Fear the Bear Baby!!!!



  • '76 Montreal

    1972 Munich.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Whenever the Olympics have been in a Canadian City, that city has won the Stanley Cup the following year.

    1972 - Montreal Summer Games - 1973 Canadiens win Cup
    1988 - Calgary Winter Games - 1989 Calgary Flames win cup
    2010 - Vancouver Winter Games - 2011 ??
    kwsteve wrote: »
    '76 Montreal

    1972 Munich.

    You're right '76 was Montreal......strangely djgolfcan is still correct though as the Canadiens won the Cup in '77 too. :)

    Side note: In '89 Calgary defeated Montreal in the finals marking the last time an all Canadian final took place. Also Calgary became the only visiting team EVER to hoist the Cup at the Forum in Montreal.
  • You're right '76 was Montreal......strangely djgolfcan is still correct though as the Canadiens won the Cup in '77 too. :)

    Side note: In '89 Calgary defeated Montreal in the finals marking the last time an all Canadian final took place. Also Calgary became the only visiting team EVER to hoist the Cup at the Forum in Montreal.

    Kind of like my poker game, wrong facts, right result. :)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    If your team is out, suck it up and pray for next year!! QUOTE]

    This has such a familiar ring to it....???
  • FEAR THE CANUCKS....with 19 seconds left! :D
  • Funny, my cousin, being the stand up Flyers fan that he is (aka brainwashed knuckledragger), has been accusing me of being a bandwagon jumper. Been a Nucklehead for 10+ years. That's quite a long jump lol. I think he's just pissed that I realized I wasn't a Flyers fan like many in my family, more that I was a Hextall fan, and when he was done, I was done with them.
  • I was a Nucks fan from around 1980 until 98. I got to a point were I just could not stomach Old Weird Harold Ballard and his tard ways anymore. Same thing almost happened when the Teachers Pension took over and Hired John (I am such a F*#k up ) Fergouson "jr" as the GM.
    Originally I said 5 Games for Vancouver. If things keep going the way they are then it will be 7. Bruins can't win in Van and Van can't win in Beantown. I hope they do and finally hush the Bruins fans and Nuck's haters up.
    Game 7 will definately be a nail biter.

    Nucks are going to win. hard to pick a Conn Smythe winner. Luongo IMO does not really deserve it considering the way he played games 3 and 4. One of the Sedin boys probable. Alex burrows even though he has been a total douche bag deserves it. He scored the big goal that knocked of CHEEKAGA and 11 seconds into OT in game 2. Bieksa also up for the award. he's been good.
    If the Bruins win it would be Thomas hands Down. If it's not for him Bruins would have been golfing 2 months ago.
    I can't help but think what if the Pens were healthy? Probably be talking about the Pens Nuck's final.
    Sorry AJ
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I was a Nucks fan from around 1980 until 98. I got to a point were I just could not stomach Old Weird Harold Ballard and his tard ways anymore. Same thing almost happened when the Teachers Pension took over and Hired John (I am such a F*#k up ) Fergouson "jr" as the GM.
    Originally I said 5 Games for Vancouver. If things keep going the way they are then it will be 7. Bruins can't win in Van and Van can't win in Beantown. I hope they do and finally hush the Bruins fans and Nuck's haters up.
    Game 7 will definately be a nail biter.

    Nucks are going to win. hard to pick a Conn Smythe winner. Luongo IMO does not really deserve it considering the way he played games 3 and 4. One of the Sedin boys probable. Alex burrows even though he has been a total douche bag deserves it. He scored the big goal that knocked of CHEEKAGA and 11 seconds into OT in game 2. Bieksa also up for the award. he's been good.
    If the Bruins win it would be Thomas hands Down. If it's not for him Bruins would have been golfing 2 months ago.
    I can't help but think what if the Pens were healthy? Probably be talking about the Pens Nuck's final.
    Sorry AJ

    This post is crazy!

    You got fed up with bad Vancouver team management, so went to a LEAF fan? That's like being sick of Spaghetti, so you eat linguine instead!! (I was looking for a more sassy analogy, but I didn't want to step on any toes).

    Also, win, lose, TimTom is Conn Smythe 1000000000%

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    This post is crazy!

    You got fed up with bad Vancouver team management, so went to a LEAF fan? That's like being sick of Spaghetti, so you eat linguine instead!! (I was looking for a more sassy analogy, but I didn't want to step on any toes).

    Also, win, lose, TimTom is Conn Smythe 1000000000%


    Ballard owned the Leafs Mark. That's why I started cheering for Van. I liked what the Griffen Family was doing.
    After Old Weird Harold finally assumed room temperature and Steve Stavro took over I came back.
  • Damn this blasted forum for not honouring my "ignore" demand when HVEE is quoted.

    Harold Ballard died in 1990 not 1998.

    You were sick of the Leafs so you were a fan of the Canucks from 1980-98?? The Canucks had 3 winning seasons in that 18 year period. Nice upgrade.

    And you like what the Griffen family was doing? I think Frank and Arthur Griffith's would like to know who the Griffen's are?


    But thanks for shipping deadpool.
  • I'll just focus on the Conn Smythe part. Mark is right. Tim Thomas is the Conn Smythe winner no matter who wins the Cup. I would have said Burrows, as he was clearly the Canucks MVP through the first 3 rounds, just like Thomas. They went head to head and, sadly, Thomas has kicked his ass and stole his lunch money.
  • Something about the NHL over the last few years, not saying it wouldnt be good if nucks won (i like my side) none the less history is changing ALL times, its almost never repeated now and is slightly worthless when trying to analyze the games to come.

    As for the conn smythe, yes they should just hand it to Thomas and tell him hes done well, whether they win or not.

    If it were healthy pens, nucks would have probably lost by now, Crosby would be playing with the will to win and all that! The pens for the first 30ish games were almost unbeatable and the nucks werent even CLOSE.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I'll just focus on the Conn Smythe part. Mark is right. Tim Thomas is the Conn Smythe winner no matter who wins the Cup. I would have said Burrows, as he was clearly the Canucks MVP through the first 3 rounds, just like Thomas. They went head to head and, sadly, Thomas has kicked his ass and stole his lunch money.

    I had placed a bet on this at 4 to 1 odds. Bodog cancelled the bet after game 5 (cancelled a few other open SCF bets I had too). **** Bodog!:mad:
  • Woot! Game 7 should be a doozie!
  • str82ace wrote: »
    vancouver is so screwed!!!


  • Congrats to AJ for breaking the 'Posting about my team curse'. Great to see another Original Six team win The Cup.

    Now if we could only do something about the CanucKnuckleheads in Vancouver........
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Now if we could only do something about the CanucKnuckleheads in Vancouver........

    They can start by growing up a bit and stop rioting and setting fires everywhere. Bad Form!!! :mad:

    Lets see now...who owes me today??

    Wetts still owes from the LAST series
    ASNX went double or nothing.
    GarryC went double or nothing
    Getem made a bet too I believe
    Coffee Truck guy went double or nothing on my credit account..HUGE SCORE THERE!!!
    Purchasing Girl bet me $1...that one will be sweet

    Think that's pretty much it...if I forgot you at this moment, don't worry...I'll remember soon enough...AFTER I glout some more!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Coffee Truck guy went double or nothing on my credit account..HUGE SCORE THERE!!!

    I think AJ owns a coffee truck now? :D
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I think AJ owns a coffee truck now? :D

    Damn near anyway. If had lost this, I think I would have had to leave the country. Huge Sigh of relief!
  • ah well, good for them...nucks didnt want it enough, what a presidents trophy waste LOL, the bruins will make the cup again with the team they have....the nucks are done....i willship it soon enough
  • Please don't lump the same group of assholes that rioted last night in with Canucks fans. They are not one in the same. These are the sons and daughters of the people that rioted in 94', the younger brothers and sisters of those who rioted after the Guns N' Roses concert, the cousins of those who rioted during the G20 screwing over all the peaceful protestors and the same idiots that pulled shit like this during the Olympics. These are not Canucks fans. Sadly, they are residents of Vancouver. I almost said citizens but that word denotes people who respect each other and the place they live, work and play.

    I will say this: god bless the interwebz and social networking and mobile phones with picture/video taking ability. So many of these tools who think they're "faceless" when they do this are going to get caught and brought to some sort of justice. Will it be all of them? No. It will be a significant amount more than it would have been without those tools in place.
  • Well said Cerberus. A true fan wouldn't have reacted like that, and some videos I've seen clearly show real fans of the game trying to protect property from the asses that caused it all.

    I do hope enough cell phones and ipods and video was taken of the bastards that they all get arrested and have their asses kicked.

    Vancouver deserves more respect than what these jerks are portraying the city as.
  • There's a picture in one of the papers in Vancouver, I believe the Province, that shows very clearly a man lighting a cloth in a police cruiser's gas tank. Guaranteed that guy gets found before the day is out.
  • Dumbasses gotta dumbass, unfortunately . . .
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Wetts still owes from the LAST series

    Check ur Stars transaction history mang.

    Anyway, congrats.

    Much respect for fans who are loyal to their teams through good and bad. Youve earned this one.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Please don't lump the same group of assholes that rioted last night in with Canucks fans.

    Its tough for me to accept this arguement.

    Wearing jerseys that have canucks logo = canucks fan.

    Maybe they werent the majority, but they were fans of the canucks.
  • Sorry Wetts, but plenty of people wear a team logo without being fans of said team. Some will do it simply to blend in with the crowd. Were I one of those idiots last night, I definitely would have acquired a 'nucks jersey. Think about it . . . first thing out of anyone's mouth, as far as a description goes is going to be, "He was wearing a Canucks shirt . . ." Well, thank you citizen for narrowing the field.
  • Dont buy it.

    Random hippie hooligans dont shell out $100+ for replica NHL jerseys (See: Nationalpost pictures) just so they can go camo. These were upset fans of the canucks getting sucked in by the mob mentaility of it all.

    They were an absurd minority, but they were fans of the team.

    Fwiw I personally think it would be worse if the situation was in Toronto.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Dont buy it.

    Random hippie hooligans dont shell out $100+ for replica NHL jerseys (See: Nationalpost pictures) just so they can go camo. These were upset fans of the canucks getting sucked in by the mob mentaility of it all.

    They were an absurd minority, but they were fans of the team.

    Fwiw I personally think it would be worse if the situation was in Toronto.

    Toronto would have that hooliganism if they MADE the playoffs
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