team competion/How to beat the Bomb Squad



  • Never been formally introduced to AceTen, but I have seen him.

    The man's ego barely fit in the hall. He's more showy than Hellmuth and louder than me, and that's saying a LOT as most of you know.

    OPT vs BombSquad? Steve's crew will crush!!
  • "OPT vs BombSquad? Steve's crew will crush!! "

    How can you saay that...

    I know many players from the OPT can bang with the best of them...

    But who is to say there are no PLAYERS in the bombsquad...
  • I think he was suggesting playground because of the mutal location...both teams would need to travel...We would have dealers...Free food and drinks...and a great poker room to host the action...Jeff has a few friends there so why not use the connections...Where sre you suggesting hall...?

    Playgropund makes sense other then its 5-8 hours away lol....

    Me personally i could care less where it is...

    it doesn't make sense to make a 6 hour trip for a friendly competion. All we need is middle ground, some tables, chips and cards. It's not that complicated. A Legion Hall, a neutral basement, anything like that works fine for us.
  • Run good hat being purchased this weekend for the epic battle
  • I know....I never said I did...

    Hence "I think HE was suggesting......"

    Where would you suggest?
  • I know....I never said I did...

    Hence "I think HE was suggesting......"

    Where would you suggest?

    I know i saw that after i submitted, i edited my post to correct.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Obviously yourself and the rest of the BC contingent have built a real nice tour there, good on you, keep it going. We have had so many bar leagues and the like come and go here in Ontario it's like a revolving door. We'll see where they are a year from now. It's not so difficult to start but so much more so to flourish.

    I think we are at 13 locations now in Ontario with more to come this season. I also believe we are at over 60 in Canada now.

    But Jon, the birthday boy is's not worth getting tilted over. Hopefully Mr. Burnett and his crew will settle in and start showing some good results and he will become the pro he wants to be. Always nice to see another Canadian boy do well :)
  • crazykoby wrote: »

    Don't be a troll just for the sake of being a troll. Read the actual thread first.

    I'm not being a troll, just giving you my two cents. I have read the 'actual thread' and did Steve not say that "Jeff "AceTenBomber" Burnett, a guy that has made his name with a gimmick, he has not even played in a WSOP Event. He went on about how he brought 35 members of his Bomb Squad to this event, which is great to support this great cause, but to my knowledge none of these players have done anything worth while in any major live poker events."?

    You don't find these comments personally insulting? whether it is written on his personal blog is irrelevant.

    btw, if the Bombsquad needs another player, I'm available.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    OPT vs BombSquad? Steve's crew will crush!!

    I put $100 on the BS. Any takers??
  • What purpose would Playground Poker have other than promote Jeff and cause an excuse to make this harder than it has to be? Free Food and Drinks is given to everyone playing cash and some tourneys BTW, it isn't a special perk that Jeff lined up. 6-8 hours of gas money or flights buys a ton of booze and steaks too.

    Bomsquad does have some good players. The challenge is basically about defending Jeffs honor from what I see and as always turning into a publicity stunt.

    I'm officially done with this mess, Wes hope you have a good time with OPT, they are good guys too. Track record wise, I don't know enough about the bombsquad other than some of yours and Kenny's results which are pretty decent, but I like their chances because they get out and play often and a good portion slaughter online.

    Good luck all.
  • No worries :) ....

    Personally i think we would need a Middle Party to run the event to avoid discrepancies… A mutual tournament director and 2 dealers at least. I may be looking too far into this but just trying to cover all the bases
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I'm not being a troll, just giving you my two cents. I have read the 'actual thread' and did Steve not say that "Jeff "AceTenBomber" Burnett, a guy that has made his name with a gimmick, he has not even played in a WSOP Event. He went on about how he brought 35 members of his Bomb Squad to this event, which is great to support this great cause, but to my knowledge none of these players have done anything worth while in any major live poker events."?

    You don't find these comments personally insulting? whether it is written on his personal blog is irrelevant.

    btw, if the Bombsquad needs another player, I'm available.

    Jah, if you declare yourself a pro poker player then don't you think you open yourself to scrutiny from your fellow peers? Are we not allowed to question someone’s skills when they make huge claims? A10 has made declarations that he is the best player north of Toronto. Are we not allowed to ask him to validate this claim?

    I repeat what I said; don’t be a troll, just for the sake of being one.

    I’m sure you will enjoy your BS hoodie.
  • Thanks Jon.

    I know its free food for everyone that goes and is playing... and that its not just something Jeff set up...That’s why i thought playground would be a good spot as well...I mean what other poker room treats you like that in Canada...? I know the OPT guys area a great bunch, and usually talk with them when i see them online or at a live event... They have a great pool of players to choose from...But so does Jeff and the squad, I am sure the team that the BS chooses to represent will hold their ground and put up a good match...

    I am not here to join the pissing fight either as I am sure you all know, but I will be here to help support Jeff…


    Hey I like being the underdog.... Maybe we can be the Cinderella story
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Jah, if you declare yourself a pro poker player then don't you think you open yourself to scrutiny from your fellow peers? Are we not allowed to question someone’s skills when they make huge claims? A10 has made declarations that he is the best player north of Toronto. Are we not allowed to ask him to validate this claim?

    I repeat what I said; don’t be a troll, just for the sake of being one.

    I’m sure you will enjoy your BS hoodie.

    There is a difference between scrutiny and personal attacks. If you guys prefer to label me a 'troll' because you can't defend your actions, so be it.

    When I win my $100 wager, yes, it will go towards a BS hoodie!

    btw, everyone knows I'm the best player north of Toronto :)
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    There is a difference between scrutiny and personal attacks. If you guys prefer to label me a 'troll' because you can't defend your actions, so be it.

    When I win my $100 wager, yes, it will go towards a BS hoodie!

    btw, everyone knows I'm the best player north of Toronto :)

    Jah, i'm wasting my time with you. You have a minority opinion regarding this issue, there is obviously a reason why.

    I really don't believe you have truly read the thread otherwise you would see that we defended our questioning, congradulated the guy on his succcess's, and offed constuctive critism on how to take it to the next level.

    I'm done responding to you. You are acting like a troll and it serves no purpose.
  • jah you personally attacked me by calling me a name. In all of this I have never was called anybody a name.

    All you want Jah is attention that I guess you can't get anywhere else. That is why you have to hi jack threads.

    I am done with you jah, you are no longer worth any of my time.

    This whole OPT vs BS is turning into a lot of fun for those involved. Now GTFO Jah
  • Thanks for all the support PokerJah...
    Jeff and the bombsquad would like to thank you personally for all the support you have shown us on the forums...I have spoken to Jeff and we are willing to GIVE you a FREE Hoodie to come over and Join Bomber Nation!!!

    We thank all of you for the support and we welcome all new Members who just want to have fun!!!

  • Thanks for all the support PokerJah...
    Jeff and the bombsquad would like to thank you personally for all the support you have shown us on the forums...I have spoken to Jeff and we are willing to GIVE you a FREE Hoodie to come over and Join Bomber Nation!!!

    We thank all of you for the support and we welcome all new Members who just want to have fun!!!


    no need, I will take it out of my $100 winnings when you crush these clowns. Hopefully there will be a side cash

    You should just make it a side line of the next Ryder Cup. Or just have the BN send a team to the event.

    Still waiting for GTA's word's of wisdom....
  • who do you have the side bet with???

    Make sure you come on over to the site and sign up for Bomber Nation!!!
  • Thanks for all the support PokerJah...
    Jeff and the bombsquad would like to thank you personally for all the support you have shown us on the forums...I have spoken to Jeff and we are willing to GIVE you a FREE Hoodie to come over to the dark side and Join Bomber Nation!!!

    We thank all of you for the support and we welcome all new Members who just want to have fun!!!


    fixed your post :)
  • Not fair Greg… Why are you categorizing us as the DARK SIDE...
    All if not most of us are good people
  • And I will bring a team to the Next Cup!!!!
  • who do you have the side bet with???

    nobody so far...bunch of chumps. They don't want to break into their $0.01/$0.02 online bankrolls...something about bankroll management.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    nobody so far...bunch of chumps. They don't want to break into their $0.01/$0.02 online bankrolls...something about bankroll management.

    I'll take the bet.
  • If I play I will put 1k on OPT
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I'll take the bet.

    that a you just to set up the event.

    This might actually be a good opportunity to raise some money for a good cause. Instead of making it all about each other's egos. Maybe check with Roger at VIP Poker if he would be interested in hosting the event. I think Richmond Hill is pretty central for both teams. No better venue in Ontario!
  • If I play I will put 1k on OPT

    blackmagicz - i thought we were just playing nicely with the BS, but i like your figure better. I'll bet 1K on OPT as well against Jah.
  • If I play I will put 1k on OPT

    so OPT is calling in the ringers! I didn't think this was going to be an CPF all star team :)
  • We can do the same...

    Jeangrae or Artofsuntzu depending site...
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    so OPT is calling in the ringers! I didn't think this was going to be an CPF all star team :)

    If you have played any OPT event you are an OPT member.

    To be a bombsquad member, you have to purchase or be given a Hoodie.

    So there is no ringers at all. Blackmagicz has played in many OPT Events
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