iPad 2 or Playbook



  • I am really starting to like Ned . . . my best friends wife bought a tablet, might even be an iPad, don't know. First thing she did, after extolling it's touch screen and portability? She bought a keyboard for it. I like my laptop, but can accept the techno-philes (geeks?) who jizz themselves at every new toy proffered by the cult of Jobs. To me it all seems like people with 2-4 different devices that all do the same thing. Me? I have a cell phone for calls (fuck texting) if I need to be available to the family for whatever reason. I have a laptop for screwing around on the interwebz, and that's it. when I am out doing something, that is what I want to be doing . . . I have no interest in doing something else at the same time, or in what others might be doing. Call me a Luddite.
  • I have a Commodore PET for Ned if he wants it. :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    I am really starting to like Ned . . . my best friends wife bought a tablet, might even be an iPad, don't know. First thing she did, after extolling it's touch screen and portability? She bought a keyboard for it. I like my laptop, but can accept the techno-philes (geeks?) who jizz themselves at every new toy proffered by the cult of Jobs. To me it all seems like people with 2-4 different devices that all do the same thing. Me? I have a cell phone for calls (fuck texting) if I need to be available to the family for whatever reason. I have a laptop for screwing around on the interwebz, and that's it. when I am out doing something, that is what I want to be doing . . . I have no interest in doing something else at the same time, or in what others might be doing. Call me a Luddite.

    Summed it up perfectly...and love the keyboard thing...that's exactly what I mean. "Yeah...this is freaking great...errr...well maybe it should have a keyboard...and you know what...something to cover this screen....damn wish it had a usb port and some actual storage. Hey Jimmy let's go buy you a tablet they are the greatest thing in the world!!"
    I'm pretty much the same as you Milo. I'm more disappointed in society in general I think...and you nailed it with
    "when I am out doing something, that is what I want to be doing . . . I have no interest in doing something else at the same time, or in what others might be doing. Call me a Luddite."
    Idiots bringing their phones and tablets etc to Christmas dinner, fishing, and...well...poker. Not just bring them but actively use them. We have this clown at our weekly game who sits there and texts his girlfriend all night. His girlfriend who he lives with. Gimme a freaking break. I'm disappointed in society for many reasons...and their newly found ability to accept inferior useability masking itself as technological advances is just the one that irks me most (mostly because it ends up affecting me in the end):mad:
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    I have a Commodore PET for Ned if he wants it. :D

    The Commodore PET had almost as much storage as the low end tablet of today...>:D. In all seriousness....LOVED the gaming on the PET...horseracing math game rocked..."Look at that old nag go!" :D
  • I can hear the historic conversation now ...

    Gutenberg: I have created machine that will allow mass production of books.
    King Ned the Luddite: The people will not be taken in by your marketing ploy. We have minstrels and lovely handwritten manuscripts.
    King Ned the Luddite: Guards!! Take him away and destroy his new technology.

    Minstrel: In other news ....

    1) This technology has a use much like the interwebz.
    2) Not my fault that others were conned into needing this. It's called marketing. Same thing in cars. Does one really need a Cadillac Escalade to drive their kids to hockey?
    3) Society in general is disrespectful of others. Technology is not the problem here. I'm sure people were yapping in the movie theaters long be "talkies"
    4) Not sure why we need "wide-screen" for TVs and not computers.
    5) The largest PET was 32k not 32G and cost more than most laptops today.
    6) I am not going to justify my purchase.
    7) Good Day Sir. :D
  • Methinks Milo and Ned sound even older that me! And Hobbes.. well he's just Hobbes...
  • No one is older than you boss . . . I just think that tech for the sake of tech, and new for the sake of new is pretty ridiculous. I remember hearing a "bit" on the radio (SNL clip?) about Apple's new "X", the announcement for which was interrupted by the news of Apple's "Y", which was smaller and newer, followed by "Z", which was . . . well you get the idea. It ended with the presenter displaying the ultimate Apple product, only to have it pointed out that nothing was visible in his hand.

    If people are happy with their playbooks (or w/e), great. I just find the whole thing to be almost fetishist in nature. Not an individual product per se, but the idea of the constant need to be "connected".
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    I can hear the historic conversation now ...

    Gutenberg: I have created machine that will allow mass production of books.
    King Ned the Luddite: The people will not be taken in by your marketing ploy. We have minstrels and lovely handwritten manuscripts.
    King Ned the Luddite: Guards!! Take him away and destroy his new technology.

    Minstrel: In other news ....

    1) This technology has a use much like the interwebz.
    2) Not my fault that others were conned into needing this. It's called marketing. Same thing in cars. Does one really need a Cadillac Escalade to drive their kids to hockey?
    3) Society in general is disrespectful of others. Technology is not the problem here. I'm sure people were yapping in the movie theaters long be "talkies"
    4) Not sure why we need "wide-screen" for TVs and not computers.
    5) The largest PET was 32k not 32G and cost more than most laptops today.
    6) I am not going to justify my purchase.
    7) Good Day Sir. :D

    He said GOOD DAY !!!
  • Milo wrote: »
    No one is older than you boss . . . I just think that tech for the sake of tech, and new for the sake of new is pretty ridiculous. I remember hearing a "bit" on the radio (SNL clip?) about Apple's new "X", the announcement for which was interrupted by the news of Apple's "Y", which was smaller and newer, followed by "Z", which was . . . well you get the idea. It ended with the presenter displaying the ultimate Apple product, only to have it pointed out that nothing was visible in his hand.

    If people are happy with their playbooks (or w/e), great. I just find the whole thing to be almost fetishist in nature. Not an individual product per se, but the idea of the constant need to be "connected".

    I remember that skit. I probably have it on BlueRay ... er I mean DVD ... err I mean Video Disk ... er I mean VHS .... err I mean Betamax. :D

    and yes the whole "Apple Cult" is gross, but if nothing else Jobs was a marketing genius. He could give David Koresh a run for his money. :D

    And like I said, mine is mainly work related. The fact that it has uses outside of work is secondary and not the driving force for me.
  • Milo wrote: »
    No one is older than you boss . .
    You did notice that I said "sound" older right...? Oh and I own exactly zero Apple products nor any type of playbook, tablet, et al.
  • compuease wrote: »
    You did notice that I said "sound" older right...? Oh and I own exactly zero Apple products nor any type of playbook, tablet, et al.

    If it ain't mainframe, it's CRAP.

    Pretty sure that's the unofficial IBM motto. :D
  • On another note....anyone wanna buy one of dem new fandangled barely used a 22 inch 'widescreen' LG monitors? It's quite advanced 'technology' and you can see alot more on either side of the web page that you couldn't see with them old fashioned kind ;) Great 'low profile' buttons too!!
    75 bucks.

    Oops, sorry just saw the buy and sell forum. Maybe I'll just try kijiji, probably better for local.
  • "4) Not sure why we need "wide-screen" for TVs and not computers.
    5) The largest PET was 32k not 32G and cost more than most laptops today."

    One more just to keep the fun going...>:D
    You really don't understand 4? TV broadcasts and movies are in widescreen now. Computers, webpages, and documents still scroll up and down (hence they are always longer than they are wide). The width isn't an issue with them and never was...unless all the person uses their computer for is watching tv and movies. All the corporate machine did was save themselves at tonne of money producing monitors, give users a piss poor option for anyone who actually uses a computer for any sort of business or non media function, and let the drones eat it up thinking they are getting a 'wider' option, instead of reality....a shorter option with less area than the ones they replaced.
    As for 5, of course I was joking...even a meg back then would have been unheard of....but DON'T YOU DARE start making fun of my beloved C64 or it will be WAR :p
  • I approve of this new SuperNed guy!
  • Kristy was right a long time ago. We are a bunch of crusty old curmudgeons with nothing better to do than bitch about stuff. Then take a nap. Wake up. Bitch about how we were woken up.
  • Go back to sleep old man. :D
  • Yaaaawn. Damn interwebz kids makin' noise about sumtin er udder. Callin' me old. I'm not old yet dammit.

    Kids today need a good..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  • And ANOTHER THING...what's the deal with all these fancy shock absorbers in running shoes....hee hee :D
  • Having just woke up from my nap, what did I miss?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Having just woke up from my nap, what did I miss?

    Nothing. Eat your bran and go back to sleep.
  • Okay . . . thanks Hobbes, you're a mensch.
  • Stop increasing my vocabulary:

    Mensch (Yiddish: מענטש mentsh, from German: Mensch "human being") means "a person of integrity and honor".[1] The opposite of a "mensch" is an "unmensch" (meaning: an utterly cruel or evil person). According to Leo Rosten, the Yiddish maven and author of The Joys of Yiddish, "mensch" is "someone to admire and emulate, someone of noble character. The key to being 'a real mensch' is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous."[2] The term is used as a high compliment, expressing the rarity and value of that individual's qualities.
    In Yiddish, from which the word has migrated as a loanword into American English, mensch roughly means "a good person." A mensch is a particularly good person, like "a stand-up guy", a person with the qualities one would hope for in a dear friend or trusted colleague. Mentschlekhkeyt (Yiddish מענטשלעכקייט, German Menschlichkeit) are the properties which make one a mensch.
    During the Age of Enlightenment in Germany the term Humanität, in the philosophical sense of compassion, was used to describe what characterizes a "better human being" in Humanism. The concept goes back to Cicero's Humanitas and was literally translated into the German word Menschlichkeit and then adapted into mentsh in Yiddish language use.
  • THAT's what it means?!? . . . who knew?
  • Tablets will be much much better in the next generation next year..

    They should have.

    Quadruple the screen resolution, The Ipad 3 will have this.
    22nm processors. Faster, better battery life.
    OLED screen technology... use much less electricity...

    but they really need much more memory.

    I have 30 gigs of music, 16,000 books, thousands of poker videos!
  • isnork wrote: »
    u can slip it in my back pocket while I am talking to someone HDMI output

    This sounds dirty.

    Kristy was right a long time ago. We are a bunch of crusty old curmudgeons with nothing better to do than bitch about stuff. Then take a nap. Wake up. Bitch about how we were woken up.

    Lol, I did a vanity search last night and I was amazed at how many times my name came up in posts like these.

    Pretty sure I didn't use a word as pretty as "Curmudgeons" to describe CPF-ers though.
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    Sorry if I am being a prick, seriously not meaning to. Just can't comprehend the how and why of it all, from any angle.

    Not sure there is an equivalent for podcasts with a regular PC? I can push a couple buttons in the morning on my ipad2 and have 1.5 hours of video downloaded on to it (in 15 minutes) to keep me entertained on my daily commute. Don't think this convenience exists on a PC? I guess you could load podcasts if you have an Apple Laptop. This is really useful when you are travelling where wifi is not accessible.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Not sure there is an equivalent for podcasts with a regular PC? I can push a couple buttons in the morning on my ipad2 and have 1.5 hours of video downloaded on to it (in 15 minutes) to keep me entertained on my daily commute. Don't think this convenience exists on a PC? I guess you could load podcasts if you have an Apple Laptop. This is really useful when you are travelling where wifi is not accessible.

    Of course you can... And the fact that it takes only 15 min is a function of your internet speed not the device.

    Lots of others as well..

    Juice, the cross-platform podcast receiver.

    Other than touchscreen, which seems foreign to me, a laptop can do everything a "x"pad can and more..

    Flame away you modern geeks...

    Sincerely... the Ol curmudgeon.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Not sure there is an equivalent for podcasts with a regular PC? I can push a couple buttons in the morning on my ipad2 and have 1.5 hours of video downloaded on to it (in 15 minutes) to keep me entertained on my daily commute. Don't think this convenience exists on a PC? I guess you could load podcasts if you have an Apple Laptop. This is really useful when you are travelling where wifi is not accessible.

    Push a couple buttons in the morning? That's more work than I like to put into it. RSS is nothing new.
  • Ned your monitor rant makes no sense. You get no more vertical space on a 22" widescreen than you do on a reg 22" screen, nor would you on a reg 40" screen for that matter, unless you change the resolution, the text would only be larger and easier to read. So your comments about being able to read a full webpage on a reg screen vs 'a short screen' are a bunch of crap.

    If it is such an issue with you, why not buy a monitor that can rotate 90 deg. My dell does, so does my playbook for that matter. The reality is that people read left to right, not up and down, from birth we are wired to look left and right first before up and down and that is why people prefer wider over taller.
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