iPad 2 or Playbook



  • Looking at the Lenovo K1 tablet.

    Android 3.1
    $329 at Best Buy
  • My playbook seems nice so far. Wireless is disabled when you connect to your computer? Why??

    My 8 year old figured it out without me showing him anything = easy to use?

    All my AC3 encoded videos have no sound. Fuck me. Converting to aac PITA!
  • moose wrote: »
    My 8 year old figured it out without me showing him anything = easy to use?
    ummm, no not necessarily. Now if someone over 40 figures it out easily, then it's easy to use.. An 8 year old just naturally knows all that stuff...
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Looking at the Lenovo K1 tablet.

    Android 3.1
    $329 at Best Buy

    Would buy Android over RIM
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Would buy Android over RIM

    I would definitely compare......if I didn't have a Blackberry. No brainer if you have one imo.
  • Can you play online poker on either of these if your in a free wifi (like at Starbucks or work or something)area? I don't know much about them.
  • Not for the playbook at least, and I'd assume same on other tablets.

    They don't run traditional exe files, but run "Apps" - not unlike smart phones, so unless P* develops an app, no go. I couldn't use chrome either :(

  • ILike2Play wrote: »
    Can you play online poker on either of these if your in a free wifi (like at Starbucks or work or something)area? I don't know much about them.

    You'd need some sort of remote desktop software such as Logmein and then you could connect to your desktop computer at home from wherever you are.
  • I've been playing 888 poker on the Playbook and it is pretty good. It's flash based but the traffic is so light that if you are playing when the Euro's are in bed there is no action at all.

    I got 3 tables going stacked of some 5c/10c just to see how it worked. Forgot I had $60 on there until I started looking for a way to get my fix on the go since FT-Rush for smart phones went the way of the DOJ.

    This is the link to the 888 flash based instant player

    Instant Poker Play

    Mods, this is just a link to the player, there is no reference in the link to me so this isn't spam to get pay for traffic or anything like that :)

    I'm still on a mac....for poker I have to fix that...... Does 888 have decent software for Windows? the flash player gets the job done but really is a weak comparison to the P* software.
  • I just won my first poker hand on my playbook!

    Kinda irritating to use though, need an app.

  • The tablet is one of the saddest jokes corporations and the media has played on consumers in years....and consumers continue to eat them up. No offense to anyone meant, but cmon. Talk about a limited use inferior piece of garbage. Give me a laptop, netbook, whatever any day of the week. A tablet would be great, if it had a screen cover, physical keyboard, could run the majority of pc programs, had inexpensive storage capability....oh wait...then it would be a laptop :D
    I was watching a woman struggle with one trying to type something on her lap all hunched over at the airport the other day and just had to laugh. Only the genius marketing team at Apple could have started such a ridiculous fad with such an inferior product and actually convinced the majority of people they needed one.
  • I always marvel...

    Whenever someone says "No offense to..." or "I'm not racist / sexist / etc but..." and then they think that gives them license to say anything :)

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I always marvel...

    Whenever someone says "No offense to..." or "I'm not racist / sexist / etc but..." and then they think that gives them license to say anything :)


    I stand by my comments, and don't mean to offend anyone, but do have a very valid opinion on tablets. And with that, I suppose I do think the 'tablet generation' are a thing of wonder and I find it an amazing bit of marketing brilliance at the early stages to create this phenomena. I can not remember ever seeing such an inferior product with so many shortcomings fool so many into believing they need one. I mean, people are willing to suffer with a product that is inferior in every way to technology that was out 5 years ago (other than touch screen...which in it's own way is inferior) just to be on the tablet bandwagon so to speak, and that amazes me. If Apple hadn't convinced the drones they needed one two years ago...say for instance hp or any other company that didn't have a built in "I'll buy whatever Apple makes no matter what it is fan base" brought it out first, it would have been laughed at as the joke it was died a sad death immediately. I'm not even saying a laptop with a touchscreen combo would be that bad an idea, but the tablet alone, geez, what a complete and utter joke Steve Jobs played on his followers on his way out. :biggrin:
    It's almost as if he wanted to make as bad a product as possible to prove he could sell anything to anyone. "USB? Nah...these suckers will eat it up either way...why put something so useful in the initial few versions. We'll be selling these to each person three times over...may as well leave something to add to future versions so people need to 'upgrade'...cha ching!"
  • Fyp
    superned wrote: »
    the calculator is one of the saddest jokes corporations and the media has played on consumers in years....and consumers continue to eat them up. No offense to anyone meant, but cmon. Talk about a limited use inferior piece of garbage. Give me a slide ruler any day of the week. A calculator would be great, if it were inexpensive and could perform all the functions of a slide ruler instead of just adding numbers togetehr. I was watching a woman struggle with one trying to perform logarithmic calculations over at the train station the other day and just had to laugh. Only the genius marketing team at texas instruments could have started such a ridiculous fad with such an inferior product and actually convinced the majority of people they needed one.
  • That would be more fitting Hobbes, if we were comparing a tablet to newspaper....but again....in this case we have the calculator already having been invented and some marketing genius coming along and creating a new...version...a version that can't multiply or divide...and somehow convincing the drones that they need one...or two...or three. Pure genius :D
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    That would be more fitting Hobbes, if we were comparing a tablet to newspaper....but again.... :D

    Comparing changes in technology.

    While I do agree somewhat that there is a lot of hype re consumer market. These are great at the office.

    They are lightweight and portable.
    I use graffiti for android instead of typing. Those that had a Palm Pilot will know what Graffiti is.
    I can keep all my documents with me.
    I can manage my databases.
  • Thought I posted this early this AM, but I don't see it so I guess I didn't somehow.

    I used to think tablets were an over-priced joke, but my gf bought an ipad2. It is great for traveling...much smaller, lighter and more convenient than a laptop by far. If you don't travel much or have to take a laptop back and forth to work everyday then I don't see the use for it.
  • for an incremental couple hundred bucks, the ipad is well worth it. Being able to watch the CNBC Fast Money daily podcasts on my commute, has paid for it ten fold in stock tip advice.
  • picked up a 32GB Motorola Xoom for $399 at Costco, inc 2yr warranty :)
  • And I found a Graffiti App so I can write like the old Palm Pilot
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    picked up a 32GB Motorola Xoom for $399 at Costco, inc 2yr warranty :)

    Not to continue my tablet bashing anymore than necessary...but that is another thing that has aways just floored me. The storage...or lack thereof. Somehow they have convinced people that accepting storage levels of a PC from 10 years ago is acceptable and make people pay through the nose for the 'upgrade', when an itty bitty micro SD card now holds 32 gigs. I mean, for arguments sake they could probably lay 100 SD cards on the area the size back of a tablet, thicken it by one millimetre (the thickness of a micro SD) and make a tablet with 3 terabytes. Of course cost would be an issue, but memory costs the manufacturers pennies. Serious question....with 1mm thicker and the potential to produce a 3 terabyte tablet, how have they convinced people that Windows 98 era storage is acceptable these days?:bs:
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    Not to continue my tablet bashing anymore than necessary...

    Then DON'T!!!!
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Then DON'T!!!!

    PLEASE...I'm BEGGING you...to explain the phenomena to me. Seriously, how on earth could the powers that be convince people that memory/storage that can be fit on a card the size of my pinkie nail be a 'good' thing? I understand that they have, I am just boggled by the acceptance. I quoted your post, and clearly you were posting it as if a 32 gb memory on a device that size device in the year 2011 was a good thing (you and everyone else who buys tablets). 32 gigs wasn't just 2 years ago bad, it's 10 years ago bad. I mean, even a tiny a netbook these days even has more than 10x that storage. I'm trying to build my own cult so I'm hoping to get into the brains of some potential members >:D
  • The fact that they would even think of making any sort of tablet with anything less than 2 or 3 large capacity micro sd cards worth of storage is insulting the consumer public. It's almost as if they are saying "In you face drones...you'd buy this and LOVE IT if we put a 3 1/2 inch FLOPPY drive in it if we told you it was da bomb!! ":D
  • Sorry if I am being a prick, seriously not meaning to. Just can't comprehend the how and why of it all, from any angle.
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    Sorry if I am being a prick, seriously not meaning to. Just can't comprehend the how and why of it all, from any angle.
    In some ways, from a technological perspective anyways, I agree with you. However the portability and touch screen aspect is what most people are buying. Anyone who is multimedia centric generally is a fan of the ipad or playbook type of device. They have their place just as a laptop or desktop has.
    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a user (or fan) myself however do see the appeal.
    Of course I'm a big water cooled iron sort of guy so take it for what it's worth. :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Of course I'm a big water cooled iron sort of guy so take it for what it's worth. :)

    This had me picturing you firing up your straight piped, tricked out thunder pounding hawg and laying out a track of fire with your steel wheels. Hair back and hammer down baby.

    Sans helmet of course. That's how you'd roll..
  • This had me picturing you firing up your straight piped, tricked out thunder pounding hawg and laying out a track of fire with your steel wheels. Hair back and hammer down baby.

    Sans helmet of course. That's how you'd roll..
    lol, back in the day, when men were men and computers were the size of Mac trucks......
    a 256MB add on frame was about 6 1/2 ft high, 4 ft wide and 8 ft long. Real power baby! Now a 32GB (128x the size) memory card is the size of my thumb nail. :(
  • To me it's like some other 'advances' the technology world has thrown at us recently (although no question people really do like touch sceens. I'm not a big fan but that's just me).
    My LG monitor with heat sensitive buttons just floors me. Unless you are in a room with flourescent lighting in it...you can't tell where the buttons are as they are pretty much invisible on the piano black finish and basically you have to touch all over the area where the buttons are until you hit the right one (I really have no inclination or time to bother memorizing what half centimeter area each button is in, nor should I have to)...and by then you've probably adjusted the brightness or shut the thing off (whichever one you DIDN'T want to happen). But somehow the powers that be convinced people this was an advance in technology. While it is an advance in technology in the truest sense, from a useability standpoint it was 10 steps back.

    Really, same thing with 'Wide screen' computer monitors (both laptop and desktop). Talk about fooling people into thinking they are somehow better. I would guess that movies are a very minor part of what most people do on computer monitors these days....and the majority of work is done in an up and down scrolling format. They should really have just renamed 'wide screen' to 'short screen' because all they really did was cut about 1/3 of the top of the screen off and somehow convince the masses they were getting 'more' by calling it wide. I can see how it makes sense for televisions, but computer monitors...nope. On my desktop I actually went back to my full screen monitor and wrapped up my LG widescreen with the invisible buttons and put it in storage. Sadly, with my laptop the powers that be have decided that nobody has a choice anymore...it's short screen or nothing...so instead of seeing the entire web page or document on my laptop like I do on my full screen monitor...I have to scroll down every time I go to many pages, documents etc. Editing photos is a real 'treat'. The beauty of that move is since they literally killed the full screen market with the hype, people are now so used to having a short screen they forget what actually being able to see most of a web page or document feels like. Thank you powers that be...I can't wait for the next technological 'advance'. Here's an idea...lets make the next one that all new TV remotes need to be touch sensitive with no actual buttons...I'm sure that's coming and the drones will eat that up (and I hope everyone understands how utterly annoying that will be)
    But alas, I am getting way off topic here, and do apologize. Just hate that technological 'advances' have come to this. :o
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