the Ex casino poker room



  • Hello meistro

    Accusations like that are totally unjustified, especially since you have never played at the GBH. I

    Now people, instead of filling the forum with false accusations let's keep this thread to what it was meant to discuss. The only reason I posted was to inform you that we at the GBH have always offered limits higher than 20/40 up to 100/200. With the added plus that the rate is not over $10+ it is 5% to a maximum of $5.00 regardless of the game. With that being said have fun at the ex or wherever you chose to play, and may the cards be in your favor.
  • cardsrusa wrote: »
    Hello meistro

    Accusations like that are totally unjustified, especially since you have never played at the GBH. I

    Now people, instead of filling the forum with false accusations let's keep this thread to what it was meant to discuss. The only reason I posted was to inform you that we at the GBH have always offered limits higher than 20/40 up to 100/200. With the added plus that the rate is not over $10+ it is 5% to a maximum of $5.00 regardless of the game. With that being said have fun at the ex or wherever you chose to play, and may the cards be in your favor.

    Good response.

    boys if you are going to make accusations, put up or shut up. if you have no proof and have not been in the game then don't disparage a room just because there-might-possibly-in-some-instances-when-the-right-people-are-there be something untoward.

    CARDSRUSA, thanks for being active on the forum. I think I will have to try out the room.

  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Speaking of bringing this thread back on topic, is anybody going to the CNE Casino on opening day today? :) Since PartyPoker abruptly stopped its rake-free promotion, I'm thinking of driving to the CNE on Tuesday, or Thursday after the Brantford tournament. Whoever goes there first, please post a trip report, including about the 25/50 and 15/30 games.

    Will be there today. from about 3:30 for a couple hours.

    Red motorcycle jacket on the chair. Probably a red Adidas shirt if I don't get too sweaty between now and then

  • Anyone who thinks people don't cheat at casino poker is flat out retarded. When there are thousands of dollars at stake, people cheat. I have seen soft collusion in approximately half of the poker games I have played in (and I have played in thousands of poker games). Are you seriously claiming there are no regulars that don't bet each other in your casino? Or that this is n ot collusion, cheating? Or that the house does nothing to stop it?

    cardsrusa :

    Have you ever caught anyone colluding at your casino? If so, you have proven my point. If not, clearly you are not doing your job.

    When there are thousands of dollars at stake, people cheat. Even when nothing is at stake people cheat. Ignoring this reality does not do the poker world any good. Everyone involved, players and staff, doing their best to ensure the integrity of the games we play in is paramount.
  • "boys if you are going to make accusations, put up or shut up. if you have no proof and have not been in the game then don't disparage a room just because there-might-possibly-in-some-instances-when-the-right-people-are-there be something untoward."

    If you had bothered to actually READ my post you would have seen there was nothing specifically disparaging against GBH. Just a general indictment of casino poker. Anyway, you have to be really stupid to play at a casino anyway... why as a table would you pay $140 an hour just to play cards?
  • Meistro wrote: »
    "boys if you are going to make accusations, put up or shut up. if you have no proof and have not been in the game then don't disparage a room just because there-might-possibly-in-some-instances-when-the-right-people-are-there be something untoward."

    If you had bothered to actually READ my post you would have seen there was nothing specifically disparaging against GBH. Just a general indictment of casino poker. Anyway, you have to be really stupid to play at a casino anyway... why as a table would you pay $140 an hour just to play cards?

    Meistro, that is totally wrong. So why would you, on a poker forum no less, say we are all stupid for playing in a casino? Obviously you have had a bad experience affecting your opinion. Why not discuss that situation? And in a separate thread please.
  • Yes, it is stupid to play in a casino. Because of the rake, you get 1 winner, 1 guy breaking even and 8 guys losing. It should be 3 guys winning, 4 guys breaking even, and 3 guys losing. Of course if it weren't for government monopoly forbidding competition this wouldn't be so bad... but you are all throwing your money away by playing at casinos. Plus casinos are run by scum and they exist simply to take advantage of people's weaknesses.

    What bad experience are you talking about? I just think it's stupid people still pay rake.
  • Meistro wrote: »
    I just think it's stupid people still pay rake.

    Apart from home games, where are you going to find rakefree. :D

    So long as I am the 1 winner, I am happy. :D
  • Meistro wrote: »
    I just think it's stupid people still pay rake.

    That's an incredibly narrow minded view.

    Obviously any casino (legal or illegal) is in the business of making money. They offer a service, just like any other business, and the players have to pay for that service. That's not 'being stupid'. It's part of the business of playing poker (or any gambling)

    If you know of a casino that doesn't take a rake, then please let us know.
  • Back on topic :)

    Will be there today from 12:30 on. dark blue CBGB shirt. red motorcycle jacket on the chair.

    went yesterday, and the 5/10 wait list was 3.5 hours.....I left after making a bill at the BJ tables.

    (note to everyone, if you are going to play table games while waiting stay the fuck away from the charity black jack tables. Tie goes to the dealer is just so very bad for the players that there is no way you are leaving the table with more money than you came with unless you hit the massive outside end of variance. Pardon my english but I hate the way they set up these games. But people fill the tables so can I really blame them? )
  • Just in case anybody is still interested in the original topic, :rolleyes: the rake at the CNE Limit games is 5%, with the following maximum:

    25/50 - $15 (i.e., capped when pot is >= $300)
    20/40 - $12.50 ($250)
    10/20 - $10 ($200)
    5/10 - $7.50 ($150).

    The rake is lower at GBH and Brantford, but the regulars there seem to think that the fishier games at CNE are worth it.
    cardsrusa wrote: »
    GBH have always offered limits higher than 20/40 up to 100/200. With the added plus that the rate is not over $10+ it is 5% to a maximum of $5.00 regardless of the game.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Just in case anybody is still interested in the original topic, :rolleyes: the rake at the CNE Limit games is 5%, with the following maximum:

    25/50 - $15 (i.e., capped when pot is >= $300)
    20/40 - $12.50 ($250)
    10/20 - $10 ($200)
    5/10 - $7.50 ($150).

    The rake is lower at GBH and Brantford, but the regulars there seem to think that the fishier games at CNE are worth it.

    Thanks for this.

    I'm looking to get a carpool going from KW. Any takers?
  • I have been 3 times now: played 20-40 & 25-50 the first two days of the casino, then dropped down to 15-30 last night. I'm only a bit ahead of even; with the same win rate at GBH or Brantford I'd be up 1k+. However, I doubt I'd have the same win rate! Fun table last night; we were all (well, almost all) relaxed and enjoying ourselves. And it's not 1 and 1/4 hour drive ...

    I'm going back tomorrow afternoon. Say hello to the old guy with the grey beard and glasses, probably playing at 15-30. Maybe we'll get some drop-ins from the beer festival after it closes at 7?
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I will repeat myself...limit poker is the devil!

    I agree
  • went there yesterday and played 10/20 for 3+ hours. Some pretty bad play. I left after the really bad ones went broke and the seats got filled by better players. Good profit so I will be back.
  • Never been here, sounds like fun enjoy everyone, as for collusion or whatever at the table, remember its a GAME you can always get up, or avoid the collusion, I dont endorse creating some of your own but its easy to get as dirty as the people your playing with....if I may more often than not if you can convince the colluders that your the "fish" they will come after you, just make sure you wake up with it!! (now of course I have ZERO experience with this kind of playing at the casino....."you show me this game")
  • Looks like the stars are lining up just right as I plan on playing 5/10 on Saturday afternoon.
  • Enjoyed the 20 40 game while I was there...some favorite lines included "of course you flop 2 pair when I have ak" meanwhile the action was capped on the flop. And "I have to call but I know I am beat".

    Love cne
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Looks like the stars are lining up just right as I plan on playing 5/10 on Saturday afternoon.

    You mean Sat. night. You'll be waiting 4 hours+. Don't forget the $25 to park.
  • moose wrote: »
    You mean Sat. night. You'll be waiting 4 hours+. Don't forget the $25 to park.

    Probably half that, but I'd imagine a good deal less if you get there in the early afternoon. But I have no personal experience with 5-10. Its list has been considerably longer than all other lists ...
  • moose wrote: »
    You mean Sat. night. You'll be waiting 4 hours+. Don't forget the $25 to park.

    Arriving in the morning, hopefully seated in the afternoon. Wraych has to speak at a dinner in the evening, so they are picking up the tab for the parking/hotel.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Arriving in the morning, hopefully seated in the afternoon. Wraych has to speak at a dinner in the evening, so they are picking up the tab for the parking/hotel.

    Maybe we should get a PFC contingent together... not to play poker... but to cheer Wraych during her speaking engagement... Think she would like that? :)
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Arriving in the morning, hopefully seated in the afternoon.

    Games begin at noon.
  • Just got seated after a 10 minute wait.

    Send the rungood!
  • 5% please . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    5% please . . .

    Haha....get down here and give me $40!

    EDIT: just got chirped for using my iPhone at the table!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    EDIT: just got chirped for using my iPhone at the table!
    tell em you are giving PFC updates... that should do it..
  • Donated $170 to the rungood-in-Vegas gods. Didn't get much going and almost every hand I was rivered. Played OK, maybe not aggressive enough, but very few raises where respected.
    I'll post more from home later.
  • July 30 to September 3, 2012
    Open Daily: Noon - 6 am
    (Closed Monday, September 3 at 8 pm)
    (Closed Saturday, August 4)
    Better Living Centre (North East Corner)
  • "You mean Sat. night. You'll be waiting 4 hours+. Don't forget the $25 to park."

    I can tell you where to park for free near the Ex for a small fee :)
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