
Free $50



  • zxcv1000 wrote: »
    K's and K's eh, i bet you work for minimum wage and drive a neon. dumbass

    Careful there Plucky, some people do work for minimum and drive an average car. They work hard and don't suffer tools lightly, so mind your step.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Careful there Plucky, some people do work for minimum and drive an average car. They work hard and don't suffer tools lightly, so mind your step.

    dont mean to step on anyones toes....except for the ones that my coments were directed towards.
  • zxcv1000 wrote: »
    dont mean to step on anyones toes....except for the ones that my coments were directed towards.

    then come say hi at my tables, i at 3 come say hi.
  • smokerock247
  • AIPF wrote: »

    i got K's and K's in my accoounts. UR A JOKE.

    i vote for ban,

  • DennisG wrote: »

    against spam? IDGAF
  • AIPF wrote: »
    against spam? IDGAF

    Yes. Still unacceptable. You should probably be banned.
  • Is there pie?

    I was told there would be pie...

  • In after AIPFeddy rants.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    In after AIPFeddy rants.

  • AIPF wrote: »


    You just remind me of someone I used to know.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    You just remind me of someone I used to know.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    You just remind me of someone I used to know.

    CSLW right there!

  • AIPF wrote: »
    against spam? IDGAF

    You really should...

    While this may be the most awesome request of the year there is no need for you to be so rude.

    Personally, im still waiting for some garphs or hands of yours that you said you were gonna post AmIPossiblyFeddy.

    Before you start going off on people perhaps you can tell me why you were banned from ptp?
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    You really should...

    While this may be the most awesome request of the year there is no need for you to be so rude.

    Personally, im still waiting for some garphs or hands of yours that you said you were gonna post AmIPossiblyFeddy.

    Before you start going off on people perhaps you can tell me why you were banned from ptp?

    Dr. J, for the win!
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    You really should...

    While this may be the most awesome request of the year there is no need for you to be so rude.

    Personally, im still waiting for some garphs or hands of yours that you said you were gonna post AmIPossiblyFeddy.

    Before you start going off on people perhaps you can tell me why you were banned from ptp?

    I was never banned from ptp???? dont even know what that is.

    check ur PMs btw....
  • ok new rule?....anyone asking for money in their first thread should get insta banned with no explanation.....serious all, someones gonna get ripped off here and although it won't likely be a reg its not fair to honest people.
  • AIPF wrote: »
    AIPF wrote: »
    I was never banned from ptp???? dont even know what that is.

    check ur PMs btw....

    Interesting ...

    smokerock247: Perma Ban - - Part Time Poker Forums
  • From Spam to this? Most active thread in some time.

    Where's the banhammer Jeff? You're a bit slow in your old age.

    Wetts...bonus pts
    Shar...bonus pts

  • Damn I go to see one Brier (my first, thanks Moose) and all this happens while I'm away. Typically I would have banned op at first post but this has got most interesting with AIPF's Fedd'y like rant. (Thanks Wetts, thinking similar). Carry on gents (for a little while anyways)...
  • You guys keep outing Fed way to quickly . . . need to be more cat-like, and toy with the lil miscreant before issuing the coup de grace.

    Still, ban-hammer for BOTH, imo . . .
  • Obv classic Fed vs. Fed thread imo.
  • It's like the Bella twins in WWE, except without the hawtness . . . ^-^
  • About a week or so ago Shar made a comment asking what "morning drills" or something like that AIPF used. I think she might have outed him first this time.

    We could set up a pool for who outs Fed first every time he comes back..

    As well, wasn't it just a few weeks ago that AIPF didn't have the buyin for one of the forum tourneys and had to borrow it from someone as 'she' was waiting for a government cheque?

    Now "K's and K's"? Big government cheque I guess.
  • You mean, a . . . Fed Pool?
  • Banned em all, too much conflicting info to sort through for an ol guy... :) If anyone complains, I'll ban em too...
  • Easy there big fella, yer gonna cramp up your banhammer trigger finger.
  • Awwwww raspberries! Great, great,great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandpa Compuease never let's us have any fun!
  • compuease wrote: »
    Banned em all, too much conflicting info to sort through for an ol guy... :) If anyone complains, I'll ban em too...

    Methinks someone is getting the ol Ban Power Buzz! Careful, Comp...at your age, it could prove fatal.
  • FWIW...

    I don't think AIPF was Fed, just a youngin douche

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