Live - Vegas 2011



  • Shipped $42 on PS for 2% of the $2100
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Shipped $42 on PS for 2% of the $2100

  • Update if there's anything left please
  • Sold out....everyone has spoken for the pieces...I leave in 3 days to attack the beast...tinfoil hat and run good sandwich in hand
  • OK ladies and gents, out to vegas tonight....follow twitter for my 6 day adventure :)
  • OK ladies and gents, out to vegas tonight....follow twitter for my 6 day adventure :)

    Make sure you have your bowl of Run Good every morning (or atleast Friday :D )
  • Trip report so far:

    Quick notes:

    1. flight delayed 1 hour....sat in lounge
    2. smooth flight into vegas...the best flight i have ever turbulence in the mountain region...which usually happens (i hate flying)

    Day 1 (tourist day)

    Got to walk around with the gf as she wanted a day where we could do fun stuff. Who says poker isn't fun...even though she likes to play. Started the morning off with breakfast at Aria..stuck 50 for the trip already....but ate like a champ.

    The goal for the day was to goto Mirage see the "dolphins and lions" and then we would end the day with dinner and a show, Criss Angel "Believe" which we had purchased tickets for in advance (front row ftw like 40% off too)

    Got over to the Mirage, saw that there was a 60.00 tourney starting at 11am, persuaded the gf to play the tourney then we would go see the lions.....its a good buy in for her skill level and it gave her a chance to play a "vegas" tourney without crushing the wallet. I played as well, figured might as well get my head right for the next day.

    Structure 5K chip stack, 20min blinds, starting at 50/

    So they got 40 runners and we were off. My table, 6 tourists including myself and 4 regulars from the room. I thought I was playing a home game, 8 players to the flop, all limping in playing ABC poker. I thought. Ended up losing 4K in the first level...hands such as queen high flush to the nut flush and having to fold river when I get min raised....and get shown A5c....losing pairs to Kx Qx after I raise (which btw didn't really do anything, if people liked their hands they weren't folding for any raise).

    I quickly re-adjusted after losing all those chips and watching the gf roll up her stack to 8K...I sat and just open shoved from the button and cut off every orbit. Seemed to work well and built my stack back up to got to 150 300 and my bust out hand was A2 vs KQ....I opened in the cut off for 750 and got called by the button. Flop 10 10 7, I open ship and get snapped off....river me

    Sat around in the 1/2 game with 9 geriatrics and had an amazing time. These guys would not raise one time unless they had top 10 raising hands from Phil Helmuths

    Anyways ended up losing 100 bucks total in the game before the gf busted in 13th in the tourney. I got stuck with too many out syndrome when I raised to 7 with A8s and the flop came 7s9s10c, old man 1 led into me 15, I smooth called, then had one other caller....

    I thought about shoving on the flop when the old man led into me but I saw the other old guy eyeing his chips so i decided why not bring more along for the ride. Anyways 4c hits turn its checked to me and i shove my 60 bucks and get called by old man 2 with JJ.

    Board me. Down 210.00 total for the trip so far.

    Next up is the tourist trap called "Secret Garden" @ Mirage. Basically 17 bucks per person and you walk around this little rinky dink zoo like place. There are a bunch of lions and tigers...obv all sleeping because its like 1Million degrees outside in vegas. There are a bunch of dolphins too which look to be pacing around the aquarium and we got some good pictures. Dolphins seem to be on drugs for most of their lives as they look at you and just float there.

    The cool part was they were doing a "trainer for the day" activity for some tourists (550.00 a person case you want to take part). Anyways they get to jump into the tank with the dolphins and have fun with them. We got to watch for free and got some good pictures as they did tricks.

    After spending about 1.5hrs there we decided to leave and head over to the Rio to meet up with a bunch of people.

    Ran into Phil Helmuth, Antonio Esfandari, Norman Chad, Mike wanted pictures but they all looked either pissed or busy so we avoided them.

    Got to run into my friend Sean Lefort (he was playing the 1500nl) event and chat with him about his 3rd place score. We then walked over to the Final table set up to watch one of his buddies in the 5K shootout final table.

    Kept messaging Betrthanphil as he was around the Rio some where but I couldn't locate him, no worries as I will see him either today at Venetian or during the pfc breakfast saturday....

    After watching some events and high stakes cash games headed back to Aria and got ready to watch the Criss Angel show.

    The show had got a lot of negative reviews online and i see why. People expect too much for a magic show. If you have seen cirque in vegas, you can't compare the two. Criss Angels show sucks. But if you lower you expectations and realize its an illusion show then you will enjoy some of the acts but the jokes arent that good but to kill 1.5hrs and if you get a cheap price on tickets then why not.

    After the show we ended up going to Tender @ Luxor and had a good meal. Its a great steakhouse and has good value in vegas. Not as good as N9NE but I didn't want to goto Palms at 9:00pm at night with a cab.

    Day 2 starts today, got the Venetian 2100.00 event but first.....breakfast :)

    Follow Twitter for hand updates and all my

    Day 2 Trip report tomorrow hopefully
  • Shippage on today's event will undo the harm of Day 1

    GL to you & BTP
  • Looks like from his twitter posts, he's into Day 2 of the $2100
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Looks like from his twitter posts, he's into Day 2 of the $2100

    You would be correct sir...didn't really sleep well last night...breakfast with the pfc guys @ 10am then re-start for day 2 for me at 2pm. I am short 32900, blinds will be 1k 2k. Quick cliff note on tourney....internet kids can't fold and rich guys are spewtards. The tourney was tough...a lot of 3 4 5 betting going on. Full day 2 report later today or tomorrow.
  • You would be correct sir...didn't really sleep well last night...breakfast with the pfc guys @ 10am then re-start for day 2 for me at 2pm. I am short 32900, blinds will be 1k 2k. Quick cliff note on tourney....internet kids can't fold and rich guys are spewtards. The tourney was tough...a lot of 3 4 5 betting going on. Full day 2 report later today or tomorrow.

    Hopefully tomorrow.
  • Not uber short though.

    Where are you in the pack?
  • Venetian Poker Room tweet:

    52 players returning from yesterday's $2100. 27 spots pay. Chip leader is Scott Dorin with $316,500. Restart at 2 pm.

    C'mon Ted! You are the Wizard of Rungood! You can do it!
  • At 200k with 37 left...blinds @ 1500 and 3k h 400 ante
  • In the money!!!

    Go go go
  • BM is a table, 9-handed, he has 600k.

    Play resumes Sunday @ 4.....shooting for HOF status....111k up top.

  • Talk about picking the right horse! Way to go, Ted!
  • Very nice! Wish I had booked some. Take it down.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    BM is a table, 9-handed, he has 600k.

    Play resumes Sunday @ 4.....shooting for HOF status....111k up top.


    Nice Ted.
  • Vegas Trip 2 and 3....

    Yup its 8am in vegas as I write this trip report (part 2) and guess you have all followed on twitter I am at some final table of some event at the Venetian. LOL . Damn all of you for investing in me making me play 24 hours of poker which has numbed my brain to nothingness....LMAO :)

    Ok so here goes....Day 1 of the Venetian 2100.00 deepstack event. Get over at the Venetian around 11ish to register after having a Cinnabon for breakfast (keep note of my dietary requirements for future run good sessions as pointed out by Betrthanphil). Arrive and meet up with Betrthanphil, who I must say is an awesome guy to hang out with and talk strategy with. He made the last minute decision to play the 2100 as well, and we joke about having to play heads up for the money. (Which I would be sure to cut a deal ASAP as we all know he is a tourney beast :))

    The day starts off relatively quiet (follow my twitter for posts), run into Phil Laak and Jennifer Tilly, see Tony Dunst, Jake Cody (who actually sat at my table for 2 hours - see twitter for fun updates).

    The caliber of play in this tournament on day 1 ranged from 4-5bets pre by aggro players to limp call "I have no clue what I am doing but it worked in some lifetime so I will continue to use this strategy"

    My approach to this tourney was pretty straight forward, play TAG....seems to work, don't get out of line and use my image to my advantage. Which I did, made some nice timely bluffs and was able to steal at keep up with chips. I really didn't get much going and I had a few sweats (as per twitter) but I made it to dinner feeling good.

    At dinner break I grabbed food with Betrthanphil and because my phone had died had to book it back to Aria in 1 hour to get back in time for the start. Let me just say that was quite the adventure. It took me 25mins to weave through people on the street, got back to my room, grabbed my in a taxi this time and told the cabby if he could get me back to venetian in 10 minutes he had 20 bucks coming to him. Dude did some crazy taxi shit on the service roads and we were back at Venetian in 6.5mins. I missed 2 hands of the start of the next level. He also said he would look for me today if I made it....LOL

    Throughout the rest of the tourney I ran into people who just can't fold and it killed my chip stack so I was left on life support for the last 6 hours of the tournament scrapping away with bigger stacks, playing a lot of position and basically trying to keep up with the blinds and antes...which for the most part because its a deep stack with a good structure allowed me to squeek into day 2 with 32K....after my last table of the day decided that anytime I shoved with my stack it wasn't worth calling because clearly it was important for them to keep their 400K stacks...which moving on to day 2, quickly evaporated.

    So that night I retire back to my room with the completed goal of making it to day 2. Fresh start tomorrow, get a goodnights sleep, talk a bit with Gamblor and make a deal with the Run Good Wizard across from the Mirage. Easy peasy.

    The next morning the gf (ANGEL) who is on this board, and has told me I need to make sure that I re-name "the gf" part of my trip report to something more prominent so we discuss that fact and head over to the Rio to meet up with Steve Kerr, Betrthanphil, Krazykoby, and a few more OPT players to eat a nice breakfast buffet at the Carnival Buffet.

    Once again take good breakfast includes, orange juice, eggs, bacon, and 2 danishes, and a slice of apple pie.

    We finish up breakfast talk about our war stories and enjoy the buffet. We then all decide to head over to Phil Galfond's "seminar" on PLO. I think we missed the slide show as when we walked into the room he was answering questions from people. Pretty interesting, I took away a few things, like AAXX isn't ever 3 betting live in PLO OOP. Thanks Phil, I will use that (looks like he is having to transition from online 6max to live ring as well). I guess he will post some more insight on his site for discussion. Nice to see we will get some live coaching too :)

    After that everyone is off to the 1500NL event....Angel and I hang out with the boys as my re-start wasn't till 2pm, we listen to Bruce Buffer do the opening "shuffle up and deal" and we stroll through the WSOP rooms and fanboy people like Phil Laak, and a bunch of online pros....woohoo...

    So 2pm rolls around and we are approaching the takes literally 1/2hr to walk from Aria to Venetian...the side walks are too damn narrow. I get there just in time and Angel lets me know that I will do good and I have nothing to worry about. Usually when she says "she has a feeling" it ends up working out well. Oracle....possibly...and yes feel free to PM her or ask her questions on her thoughts when anyone else is playing a may save the lot of us many headaches if we know we are going to get blown out before it even starts....LOL

    Right away at my re-start Dennis Phillips sits down at my table. Sweet...I get to play with a pro. He is a really nice guy, we chat, I really appreciate a great ambassador of poker and I let Dennis know that we should have a good time at this table and let's play some "friendly" poker.

    Well no sooner do I mention that my stack goes from 32K to 150K....2 double ups...feeling good...including one from Dennis himself. I cracked his AA with 66....really weird hand. I had 66 I opened, call from MP and Dennis min raises??? Really weird and I thought he would have at least made it a little tougher for me to call. Anyways I spike my 6 and CR him all in after he fires out a continuation bet. Turns out the MP had AK and didn't once again we are in bizaro poker 2100.00 buy in that looks like a 100.00 home game....

    Having adequate chips and some breathing room I go into "peacful grind" mode where I sit and watch larger stacks battle with 4 and 5 betting. It was quite entertaining, I picked my spots and chipped up. (as per twitter).

    The money bubble took forever...there were 3 short stacks (under 50K) and they were all struggling, including the gentlemen beside me who litterally folded every hand (hmmm 5BB please be shipping it when folded to you) only then to tell me how he would have made 2 pair, a flush, a straight, basically he would have 1M chips....(side note..he is now the shortest stack at the final table with go figure)

    Meanwhile on the other tables Carter King, (online pro) is racking up chips and is having a grand ole time. Finally the bubble bursts and I min cash....sweet :) BAP will be paid again to all....hahahaha...

    At this point because there are money jumps at 19,17,15,12, I decide to play for you saw from twitter I got really short when we were 13-15 handed and just sat patiently and asked for Run Good and it seemed to help.

    When we got to the final 10 we merged to 1 table and I broke the action for the day after opening with AK only to get shipped on....and obv I snap call. Dude had KQ and I held :)

    So here we are folks, day 3 of a 3 day event, I have played 24hrs so far, playing great poker during this whole tournament, great reads, not really getting too lucky but having hands hold when i need them to for the most part. But I have put my money in ahead all but 1 time (K10 vs A10...I spiked a King, like on Family Guy, Spiderman says "everyone gets one")

    I got to talk to Carter on the way back to Aria as he was going back to Panorama to drop stuff off and then sweat Shawn Deeb at the final table (they are room mates). Took a few pictures with Run Good Wizard Gamblor (see twitter or FB) and he loved the name Gamblor so much he is now using it. I did tell him my story that I passed him by the night before walking back and silently asked for Run Good. He laughed, I gave him a generous tip and went to the Skybox Bar where I drank too much Yager, man I was hammered last night....LOL :)

    Re-start is at 4pm today, I feel really good, little in awe of the whole thing (making a final table never loses it's lustre). This officially is my biggest buy in tourney to date and according to all forums, is usually one of the tougest I am happy that I am there, got a healthy 599K with Carter (chip leader) having 933k. Blinds continue at 5K 10K with 1K ante.

    The table itself is pretty tough filled with online pros so I will let my cards speak and see what can materialize.

    Just one note for BAP. Sorry I missed the GN/Caesars tournies on Sat and Sun, I hope you all can forgive me, I will return the BAP accordingly when I get back to Toronto. I just ran into a problem with this 3 day you can see....Final Tabling ain't easy.

    On that note, I may try to squeeze in a tourney tomorrow for one of the two values that people bought in for, I will post here and on twitter tomorrow if I decide just to see if I can get some more BAP for PFC .

    Thanks again for the support guys, I really appreciate all the encouragement and I hope we get more BAP stories in the weeks to come as the group that is down here right now is doing awesome (but I will let them tell their story :))
  • Following you has been totally worth the $25 of BAP. My only regret is that I didn't buy We are freerolling now, so don't worry about us. Do whatever you need to do and play your game. You are doing great!

    KEEP. IT. UP!!!!!!!!!
  • That's what I get for not reading on a weekend, and missing this great staking opportunity. Put me down for 200 for your next one. Good luck today and play solid poker!
  • 8 players left. I be happy for a three way chop for $75k each and play out for the difference. You going back now for a freeroll to the main event?
  • DSE update:$2100 buy in. Robert Layne Is chip leader with$1,515,000. First place is over 111k. 7 players left, 8k/16k/2k ave stack is 688k.
  • TedinvegasTed

    Out kk vs 910 in blinds ....flop 10 10 8 turn 3 diamond....I miss cr all in on turn

    Looks like 5th for Wetts like BAP greatness

    Great job BM
  • Congrats Ted - these nice runs makes a very tough act to follow. Hopefully the run good continues for everyone
  • In other great BAP news (for those that purchased) is that Mr Steve Kerr is down to 90 players and $5500 pay out, with decent but not huge chips. GoGoGoGo!
  • Thanks again guys for the support on twitter and FB. Even had my little rail cheering squad with Crazykoby and ANGEL (chief railbird and Oracle who predicted demises of people again :) Here is the last hand replay......which I think I butchered but whatever....a bit pissed.

    Anyways I had just doubled my stack with Q9 vs AK(sb) and got up to about 800Kish....we go a few orbits and steal a bit and pick up KK in the SB.

    BB has me covered (obv) so I open to 45K with blinds 10/20K 3K ante which was the standard open for our table 5 handed. With KdKc

    Flop comes 10d 10s 8d....I check and he bets 65K....I call...turn 3d....I check again and he now bets 125K. I check raise all in. He tanks and finally calls with 10 9.

    I am thinking because I took such a passive line with my hand I should have just called and looked for a cheap show down or maybe check raised a bit less....

    Other than that I think I played really well. Turns out the guy that knocked me out went on to win so I guess that could have been

    Thanks again to the rail support, essentially take a look at your totals for the the BAP and like I said I will refund my other 2 buy ins accordingly and your venetian pay out is based on 18K (I tipped the dealer with the difference from the taxes). My actual win was 25,535 and converted with taxes etc was 18530ish (I was in a daze and I just took the small chips and left them for the staff). I took the big chips only 1Ks and 5Ks...LOL

    So 10% pays 1800 etc....

    I would prefer to EMT this and once again it will take a couple of weeks to clear all this so please be patient as I have to deposit the cash and also have a limit on EMTs for the week from the bank.

    If anyone has any questions or concerns let me know.

    Main Event Blackmagic BAP?? - Stay tuned....LOL
  • Main Event Blackmagic BAP?? - Stay tuned....LOL

    great job and hopefully you can finally get a big score in a non-withholding (i.e. Canadian) tournament. You are ripe for the multiple GBH tournaments in August. I'm in for 2% on the ME.
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