GG Bin Laden?

CNN John King's reported Sunday night, citing sources. President Barack Obama is to address the nation momentarily regarding bin Laden's death.


  • Keeping my fingers crossed.... been waiting for someone to put two in the head of this bas**rd for 10 years....
  • Watching CNN. Pres Obama is about to address the nation in regards to this story.

    U.S has killed Bin Laden. Not yet known if it was a drone attack.
    Some of his family members have also died just outside Islamabad Pakistan.
  • Would have preferred capture.

    Interesting case study on that fella I'm sure. Of course, then it likely would have ended up like the Hussein thing did a few years back.

  • How the hell did no one take this fucker in the DP?! I mean, just for pure kharma's sake?!
  • I did not think he was going to get caught to be honest. He may have already been dead before we found out todays events. Who Knows?

    US has custody of Bin Ladens body. He was killed in a firefight.
    Just a guess but I think it was special forces. That is what it sounds like.

    NH America.
  • Intelligence tracked his sorry a** down to a compound in Pakistan and Obama authorized a Special Forces strike. Bast**d died in the firefight. Never thought I'd say this, Nice Call Obama.....
  • Small Navy Seal Unit . +1
    This is being reported by CNN. Pres Obama signed the order on Friday Morning during the Royal Wedding.
    Navy Seals crossed over into Pakistan? probably already there.
    Looks like the Pakistani Gov't helped with this. Government is civilian now and this is IMO a big reason why they finally got at him. I don't think Musharrif was that helpful when he was in charge.

    Good Going. Puts a big dent in the terrorism business but does not end it.

    This unit should all be given medals and share the bounty on Bin laden's head.
    Obama's popularity may soar to record heights with the news also.
  • Unfortunately there will be someone else to take his place and continue his jihad against us.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Would have preferred capture.

    Interesting case study on that fella I'm sure. Of course, then it likely would have ended up like the Hussein thing did a few years back.


    What good would have come from a capture? May 1 1945 Hitler dead. May 1 2011 worlds most wanted terrorist dead - Bin Laden.

    real question is how does Pakistan harbor Bin Laden and other terrorist.

  • but is he dead? Body buried at sea is the latest I've read. I would have thought for sure that we'd see pictures just so that there is no doubt. I remember that they did that with one other member of his group when he and his sons were killed. Let the conspiracy theories begin!
  • What good would have come from a capture? May 1 1945 Hitler dead. May 1 2011 worlds most wanted terrorist dead - Bin Laden.

    real question is how does Pakistan harbor Bin Laden and other terrorist.


    Psychology major here... it's interesting to see the extremes.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Would have preferred capture.

    Interesting case study on that fella I'm sure. Of course, then it likely would have ended up like the Hussein thing did a few years back.


    I agree with Mark.

    Why go in with a kill order when it would be better to see him broken and in chains.
  • ItsaMe wrote: »
    I agree with Mark.

    Why go in with a kill order when it would be better to see him broken and in chains.

    That's revenge talking and while I certainly have no sympathy with him, I think that having him as a captive is really inviting more attacks. Much simpler this way, no muss no fuss, (hopefully)...
  • If they captured him the jihadists would likely increase attacks on any country/community/facility holding him (imaging him in Kingston Pen in solitary confinement - the number of terrorists who could potentially come to "free him" could be huge and disasterous). Burial at sea was awesome idea, no grave to turn into a shrine/jihadist mecca, and the bottom dwellers get to feast on him - just desserts in my opinion.....
  • I know this would never happen, but couldn't the world take note of who comes to the gravesite, "aka shrine" and pin a terrorist label on that person. I mean, who else is going to visit the scumbag but other scumbags ?
  • People in the middle east are now interested in freedom and throwing out dictators and building democracies. People seem to be less interested in suicide bombing. There hasn't been a suicide attack in two weeks.
  • There was one this weekend in Afghanistan...A 12 year old boy on a bike detonated a vest bomb and killed 4, wounded a dozen or so. This was part of the start of the Taliban's spring offensive.
  • dohhhh, first list I submitted for DPII had Bin Laden.... Then I backed out since I thought my team was rather "weak" ....And didn't have time to fix it. :mad:
  • I refuse to believe Osama is dead until I see the LONG FORM death certificate!
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    I know this would never happen, but couldn't the world take note of who comes to the gravesite, "aka shrine" and pin a terrorist label on that person. I mean, who else is going to visit the scumbag but other scumbags ?

    Probably 1000's of western soldiers/victims to pis* on the grave???

    Come to think of it, I'm going out to the west coast to fish this summer, might have to take a leak in the ocean :-)
  • Cdnvet can correct my assumption, but you have to think it would be easier to extract your team with a body, rather than a struggling captive. Second, why would bin Laden not fight to the death to avoid just such a show trial as has been mentioned above.

    Nope, go in hard, get the job done, and get the hell away. Helluva job to do the deed with no losses on the good guys.

    And, I agree with the poster above who questioned how he could be in the heart of Pakistan, in such opulent surroundings, and not have his whereabouts known to authorities. Some tough questions will be coming there way in the next few weeks, I am sure.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Cdnvet can correct my assumption, but you have to think it would be easier to extract your team with a body, rather than a struggling captive. Second, why would bin Laden not fight to the death to avoid just such a show trial as has been mentioned above.

    Nope, go in hard, get the job done, and get the hell away. Helluva job to do the deed with no losses on the good guys.

    And, I agree with the poster above who questioned how he could be in the heart of Pakistan, in such opulent surroundings, and not have his whereabouts known to authorities. Some tough questions will be coming there way in the next few weeks, I am sure.

    I agree. Holding him captive would have incited more terrorist attacks demanding his release.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Cdnvet can correct my assumption, but you have to think it would be easier to extract your team with a body, rather than a struggling captive.
    It is easier but the boys in black are trained to extract non-compliant detainees. From what I read, there was no intention of giving this scumbag a world-wide audience to rant and rave like the lunatic he is (not that that was the reason for the kill-order, just my spin). I can only imagine the satisfaction the shooter felt (besides the recoil>:D ) when he put 2 into Bin Laden.....
  • I thought the new toys really cut down on the recoil. Cannot be as bad as the old C1A1 or C2 . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    I thought the new toys really cut down on the recoil. Cannot be as bad as the old C1A1 or C2 . . .

    Ahhh, the FN C1, still one of my favourites.....
    Yep less recoil, but still that satisfying feel on your shoulder>:D
  • Didn't he have a bounty on his head? Who gets that?
  • Bounty was for non-military types. Soldiers reward is that little thump that Cdnvet referred to . . .
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Didn't he have a bounty on his head? Who gets that?

    Unfortunately not the SEAL team members, maybe the intelligence sources that pointed the US in the right direction?
  • I think it was the US intentions to kill him all along.
    I had my doubts that they were even going to find him.
    Glad he's gone. He deserved a bullet in the head.
    You can crap all over what I am going to say here too.

    Bin laden was a cockroach. Many innocent people have died because of him.
    The world is a better place without him.
    Kudos to everyone involved in finding and eliminating him.
    The US should give the bounty money to the 2 doz Navy Seals who finished the job. They deserve it.
  • According to cnn it was a courier that led them to the place, I too am interested if this millions of reward money that was offered gets paid.
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