Stars $500 + $30

I just won my way in, via a $22 rebuy tournament. No rebuys... sweeeeet.

If anyone's bored at around 10:30 or 11:00 or so tonight, I should be at the final table. Some fish named 'Money800' is registered, as well.


  • can i buy a piece of ya?
  • can i also buy a piece
  • Congrats aces!

    I'll definitely drop by, maybe earlier to help you on your way to the final table.

    What the heck, give me a percent as well! :biggrin:


    P.S. Anyone else playing I can give encouragement to? I came close a couple of times, including really close once, but not close enough.
  • ACES

    lol no rebuys. u r crazy.

    Listen im gonna be playin in the tourney as Exclusive, so if you wanna swap some percent holler at me. Lucky actual Ex is on the TV table right now in EPT copenhagen :)

  • Sounds good... how about 10%?
  • sounds good.. GL man, see you in the $$$$$

    10 percentiles
  • GL Aces ...I won a seat as well...see ya at the F table!!
  • Right on HG... 10% of your 150K win sounds good to me. GL Timesmog, it's a good day to win! (Regardless of how it goes, I'll post a couple of key hands here for those who are interested.)
  • Best of luck to all 3 of you (and anyone else who might be playing).

    I'll look in on you, and hope to see a final table of familiar names!!

  • im so bored today, so i will also be watching your progress :) make us proud damnit :)
  • on 10/20 money raises to 60. Bets LP calls and BB calls. Flop is 347 Money bets 100 both call. Turn is 2. Money bets out 400 both call. River is an 8, Money bets out 600 LP calls and BB folds. Money shows 24 sooted! lol
  • I believe Phil Ivey is playing too -db-...think this is him. Timesmog out. Aces and HG at the same table right beside eachother with about 1000 players remaining. Playing well boys. BTW aces, that was the right fold with your 77 and another caller behind you IMO. Try not to think about the "what if's".

  • what name is harth playing under?
  • No, Ivey isn't playing this. Hes not -db-, his name is under somethingLUV or soemthing like that. i don't think he cares for online poker except for FTP. He probably wouldn't touch a $500 game either. Only WSOP events or 10K buyins. He plays 2K/4K Blinds for ring games lol.
  • Exclusive...
  • ah thats what i figured... after i posted haha... looked at the locations... :biggrin:
  • I'm out in the middle of the field. Two forum members still in--harthgosh and talonchick. Grisly details to follow lol.
  • waiting for all_aces to post some hands :biggrin:
  • Does TalonChick have another handle on this forum? She is playing very well and is in top 120 with 170 Chris Moneymaker was at her table when he got busted out...this conversation ensued...

    HostJeff [Supervisor]: Good game, Chris.
    talonchick: wow lol
    talonchick: no host ever says gg to me
    talonchick: jeff.....when I bust I would like you to wish me GG
    talonchick: the name is Adrienne
    HostJeff [Supervisor]: Talon, if you bust at the final table, yes I will. ;-)
    ScottyZ [observer]: [Supervisor] Good Game, Adrienne.

    Funny stuff...

  • whats allaces name on stars?
  • ummm...all aces
  • So is hg Exclusive (Noah Boeken) the guy I read about in the EPT Blog?
  • hg is his friend, playing on his account today. 'Exclusive' is currently at an EPT final table, I believe.
  • Heyyyyyy

    I think this will be my first post....I suck at forums....Im talonchick everywhere :)


    Race for the 161K
  • Wow, I wish my friends would let me use their online $$ :)
  • I don't think it is fair that my things says 'What's poker?' just becaue I never post


    Post #2
  • Thanks stpboy.....the more I talk the less I play garbage theory.

    I would also like a host to wish me GG.....and if that means getting to the final be will be worth it! can you get 93o followed by 82o 6 hands in a row???

  • No problem, I'm thoroughly enjoying watching you grind it out. Welcome to the forum and gl the rest of the way, you have 8k and are UTG right now as we speak.

  • I think Im going to just post and fold....make the next level.....IM getting crap cards....only had was A3 and KK took that down (thank god I didn't push!)
  • all_aces wrote:
    hg is his friend, playing on his account today. 'Exclusive' is currently at an EPT final table, I believe.
    He actually won! Wow, I think they said Marcel Luske is his mentor. I woudl love a mentor like that!

    I wonder if people will think, hhmmmm, how could he be playing in the EPT and 500K at the same time?!?
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