team competion/How to beat the Bomb Squad



  • I was going to put a team in it this year...

    I am a member of the squad, does this now mean i am not invited.... Most of the squad plays NL holdem so i imagine the format of the royal cup does not suit them...

    But i also play with a crowed that can play all games...
    I was hoping that we could put a team in...
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    This has to be a joke!! This is two local poker groups getting together to see who is the better team, and somehow you want to turn it into one of your circus performing acts. Not all of us want to be part of the freakshow, some of us have dignity.

    -You committed to $200/man
    -You committed to a neutral arena (playground is your turf)

    To me this is all about the bragging rights, the cash is just icing on the cake.

    Man up to your commitments and lets organize something, otherwise admit that you don't want to play against us and we can all move on with our lives.

    I understand where your coming from...But at the same time this is now the challenge he has issued...if you and the OPT want to counter then i am sure he will consider...

    so get a venue set a date and buy in and ill see if he wants to consider it...
    They is his challenge, now issue yours
  • I understand where your coming from...But at the same time this is now the challenge he has issued...if you and the OPT want to counter then i am sure he will consider...

    so get a venue set a date and buy in and ill see if he wants to consider it...
    They is his challenge, now issue yours

    OPT is Steve's baby so i'll leave it to him to decide if and how he wants to proceed with this. I get the feeling that no matter what OPT offers there will always be an unrealistic stipulation.

    This is not as complicated as it's being made out to be. This is not some nationally telivised event, there are not thousands of fans waiting to find out the outcome. Other then the 20+ people who have been following this thread nobody really gives a shit about this. This is simply about two local poker clubs/teams testing each other to see who can produce the better outcome in a simple tournament style format. Why A10 does not understand that is beyond me.
  • I understand where your coming from...But at the same time this is now the challenge he has issued...if you and the OPT want to counter then i am sure he will consider...

    so get a venue set a date and buy in and ill see if he wants to consider it...
    They is his challenge, now issue yours

    We both know that no matter what the counter is A10 won't let it happen.

    Plain and simple

  • Well at least you can then say well... We offered and countered there offer...

    you can't just say any of the squad won’t show up...A10 may not because he feels its not worth his time...but i am still optimistic about getting a team together
  • Ok hmm counter well I guess I will take a page right out of A10's book.

    $250k per player
    Venue will be at WSOP, we will play on their 2 main feature tables.

    No Limit Holdem
    Limit Holdem
    Pot Limit Omaha Hi
    Heads Up

    Over 4 days, 1 day for each event

    and in case you didn't catch my sarcasm, this offer ridiculous and will never happen obviously. But there you have it and A10 will get all this media attention he craves because of the money that is on the line.

    Put it this way No one fucking cares anymore because of your mighty leader A10, he turned something that could have been really fun for all, into a fucking gong show of a circus.
  • There are a few last points to clear up.

    Cndrunner I am only going to ask you as you are the go between.

    What are the Bombsquad home games normally priced at? $200+? Or do you play for similar stakes as OPT with the exception of special occasions? So why shoot for the stars here other than to try to appear larger than life.

    How many 1k events do the bombsquad play or have played in the past? I think you do and Kenny I know from friends played at BCPCs and from what I have seen does really good online, but I know of zero 1k events bomber played this year, or any casino tournaments at all for that matter prior to the Montreal Open.

    And Bomber is one that it isn't really hard to know what he is up to, whether anyone wants to hear it or not. If he is playing $200+ regularly or "grinddddding" Hendon Mob or a screen name can show his results as most everything is tracked.

    So why act like such a balla here? The Bombsquad was at Playground on the 26th in time for the 1k that went down then, did any play? No they played 1/2 NL and so did Jeff, like any other recreational player.

    Why is Bomber talking about booking time off work in his speech? Don't Pros play for a living?

    As for some of the other questions, who is orchastrarting this? Bomber works for the production company that shoots the Montreal Open and most Canadian Events that get filimed as well as other at WSOP. Usually he is the table spotter and like any good bosses, Jeff's keeps him happy by giving him a little attention once in awhile.

    Jeff made a deep run at the Montreal Open a few years back and I think had another TV table in some other event they where producing, but since he is hand picked becuase he is a unique character that entertains, that doesn't mean he is getting through huge fields to be at the final 6 or ten.
    As far as the Montreal Open goes, Burnett is connected as an affiliate. I am about 99.9% ceratain that his buy-ins and rebuys are covered as part of the deal, so it's not like he doesn't have ample oppurtunity to go deep. The fact he brings his bomb squad means they won't lose to much, essentialy his overhead is covered by the refer a friend program. The fact that they allow players to give stacks to friends if they qualify on multiple days and Jeff has overhead cost resources at his disposal, only makes it easier and is an edge over those paying out of pocket.

    And If anyone tries to say for one second he is there for the charity, look through the countless posts and speechs and do a ratio to acetenbomber/bombsquad promotional content and hype vs what the event is actually about. Compare to FTP pros twitter and speeches and it's night and day.

    This little eposide shows it all again. His post said points systems and structures were being worked out and it would be at playground. With having control of the rules and people that pull the strings, unlike those with results in random fields at random events, Jeff has done nothing special, lets go out on the limb give him extra credit and put him up to the 75-85 percentile.

    I have a good Idea what Duhamels RMS patch deal was and he is the first Canadian World Champ and so I would expect that Jeffs total package wouldn't amount to a single WSOP ME buy-in.

    Time to cut out the bullshit. IT's been fun.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Ok hmm counter well I guess I will take a page right out of A10's book.

    $250k per player
    Venue will be at WSOP, we will play on their 2 main feature tables.

    No Limit Holdem
    Limit Holdem
    Pot Limit Omaha Hi
    Heads Up

    Over 4 days, 1 day for each event

    and in case you didn't catch my sarcasm, this offer ridiculous and will never happen obviously. But there you have it and A10 will get all this media attention he craves because of the money that is on the line.

    Put it this way No one fucking cares anymore because of your mighty leader A10, he turned something that could have been really fun for all, into a fucking gong show of a circus.

    Ya....Great Sarcasm....At least his challenge is realistic media or no media
  • His challenge is not releastic becuase it imposes unreleastic costs compared to ROI.
    Good players manage their bankrolls as it is a business and most or looking to make profits with the fame a secondary goal.

    It takes all types to make the world go round but some of the best track records I have come across stay low key.

    Playgrounds prior tournaments had a 10% rake, the 1k that just past for instance. The 150 proposed would either be going to cover the use of the tv or Jeffs buy-in.

    I am a recreational player, never tried to pretend to be anything else, micro online 1/2 and beating low limit freezeouts, taking shots up to $550 and looking to improve. But when it comes to the business and promotional end of these things, Jeff is not going to confuse me or anyother player here for that matter as to the hidden agenda and that is a free promotional ride for him, that is the extent of what could be percieved as him being "pro". Companies are willing to pay him, becuase he has qualities that are benificial to them, but where those apply are limited.

    The people Jeff knows at Playground used to be associated with FTP and have hired his production company. Playground is also looking for as much media as they can get and are willing to throw out the bucks if it will be good for them. So this arrangement is good for Jeff and Playground, but a terrible investment for OPT players.

    Track recordwise, OPT is mostly likely way ahead on average, Wetts1012 could probably cover the entire bombsquad and I am sure a few others as well.

    So why would they pay extra to prove anything to the BS or Bomber? They are willing to humor this all and get together for some hard fought poker but they just are not in the habit of getting money in bad, which this clearly is.

    You know this makes sense, you are a real poker player Wes.
  • jontm wrote: »
    There are a few last points to clear up.

    Cndrunner I am only going to ask you as you are the go between.

    What are the Bombsquad home games normally priced at? $200+? Or do you play for similar stakes as OPT with the exception of special occasions? So why shoot for the stars here other than to try to appear larger than life.

    How many 1k events do the bombsquad play or have played in the past? I think you do and Kenny I know from friends played at BCPCs and from what I have seen does really good online, but I know of zero 1k events bomber played this year, or any casino tournaments at all for that matter prior to the Montreal Open.

    And Bomber is one that it isn't really hard to know what he is up to, whether anyone wants to hear it or not. If he is playing $200+ regularly or "grinddddding" Hendon Mob or a screen name can show his results as most everything is tracked.

    So why act like such a balla here? The Bombsquad was at Playground on the 26th in time for the 1k that went down then, did any play? No they played 1/2 NL and so did Jeff, like any other recreational player.

    Why is Bomber talking about booking time off work in his speech? Don't Pros play for a living?

    As for some of the other questions, who is orchastrarting this? Bomber works for the production company that shoots the Montreal Open and most Canadian Events that get filimed as well as other at WSOP. Usually he is the table spotter and like any good bosses, Jeff's keeps him happy by giving him a little attention once in awhile.

    Jeff made a deep run at the Montreal Open a few years back and I think had another TV table in some other event they where producing, but since he is hand picked becuase he is a unique character that entertains, that doesn't mean he is getting through huge fields to be at the final 6 or ten.
    As far as the Montreal Open goes, Burnett is connected as an affiliate. I am about 99.9% ceratain that his buy-ins and rebuys are covered as part of the deal, so it's not like he doesn't have ample oppurtunity to go deep. The fact he brings his bomb squad means they won't lose to much, essentialy his overhead is covered by the refer a friend program. The fact that they allow players to give stacks to friends if they qualify on multiple days and Jeff has overhead cost resources at his disposal, only makes it easier and is an edge over those paying out of pocket.

    And If anyone tries to say for one second he is there for the charity, look through the countless posts and speechs and do a ratio to acetenbomber/bombsquad promotional content and hype vs what the event is actually about. Compare to FTP pros twitter and speeches and it's night and day.

    This little eposide shows it all again. His post said points systems and structures were being worked out and it would be at playground. With having control of the rules and people that pull the strings, unlike those with results in random fields at random events, Jeff has done nothing special, lets go out on the limb give him extra credit and put him up to the 75-85 percentile.

    I have a good Idea what Duhamels RMS patch deal was and he is the first Canadian World Champ and so I would expect that Jeffs total package wouldn't amount to a single WSOP ME buy-in.

    Time to cut out the bullshit. IT's been fun.
    I don't usually make the trip up for home games with the squad Jon so i cannot tell you. I usually play In Niagara or Senneca as I am from Toronto.
    I believe the games are from $125-250 Usually but like i said iam not 100%

    In terms of WSOP... I think there has only been myself and 2 others that have played an event or more...
    I know 3-4 of us usually play the Venetian Deepstack Series...and a Few WPT prelims and Heartland Events...So an exact number i don’t know...
    For myself i have played my share of casino events lol....

    In terms of the 1k...
    No we were not there on time....When i got there myself and Dan (who has qualified thru Miriam for Vegas) Called and asked if Reg. was still open...and it was not...We did not arrive in MTL until Reg had closed. if we were then yes i would have played. and did i play 1-2???? or 2-5??? or was i playing 5-5plo....Yes i was playing 2-5 and 5-5 PLO for the last hour we were there anyway....

    your .1% wrong Jon....His buy-ins and Re-buys are not all covered. And he got thru on his own stack not someone else’s...As did Dan the only one to qualify from either the BS or OPT...To my knowledge not one OPT even made it thru to day 2...

    And the pros are paid to put that info on their twitter and FB accounts...They work for the Title Sponsor
  • His challenge is not releastic becuase it imposes unreleastic costs compared to ROI.
    Good players manage their bankrolls as it is a business and most or looking to make profits with the fame a secondary goal.

    If they thought they had an edge, would they not take it? seems like to me they are giving up +EV
  • Playgrounds prior tournaments had a 10% rake, the 1k that just past for instance. The 150 proposed would either be going to cover the use of the tv or Jeffs buy-in.

    I think the $50 was a mistake.... i know its usually only 10%
  • Track recordwise, OPT is mostly likely way ahead on average, Wetts1012 could probably cover the entire bombsquad and I am sure a few others as well.

    Darryl does not play in the avg weekely OPT game lol come on....

    Just saying players like artofsuntzu and Jeangrae and Mahowny777 have tyhe same if not better track recored he does, they have inquired about the squad and have played with me in a squad game...Aaron could cover most if not ALL the OPT...
  • Try this out, if you believe this will be geniully good PR for everyone, why not come back here with 5-8% admin that would cover travel costs and make it to juicy to pass up? If Playground thinks it will be that good for them, with all the exposure they might entertain it. Maybe RMS can pony up a budget to cover the gap as they sponser the Bombsquad and will give the opposing side incentive to come.

    Also this could lead to some customer retention for Playgroound right?

    Ummm no, being as the demographic area of the potetial players is 500-1000km away, the best they can likely hope for is a small percentage of these guys play a few more events over the year. They are not going to foot the bill.

    Alexa ranking wise, the ACETENBOMBER site and the OPT do not have enough significant data to prove a substantial following and v-bulttien shows less than 50 active members. We could probably beat that with a twitter account about somebodies cat. So there is really no potential ROI or exposure to be a factor. does have a great following however, so if anyone would be getting kickbacks for exposure it would Scoops. As OPT is an affiliate, they are definetly holding the cards there. As for Playgound, we can give them the numbers for the marketing team and make the same calls just as easy.

    Are we done arguing why this is not about accepting a challenge and more about an unreasonable expectation yet?
  • i understand where everyone is coming from...

    but like i said it will never happen...Some want the big stage, others want the small stage....there will never be a middle ground between A10 and OPT....
  • jontm wrote: »
    Try this out, if you believe this will be geniully good PR for everyone, why not come back here with 5-8% admin that would cover travel costs and make it to juicy to pass up? If Playground thinks it will be that good for them, with all the exposure they might entertain it. Maybe RMS can pony up a budget to cover the gap as they sponser the Bombsquad and will give the opposing side incentive to come.

    Also this could lead to some customer retention for Playgroound right?

    Ummm no, being as the demographic area of the potetial players is 500-1000km away, the best they can likely hope for is a small percentage of these guys play a few more events over the year. They are not going to foot the bill.

    Alexa ranking wise, the ACETENBOMBER site and the OPT do not have enough significant data to prove a substantial following and v-bulttien shows less than 50 active members. We could probably beat that with a twitter account about somebodies cat. So there is really no potential ROI or exposure to be a factor. does have a great following however, so if anyone would be getting kickbacks for exposure it would Scoops. As OPT is an affiliate, they are definetly holding the cards there. As for Playgound, we can give them the numbers for the marketing team and make the same calls just as easy.

    Are we done arguing why this is not about accepting a challenge and more about an unreasonable expectation yet?

    Jeff has offer for a BUS to do the traveling
  • Darryl does not play in the avg weekely OPT game lol come on....

    Darryl has played numerous opt league games and satellites, and is a proud owner of an official OPT Hoodie, which I don't make players buy to be a member
  • Playgrounds prior tournaments had a 10% rake, the 1k that just past for instance. The 150 proposed would either be going to cover the use of the tv or Jeffs buy-in.

    I think the $50 was a mistake.... i know its usually only 10%

    I doubt it was mistake. Jeff's speech make it quite clear he had already put some things in motion and most likely already got on the horn an proposed it.

    Even at 10% and a percieved edge it is not very +EV. With 100 rake, a night in the hotel and other travel costs, $500 is a low estimate. so a 10k prize pool split beteen 10 guys offers 1-1 return max or payed out based on finish means the majority won't even break even.

    Like Steve pointed out, the 1k would be much better invested in a larger field like a GBH that could bay 20-1 or WSOP that could pay 300-1.
    An important aspect of being a winning player is keeping your ego out of your bankroll.

    I don't think that it would be unfair to say for the majority of both sides who grind but are still semi-pro at best 1k would be a high percentage of their bankroll and if they are going to take a shot, this would not be the way to do it.

    A local game would come with a much lower overhead and the potential return would be much higher.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Darryl has played numerous opt league games and satellites, and is a proud owner of an official OPT Hoodie, which I don't make players buy to be a member


    Also not arguing. Mahoney owns - and would likely be the best MTTer on CPF if he was here, but ima go on a limb and say he doesnt have a bombsquad hoodie!
  • i dont disagree with you...

    thats the challenge he has laid or now tho....
    they have issues with it....
    As does he playing in a basement....

    Be realistic when trying to set this up...He has gone that far and suggested that he could talk to playground to host it....

    So if we know they wont travel there, and they know he wont play in a basement....he has done his homework or where it could be done other then a basement, they have declined....So why dont they step up and get a location and set the buy in....the worst that could happen is that Jeff says no its not worht his time....

    Maybe others will show up
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    Also not arguing. Mahoney owns - and would likely be the best MTTer on CPF if he was here, but ima go on a limb and say he doesnt have a bombsquad hoodie!

    Yup...But he has asked about one...He would be a a special exemption member and i would get him the hoodie LMAO :D
  • i dont disagree with you...

    thats the challenge he has laid or now tho....
    they have issues with it....
    As does he playing in a basement....

    Be realistic when trying to set this up...He has gone that far and suggested that he could talk to playground to host it....

    So if we know they wont travel there, and they know he wont play in a basement....he has done his homework or where it could be done other then a basement, they have declined....So why dont they step up and get a location and set the buy in....the worst that could happen is that Jeff says no its not worht his time....

    Maybe others will show up
    crazykoby wrote: »
    Give me a break. This is not some live results oriented event. This is a bragging rights match between two groups. Find a legion hall rent it for a day, round up the required poker supplies. easy game!

    We did, it was declined
  • Yes you declined A10 offer.... He had a place a date and a time set out...

    You guys have done no such thing....Ever since Timmytight told you how it is Koby, you attitude has changed...
  • All i can say is set up a date time place and buy in and iam sure i could round up 10 to come play if you want the challenge
  • the worst that could happen is that Jeff says no its not worht his time....

    and that is what I have already fucking said.


    things were in place and both sides agreed to no basement. A hall was suggested and the VIP card room in Richmond Hill was suggested. and you turned that down on behalf of A10.

    Then the gong show that is A10 began, and once again because of A10,

  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    and that is what I have already fucking said.


    things were in place and both sides agreed to no basement. A hall was suggested and the VIP card room in Richmond Hill was suggested. and you turned that down on behalf of A10.

    Then the gong show that is A10 began, and once again because of A10,


    As it was not worth his his...

    What about the Beaches Team...You guys interested in setting up a match????

    Or did you only want a shot at A10...

    If you want a results oriented team i can bring a team that will blow most results from the OPT out of the water, they have kept an eye on this thread and find it amusing....

    So you willing to play some on the City's Online crowed?

    We can do it over the WSOP if you want instead…Even set a wager line

    How many OPT are playing the WSOP?
  • I was going to put a team in it this year...

    I am a member of the squad, does this now mean i am not invited.... Most of the squad plays NL holdem so i imagine the format of the royal cup does not suit them...

    But i also play with a crowed that can play all games...
    I was hoping that we could put a team in...

    You are more than welcome to enter a team this fall. As I said before you guys are just like the rest of us, trying to have a little fun, improve at the game(s) and brag a little. As one of the founding members of the beloved Royal I would not like to see it used as a pawn or changed for any particular persons benefit, at least not on my watch. Poker is bigger than each of us, no one is bigger than the game
  • I may have a neutral location in the gta if interested.
  • compuease wrote: »
    You are more than welcome to enter a team this fall. As I said before you guys are just like the rest of us, trying to have a little fun, improve at the game(s) and brag a little. As one of the founding members of the beloved Royal I would not like to see it used as a pawn or changed for any particular persons benefit, at least not on my watch. Poker is bigger than each of us, no one is bigger than the game

    Working on a team...

    Inc. Jeangrae, Mahowny777, myself....I would like to say ADZ123 and a few other online foe's....Will they all coem i doubt it, but you can count on a team being there
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