Stars $500 + $30



  • Nice work Talon, some lucky near the end but seemed like you had a bad run of poor starting hands. Fun to watch you play do have a lot of fans.

  • thanks stp....I really think I did the best I could with those hands....well clearly! lol

    Didn't really have time to think if I could muck that 94s from the hindsight....I guess I could have lol


    Ill try to post sometime!

    Check ya later....and anyone in Edmonton head down to the Sidetrack...I think we're going :)
  • Heyyyy.....are you guys saying Noah took down the EPT tourney??

    If so, thats awesome...he's a great guy for sure!
  • Nice going Talon!

    Smart move on a micro stack folding your SB leaving yourself with just about half of a big blind when you were one spot from a money jump desite what 95% of the railbirds thought. My feeling is that if you disagree with 95% of the rail, there's a good chance you're doing something right. ;)

    And for your last stand with 94s from the BB, I think this is fine getting roughly 3 to 1 from the pot, and still pretty far (6 spots I think) from another money jump. You were just unlucky to run into a big hand from the PF raiser.

    Nice "hunting foxes in the dark" play with your JJ on the BB when you had a fairly small stack. As I remember, BB was 2,000, mid-late position raiser makes it 4,400 (?) to go leaving you with around 5,500 left if you just called. You just called with the intention of betting any flop (I would guess at least... Was this the play you had in mind?), and did so when it came down QTx, 2-suited. Your opponent folded.

    I think you generally played well with the short stack, which is where you were at most of the time I was watching.

  • Yeah.....the rail usually has alot of 'insightful' things to say. Always meaning the best...but its so easy to play other peoples cards.

    Good old jacks....not sure that I would have bet on any flop...but that one looked about right to me. Ever since I read that hunting foxes play I fell in love with it! Especially with iffy hands like JJ etc.

    Im pleased with finally 'bursting the bubble'....lately my tournament success has been crippled by my inability to get past top 20%.....seem to make it there and fall apart. This week has been good though, final table in $11R and then today. So maybe its turning around. Fortunately for me though, my ring game and my tournament games seem to rotate one or the other is swelling my account.

    I am pretty much always short stacked!! I seem to play better from below average stack than above average....have to think more and all the rest! Subconsciously I think I 'give' away my chips so that I can be short stacked lol.
    I have however got a good idea of why my chip leader play is nobody try to abuse me!

    Thanks everyone for the support and maybe next week Ill be at final table!

    P.S. Not going to sidetrack tonight anymore....friends all tired!
  • WHY OH WHY DO THEY ALWAYS CHOP IN THE BIG TOURNEY?????? Thank God the grinder is in there...he's the only player I know and one of the best....solid rock! I never understand why the chip leader would even contemplate chopping until you were down to 3 at most. When it gets to this point I think ppl lose confidence in their abilities. I understand that the prizes climb so rapidly...but NO GUTS NO GLORY.

    Anyway...I hope for no chop and that the Grinder takes it down! No playing scared.

    Maybe this attitude is why alot of players I play against aren't sure if I am male or female lol.....

  • HAHA, Grinder is making such demands. He wants 20K more than what the deal is and chip leader is willing to pay him out. I think losing 40K from first isn't bad considering the lost you can have.
  • Im laughing at this stuff hilarious. 2nd chips just realizes that the deal gives 3rd chips(Grinder) 5 more K than him and s/he has 50% more chips lol
  • yah i'm reading this stuff, it's quite a hoot
  • RTFirefly should be standing up for himself. I would be like, Ill take 115K Minimum and nothing less. Else we play on. This guy is giving 10K leeway to 2nd who had like 60% less chips than him.
  • THANK on....they spent how long trying to work a deal....
  • almost an hour....they must be exhausted.

    Has anyone had success dealing in a tourney with more than three players left?
  • Its the best now...because you see which players are afraid...and are playing scared. Grinder is without a doubt the best player there, he is confident and knows how to work the table.

    Ppl get too scared....don't know how to handle the shorthanded game well.

  • Yeah, like RT, after LJ gives the count, boom he fires he will give 21K away. Let them speak and then do what you have to. 21K buys a new car, i wouldn't be too hasty!
  • I really think RT should have held out for a bit....and dealt with 3 ppl (total)....

    Although...Grinders deal sounds quite good to me....I always like when there is still incentive!
  • Grinder's deal is only good for Grinder. RT is losing the most out of it I think. He get 5K diff and 2nd chips has 1/2 of what he has.
  • Im getting a headache watching this though....maybe Ill turn off player chat now too lol!!!!! Ijis is playing so scared....might settle for $30K if you asked him right lol.

    FoxyPlayer is all over the place....has no idea what she wants...50K, 53K, 60K, 58K
  • You are right.....I actually don't like that deal the more I look at it....only 10K difference in the deal between 1rst and 4th....I still say they are trying to deal with too many ppl in!
  • wow this RT guy must be retarded..... hes getting shafted so hard.....
  • just as an aside i friggin hate deals :frown:
  • I remember the WCOOP main event. 9 way deal lol.
  • LOL. RT is funny. Hes like I agree, even tho they are dissing me for it on RGP
  • LOL

    i think RTF just made 4 new friends

    i love how quickly they were willing to add 10k to RTFs cut after he show the slightest hesitation

    (and i guess ta da does = yes)
  • I thought Luc was gonna get an extra 5k....ijis just wanted to get the deal done so badly...sad...make it that far and no confidence in your game
  • sinc wrote:
    wow this RT guy must be retarded..... hes getting shafted so hard.....

    I don't think so. RTF locks up 2nd place money. It's true that he is the chip leader, but he doesn't even have double the average stack in chips at the time the deal is made. The chip leader finishing in the top 2 is definitely reasonable, but the chip lead in this case (especially with high blinds) isn't as big of an advantage as it might look.

    I do think that the short stack probably got the best of the deal (short stack of 6 locking up between 3rd & 4th place money seems pretty sweet), but I'd say that none of the other 5 really took it in the teeth individually.

  • talonchick wrote:
    I thought Luc was gonna get an extra 5k....ijis just wanted to get the deal done so badly...sad...make it that far and no confidence in your game

    I believe he did.

    He locked up 80K instead of the 75K proposed in the 2nd to last deal.

  • wow Im are right! Just mad because Im not there week. Seems to be the pattern among any of the final tablers that I know....they do well one week then final table the next week!
  • i think it was a fair deal all around
  • yes it was 90/80/70/70/58 + 19020/12680 in play
  • Grinder still ownz tho
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