Fallsview 1K super satellite 4pm Jan 5th

Anyone else interested in driving down to give this a shot? $100+20. I just spoke to the poker room and the confirmed that they are not sold out, it's just that they have suspended sales of direct buyins to the $1K so that they have enough seats for the satellites. Apparently the supers are a definite go.


  • I'll be there nitting it up!
  • I'm probably planning on going down midday to ensure a seat. Perhaps a meetup of those playing before the sat starts?
  • yea i clarified that. like u cannot buy in with cash anymore. only sattys are going on. they have 50 seats reserved. so i guess whatever they dont fill up in the sng 1 table they'll save it for the mtt super satty
  • Oh crap. I was going down tomorrow to register. I guess its the super sat for me then. I may play one of the daily sats running tomorrow as well.

    I will definitely meet up prior to the super sat as well.
  • Just bought my $1k voucher. They say they have 50 left before they stop selling them. The rest are for the super sat
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Just bought my $1k voucher. They say they have 50 left before they stop selling them. The rest are for the super sat

    Interesting, seems like one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. When I spoke to the on duty poker room floor manager yesterday about 1pm he told me that they were not selling any more 1K seats directly, only holding the remainder for satellites. They really need to all get on the same page. Makes for rather strained public relations...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Interesting, seems like one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. When I spoke to the on duty poker room floor manager yesterday about 1pm he told me that they were not selling any more 1K seats directly, only holding the remainder for satellites. They really need to all get on the same page. Makes for rather strained public relations...

    And people wonder why we give them a hard time. :confused:
  • Ok I have decided to join the bingo fest. I will be there to play the super. I couldn't push myself to put down 1k but I will gladly subject myself to the 120.00 satellite and 275 for the 2500 which I think is the best value.
  • Ok I have decided to join the bingo fest. I will be there to play the super. I couldn't push myself to put down 1k but I will gladly subject myself to the 120.00 satellite and 275 for the 2500 which I think is the best value.

    The only problem with that plan is if you are still in the $1k event, you won't be able to play in the $2500 super sat, as it starts at 4pm on the Friday (2nd day of the $1k tourney)
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    The only problem with that plan is if you are still in the $1k event, you won't be able to play in the $2500 super sat, as it starts at 4pm on the Friday (2nd day of the $1k tourney)

    If youre still in the 1K at that point, I dont think youd be too interested in the supersat given that it will likely be in the money by day 2.

    Just win the 1K and buy into the 2.5 direct imo.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    If youre still in the 1K at that point, I dont think youd be too interested in the supersat given that it will likely be in the money by day 2.

    Just win the 1K and buy into the 2.5 direct imo.

    I like the way you think.
  • Is there anyone going down to Fallsview to purchase one of the satty tickets ? I would gladly do an e-mail money transfer to someone who could pick one up for me.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    Is there anyone going down to Fallsview to purchase one of the satty tickets ? I would gladly do an e-mail money transfer to someone who could pick one up for me.

    couple of my buddies asked if they could get satty tickets on Monday and were told you can only get them the day-of the satty.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    If youre still in the 1K at that point, I dont think youd be too interested in the supersat given that it will likely be in the money by day 2.

    Just win the 1K and buy into the 2.5 direct imo.

    Yup I agree...and if I win the 1K I will stake all PFC players still at FV into the 2500 :) Figure with about 160K I can spare 10-20K on buy ins for the guys here that help make the board what it is.

    Posted means signed :)
  • Yup I agree...and if I win the 1K I will stake all PFC players still at FV into the 2500 :) Figure with about 160K I can spare 10-20K on buy ins for the guys here that help make the board what it is.

    Posted means signed :)

    With that kind of generous offer I will gladly go all in and fold if I meet you heads up in the 1K.... lol... In fact I'll do the same thing if I win the 1K.....
    I'm cheap though, it's limited to the 1st 8 players who identify themselves to me ater my win and are at Fallsview. And it's on a 50/50 basis. I get 50% of your winnings but you play for free.
  • With the recent revelations that Fallsview is selling sat seats for the 1K ahead of the 5th (assuming that is correct) I'm going to attempt to go there on Sat to buy seats. Again assuming they let me if anyone wants me to attempt to buy them one I will, again assuming I know or trust you....
  • compuease wrote: »
    With that kind of generous offer I will gladly go all in and fold if I meet you heads up in the 1K.... lol... In fact I'll do the same thing if I win the 1K.....
    I'm cheap though, it's limited to the 1st 8 players who identify themselves to me ater my win and are at Fallsview. And it's on a 50/50 basis. I get 50% of your winnings but you play for free.

    Ok we can chop the 160 and 80K then and each take home 120K....then stake 4 players each according to the above stake.
  • Ok we can chop the 160 and 80K then and each take home 120K....then stake 4 players each according to the above stake.

    Deal.. and done! It's in the bag... Wait a sec, we hafta get through the supersat 1st... :) Can we do it?
  • Help please, I would like to play in this one. What is the best way to get a seat in the sat. and good luck to all that are in already.

    Thanks Brent
  • compuease wrote: »
    Deal.. and done! It's in the bag... Wait a sec, we hafta get through the supersat 1st... :) Can we do it?

    Ill be at fv saturday to pick up my ticket. Half way to qualifying at that point. I plan on either smashing 2 5 or 5 10 for an hour or so and then taking 120.00 off the table and going to get my ticket. I don't think the table will mind. TR to follow as I get yelled at. Lol
  • Ill be at fv saturday to pick up my ticket. Half way to qualifying at that point. I plan on either smashing 2 5 or 5 10 for an hour or so and then taking 120.00 off the table and going to get my ticket. I don't think the table will mind. TR to follow as I get yelled at. Lol

    Can you let us know the status of sat seats as soon as you can, perhaps txt me? I would like to know first if they are selling them and 2nd how many are left. If they are almost gone I will drive down tomorrow or Sunday.

    Can you also check and see if we can buy extra seats for others?
  • djgolfcan is going down this evening and will txt me info. I will post it here when he does.
  • I should be down there between 10-11pm - going for the New Year's festivities. I will stop in at Fallsview when I first get down there and text Compuease the details.
  • djgolfcan just texted me that they are selling the super sat tickets and you can buy them for others. He says there are about 80 tickets left...
  • Thanks I think I am going tomorrow.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    I like the way you think.

    Not Just another pretty face, But a sick puppy none the less. lol
    BTW Good call.
  • If they are gone, ask around the poker room, I know there are guys who bought 25 tickets and are selling them for $170.
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    If they are gone, ask around the poker room, I know there are guys who bought 25 tickets and are selling them for $170.

    They are really letting people scalp them? If that is true it's another reason Fallsview management is f***d up. Anyone who pays $170. for $100. equity is really foolish.
  • compuease wrote: »
    They are really letting people scalp them? If that is true it's another reason Fallsview management is f***d up. Anyone who pays $170. for $100. equity is really foolish.

    Government. = legalized, Disorganized Crime.

    I hope these f%c*ers have 20 seats left in their hands when it starts.
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