be sold out,

    then 'lucky' enough not to be fatally ill on the day of the tournament,

    then who knows maybe i'll be 'lucky' enough to bubble out ...

    gotta stay positive
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