team competion/How to beat the Bomb Squad



  • Which came about, becasue you guys think he needed to have better results in live tournaments....

    You did not mention anything about basment results....I am sure you guys are in the saem $$$$ area with ITM or MW in home games....

    So why not make it a live event?

    Because you're missing the spirit of the game. this is for bragging rights with a cash bonus. This is not OPT vs. A10, this is OPT vs the bomb squad.
  • Also keep in mind having a 1k event or 1.00 event isn't a fair representation of skill, its a representation of wealth. For this to be succeessful there has to be multiple events over a 2 or 3 day time frame to allow teams to accumulate points and make it worth it to all competing,spectating, and reporting.

    From an underground club prospective it may be hard to get a club to support this as they try to stay quiet for a reason but I know of a couple of really nice places in the GTA that would be ideal for this, will they host? That's a different story.

    I also don't understand why its important to have an official venue to begin with. With the amount of poker minds developing this event I am pretty sure the integrity of the event will be at the highest level no matter where it is held. A home set up may allow for more events and flexibility. Worse case you can hire dealers and bring in chip sets and "official" tables even though every home game has had official equipment.

    This is what i have been trying to say...

    But seems like they only want a 1 day donk fest but to try and avoid bingo....

    it needs to be a series....3-5 at the least
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    i actually have to admit that i like PokerJah suggestion of VIP. I have never played there, but i have heard good things about the club. A nice nuetral place, able to provide all required equipment, dealers etc. Also able to act as a TD.

    cdncardrunner - not really sure where you are coming up with the figure of $1000 per player. A10 already said in his own forum that he wanted to play for $200 per player. If we go with 10 players per team then that makes the buyin per team $2000, or a $4000 prize pool with both team entries. that is more then a sufficient prize pool to win bragging rights. tell A10 that this is not intended to be a soapbox for him to pimp himself on, tell him to stop trying to figure out the angle to maximise his potential exposer and just play some cards. OPT was challenged, OPT has accepted the challenge, now lets play some cards!!

    going back to my original quetion.. What would be the best format to play this in? Let's hear all sugestions so that we can finalize the details.

    Where was the challenge issued.....
  • Just dont shoot the messenger....

    I am just relaying msg.....
  • $200 a player = 2k a team is Final then.....
  • Pigeons! Iyayaya iyayaya iyayaya. :D
  • last time i checked Koby....
    was it not you that issued the challenge....
    Re: Blog from the owner of the Orangeville Poker League

    icon_post_target.gifby crazykoby » Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:48 pm
    Actually Jeff you do know me, it was my house that the satellite was played in. Your Brother in law works for my best friend. Remember me now?
    I’m going to say this one more time.
    Jeff - nothing I said was intended to be more then some constructive critism, however it appears that for all of your preaching about dreams and positive attitude you are unable to deal with some simple constructive critism.
    Tinytight – you’re a fucking idiot, and if you are what represents the best of the bombsquad then Jeff should be pretty fucking embarrassed. I have a wife, two kids and a business to run, I don’t have the time or dedication required to make it as a pro. I get out to Vegas every year to play in a couple WSOP events and maybe play half a dozen other tournaments a year. I enjoy being a winning recreational player and fully know that is what I am. So way to insult me by pointing out the things that I like the most about my life.
    Now for you tinytight I’m going to type real slow to make sure you understand this…The difference is I’ve never claimed to be a pro, unlike Jeff who has. Professional poker players make a living playing poker, Celebrity poker players make a living playing on their celebrity status. Since Jeff has no poker career earnings to validate his professional status then he is at best someone who has parlayed some kind of celebrity related status into a career. Now once again I will reiterate for you (I hope that is not too big of a word) what I said, I don’t think that is a bad thing. If Jeff is happy making a career in the poker industry as a gimmick then all the power to him, however If he wants to be taken seriously then go get some cashes. You don’t think that cashing in tournaments is important to the poker community?? Why do you think that when they introduced the pros at the Montreal Open the first thing they said about them was how much they have earned in tournaments and the highlights of their careers. It was funny that after introducing all the pros and their career earnings, and poker accomplishments, the best the TD had for Jeff was “he’s played here the last 3 years in a row”. I get that you are acting like Jeff’s little Chihuahua and yapping away, but tournament standings matter to the poker community. That is just a plain fact.

    Also you validate my own point, you didn’t know who I was but you took the time to research me, find out what I have earned, how well I have done, what tournaments I have cashed in, etc. Now you know who I am. If you tried to find the same info on Jeff what comes up?? Not much.
    You do understand that satellites are a natural way to get into any tournament, or are you just trying to show off how little you know about poker tournaments? Now that Jeff doesn’t have to satellite into tournaments according to you because he’s, I’m assuming by your post rolling in the Cheeda$$$$$, does this mean that we can expect to see him playing in the main event of the WSOP? I’ll be there, I’ve already got my backer putting me in, so I look forward to seeing him there as well.

    Last but not least, I hate yappy little punks who hide behind their keyboard, so easy to play the tough guy when you are staring at the monitor. Like I said I don’t consider myself a pro, have never claimed to be one, but I do have major tournament cashes and a backer who is willing to bankroll me in any major tournament that I want to play.
    Any time you want to play against me for any amount you want, I’m in.
  • The royal cup is done in 1 day with 8 teams of 8.

    I am sure we can set up something with 2 teams of 10 and have a pretty good structured events starting at 10am and wrapping up in good time.
  • Where was the challenge issued.....

    here is the post from A10 in his forum.

    "Looks like CrazyKoby wants to play some poker!!!! The bomb has been planted, the fuse has been lit, now CrazyKoby get ready for the BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! icon_e_surprised.gificon_e_surprised.gificon_e_surprised.gificon_e_surprised.gificon_e_surprised.gificon_e_surprised.gificon_e_surprised.gificon_e_surprised.gif"

    As well as this from A10..

    "Team tourney would be way cool! Gotta get something going here......I just wanna play cards bro! icon_arrow.gif"

    This one from feltgrinder..

    "Ya boys OPT vs BombSquad in the bombers poker den, sounds like fun to me!"

    and this one from you..

    "Ok...Well Koby, Steve would you guys be up for something like that?"

    I don't think who actually issued the challenge is really important, lets just get something organized and play
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    i actually have to admit that i like PokerJah suggestion of VIP. I have never played there, but i have heard good things about the club. A nice nuetral place, able to provide all required equipment, dealers etc. Also able to act as a TD.

    cdncardrunner - not really sure where you are coming up with the figure of $1000 per player. A10 already said in his own forum that he wanted to play for $200 per player. If we go with 10 players per team then that makes the buyin per team $2000, or a $4000 prize pool with both team entries. that is more then a sufficient prize pool to win bragging rights. tell A10 that this is not intended to be a soapbox for him to pimp himself on, tell him to stop trying to figure out the angle to maximise his potential exposer and just play some cards. OPT was challenged, OPT has accepted the challenge, now lets play some cards!!

    going back to my original quetion.. What would be the best format to play this in? Let's hear all sugestions so that we can finalize the details.

    Wait lets get this stright....THE OPT WAS CHALLENGED? Or Did Koby go off about how he is staked to play any major live event...I mean seriously seems kinda childish...
  • last time i checked Koby....
    was it not you that issued the challenge....
    Re: Blog from the owner of the Orangeville Poker League

    icon_post_target.gifby crazykoby » Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:48 pm
    Actually Jeff you do know me, it was my house that the satellite was played in. Your Brother in law works for my best friend. Remember me now?
    I’m going to say this one more time.
    Jeff - nothing I said was intended to be more then some constructive critism, however it appears that for all of your preaching about dreams and positive attitude you are unable to deal with some simple constructive critism.
    Tinytight – you’re a fucking idiot, and if you are what represents the best of the bombsquad then Jeff should be pretty fucking embarrassed. I have a wife, two kids and a business to run, I don’t have the time or dedication required to make it as a pro. I get out to Vegas every year to play in a couple WSOP events and maybe play half a dozen other tournaments a year. I enjoy being a winning recreational player and fully know that is what I am. So way to insult me by pointing out the things that I like the most about my life.
    Now for you tinytight I’m going to type real slow to make sure you understand this…The difference is I’ve never claimed to be a pro, unlike Jeff who has. Professional poker players make a living playing poker, Celebrity poker players make a living playing on their celebrity status. Since Jeff has no poker career earnings to validate his professional status then he is at best someone who has parlayed some kind of celebrity related status into a career. Now once again I will reiterate for you (I hope that is not too big of a word) what I said, I don’t think that is a bad thing. If Jeff is happy making a career in the poker industry as a gimmick then all the power to him, however If he wants to be taken seriously then go get some cashes. You don’t think that cashing in tournaments is important to the poker community?? Why do you think that when they introduced the pros at the Montreal Open the first thing they said about them was how much they have earned in tournaments and the highlights of their careers. It was funny that after introducing all the pros and their career earnings, and poker accomplishments, the best the TD had for Jeff was “he’s played here the last 3 years in a row”. I get that you are acting like Jeff’s little Chihuahua and yapping away, but tournament standings matter to the poker community. That is just a plain fact.

    Also you validate my own point, you didn’t know who I was but you took the time to research me, find out what I have earned, how well I have done, what tournaments I have cashed in, etc. Now you know who I am. If you tried to find the same info on Jeff what comes up?? Not much.
    You do understand that satellites are a natural way to get into any tournament, or are you just trying to show off how little you know about poker tournaments? Now that Jeff doesn’t have to satellite into tournaments according to you because he’s, I’m assuming by your post rolling in the Cheeda$$$$$, does this mean that we can expect to see him playing in the main event of the WSOP? I’ll be there, I’ve already got my backer putting me in, so I look forward to seeing him there as well.

    Last but not least, I hate yappy little punks who hide behind their keyboard, so easy to play the tough guy when you are staring at the monitor. Like I said I don’t consider myself a pro, have never claimed to be one, but I do have major tournament cashes and a backer who is willing to bankroll me in any major tournament that I want to play.
    Any time you want to play against me for any amount you want, I’m in.

    My challenge was to the tinytight little f*cker, BS extended it to OPT
  • I was just asking....Not challenging
  • IMHO this wont even happen.....
  • IMHO this wont even happen.....

    I would like to get this going and make it happen, but from this last post of your, I do kind of agree with you.

    Only time will tell
  • I think your issue is with Timmytight or w.e. not with the bombsquad....

    And your other issue WAS and maybe IS with A10...not his squad

    What has anyone on the squad done wrong?

    Dont get me wrong we will come to his (a10) defense, no matter what...I am just curious how this turned from a pissing match between you and your backers $$$$ vs tmmytight???

    to OPT vs the BOMBSQUAD
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    I would like to get this going and make it happen, but from this last post of your, I do kind of agree with you.

    Only time will tell

    You know me steve... I love cards and would love the challenge of playing a team match vs a gropup as talented as yours...

    I just dont seeing it happening for some reason....
    I think both sides have to much other stuff going on.... and maybe BIGGER things to worry about...WSOP, Senneca, WSOP-C events, Victory contests....

    Much more iam sure....

    Like you said only time will tell
  • cdncardrunner, how come Bomber doesn't come post here himself?
  • jontm wrote: »
    cdncardrunner, how come Bomber doesn't come post here himself?

    I don’t know....

    Personally i think he is working and maybe feels he has better things to do then browse the forums....

    Ask him yourself...He is busy promoting is own forums right now!
  • I actually think awhile back and I mean awhile back he got banned from this forum, for spamming it with all this A10 stuff, but I am not 100% sure on that, just what I heard from a moderator of this forum some time ago.
  • I think your issue is with Timmytight or w.e. not with the bombsquad....

    And your other issue WAS and maybe IS with A10...not his squad

    What has anyone on the squad done wrong?

    Dont get me wrong we will come to his (a10) defense, no matter what...I am just curious how this turned from a pissing match between you and your backers $$$$ vs tmmytight???

    to OPT vs the BOMBSQUAD

    My issue was in defense of Steve, no different then yours being in defense of A10.
    Never said anyone from BS did anything wrong.
  • ok, it just sounds like its getting more and more personal with the squads indiviual memebers...

    I am just taking it wrong i guess....

    Just confused if it was in defense of steve why bring up all your stuff.....?
  • ok, it just sounds like its getting more and more personal with the squads indiviual memebers...

    I am just taking it wrong i guess....

    Just confused if it was in defense of steve why bring up all your stuff.....?

    Go re-read the post from timytight and then tell me how my response was wrong. up until that point i had done nothing to mention any of my tournament stats other then mention two WSOP cashes. I never mentioned how much i made, where i placed, i never mentioned my GBH cash, and never mentioned someone backing me in large events. It was actually timytight who was kind enough to mention all of that for me
  • ok, it just sounds like its getting more and more personal with the squads indiviual memebers...

    Show me in any post where i have attacked a individual squade member. the only things i have said are in reference to A10 and i will stand by the things i said. I don't think he is a professional poker player like he claims. i will agree that he may be a celebrity poker player of sorts, and anything i said was always followed up with good for him for what he has done. I still think if he wants to be taken serious as a poker player then he needs to produce some stats.
  • There is no post where you attacked an idividual memeber... Like i said... I am taking it the wrong way.....
  • QUOTE=crazykoby;263031]Go re-read the post from timytight and then tell me how my response was wrong. up until that point i had done nothing to mention any of my tournament stats other then mention two WSOP cashes. I never mentioned how much i made, where i placed, i never mentioned my GBH cash, and never mentioned someone backing me in large events. It was actually timytight who was kind enough to mention all of that for me[/QUOTE]

    I believe he only mentioned them because HE thought they were miniscule and didn’t matter to the avg he said 100's if not 1000's of people do that every year...
    Cashing in a WSOP is very difficult and i commend you for your great showing... at the same time nowhere did i read in his post...That he was aware you were staked or had the abilty to play any event you wanted.

    No offense, but you’re the only STAKED player that i know that, toot’s his own horn about being able to play any major live event you want…timmytight does not mention that anywhere...and only play in 2-3 with results…either the results are not up, or you’re not making enough deep runs…and the staker may want to stake someone else and get a better ROI… or maybe those are the only events you have played under an agreement...

    I mean would you not want to play all the time?
    Would your staker not be upset with you for missing (+ev) situations and tournaments…

    I am so confused… I am sure your a great player and that is why you are staked...But be humble about it bro... you posted about being staked for a reason....why i don’t know
  • QUOTE=crazykoby;263031]Go re-read the post from timytight and then tell me how my response was wrong. up until that point i had done nothing to mention any of my tournament stats other then mention two WSOP cashes. I never mentioned how much i made, where i placed, i never mentioned my GBH cash, and never mentioned someone backing me in large events. It was actually timytight who was kind enough to mention all of that for me

    I believe he only mentioned them because HE thought they were miniscule and didn’t matter to the avg he said 100's if not 1000's of people do that every year...
    Cashing in a WSOP is very difficult and i commend you for your great showing... at the same time nowhere did i read in his post...That he was aware you were staked or had the abilty to play any event you wanted.

    No offense, but you’re the only STAKED player that i know that, toot’s his own horn about being able to play any major live event you want…timmytight does not mention that anywhere...and only play in 2-3 with results…either the results are not up, or you’re not making enough deep runs…and the staker may want to stake someone else and get a better ROI… or maybe those are the only events you have played under an agreement...

    I mean would you not want to play all the time?
    Would your staker not be upset with you for missing (+ev) situations and tournaments…

    I am so confused… I am sure your a great player and that is why you are staked...But be humble about it bro... you posted about being staked for a reason....why i don’t know[/QUOTE]

    Actually re-read the whole thread, i only mentioned it because Steve had already mentioned it in a previous post as an argument to what timy had said. Once it was mentioned then i had no reason to not talk about it, but if you read the whole thread you will see that i never mentioned it first.
  • I know nothing about this so called BombSquad. But I can tell you. I have played at Steve's, Ching Hill against the guys from OPT.
    I am coming to their defense also. BS may be getting in a little over their heads here. MHO
    There are a lot of good players that play in both leagues. I really want to watch this. lol.

  • its not about the SO CALLED BOMBSQUAD...

    This started between 2 people and for somereason the Bombsquad and OPT was thrown into the mix...
    If somrthing was not said orginaly then it would not have been taken out of context... and i think that is what has happend here...Everything blown way out of context...

    What i do know is, if this match were to go down...we would and will hold our own weight!
  • cardrunner I mentioned crazykoby being backed in response to timytight saying A10 is a sponsored pro.

    Pretty sure in the other forum I said he get sponsored into some majotlr events. That does make him a sponsored pro?

  • Come on....

    we both know there is a difference between being staked and being sponsored
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