Dead Pool II

Okay, lets get this karma killer started . . .

For those of you interested in getting in on this, I will act as Moderator for the sequel. I have the Team Lists that were originally submitted in the summer (reibs, crazykoby, cerberus, and compuease).

I will make another post tonight or tomorrow with the details for Dead Pool II shortly. In the meantime, can I get a Mod to "sticky" this for me?



    There will be 5 categories from which your roster must be selected:

    Hollywood (TV/movies)

    Managers will slot their selections into the five categories listed above, to a maximum of 8 picks in each, for a total of 40 players per roster.

    Each Manager will then number their selections by desirability (#1-#40) so that I can determine which players you give priority to in terms of draft order. Category is not relevant for this portion, just who you think will expire first.

    Once all team lists have been submitted, and the rosters vetted (after all, some of them may have died already) a draft order will be determined by yours truly. The Draft order will be determined by random lot, and will take the format similar to the NHL (ie 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1). Teams will be determined on a "first in, wins" basis. What this means is that, if 4 Managers have Player "X" listed as their #1 pick, whoever is highest in the Draft order gets that player. The draft will continue until an equal number of players are posted to each team. All team lists will then be posted to a "Roster Thread" which will be stickied for easier reference.

    No Manager will select compuease. This rule is inviolate.

    PAYOUTS: Any Manager lucky enough to have one of his Players assume room temperature during 2011 will receive $5.00CAD from all other Managers in the Pool.

    Send your team rosters to me via PM, so that I can check them for ineligible Players.

    That's about it for now. I would suggest a deadline for roster submissions of December 23rd. I am on holidays between Christmas and New Years so I should have more than enough time to organize the rosters, set up the Draft, and post the Team Lists before the start date of January 1, 2011.
  • If you still have my list from before, I'll stick with it... except I think one or two kicked it since then, so I'll give it another browse.
  • Cerberus
    Hellmuth's Mole

    all rosters will be re-vetted before the draft. Managers can alter their roster submissions if needed. Closing date for submissions (if no one objects) will be 23/12/2010. This gives you degens just over two weeks.
  • I've got my list.
    I'm checking it twice.
    Gonna see who's been naughty and pay the price.

    JohnnieH is going to hell!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    JohnnieH is going to hell!

    Couple of things:

    You'll have company,
    you'll have new chips,
    odds of getting a game going - 100%
  • Milo. I will be submitting a list. I just have to do some research first.
  • You've got time . . .

    and, for those of you who submitted lists back in the summer, you may want to swap out Pat Burns now that he has joined the choir invisible . . .

    just sayin'
  • Anybody else going to be joining this shindig? Anybody from Dead Pool I want to give this another shot?
  • Let me think about it. I've become used to looking at celeb obits now and not sure I want to change my patterns. Plus, an extra year on these bastards has got to increase their collective odds of one of them kicking by a significant amount.

    Let ya know in the morning.
  • One of my guys passed on today. Has this started yet ? And if not, can I replace him ?
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    One of my guys passed on today. Has this started yet ? And if not, can I replace him ?

    DP2 goes active at 12am, Jan 1st. You can submit a new deadbeat in place of the one you just lost.

    Who was it? I've been combing the web to figure it out, but nobody of significance has gone belly up lately.

    EDIT: Was it Bob Feller?
  • Hey guys, think I am going to pull out of this competition. Sorry.
    Good luck all.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    DP2 goes active at 12am, Jan 1st. You can submit a new deadbeat in place of the one you just lost.

    Who was it? I've been combing the web to figure it out, but nobody of significance has gone belly up lately.

    EDIT: Was it Bob Feller?

    Ding, ding, ding. Nice bit of investigating Johnny.
  • reibs, no worries about having to bail. I will keep your roster on file in case you change your mind. I will contact you to confirm your withdrawal just before starting the draft process. Fair enough?

    Any "retirees" can be replaced before the draft begins. Once the draft is complete, you have to pray no one on your roster jumps the Starter's pistol, or you are out of luck. Not as out of luck as your player, but you get the point (if not the $$$).

    Ol' Bob must have been pissed at being #32 on your list, Devon. He showed you . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    reibs, no worries about having to bail. I will keep your roster on file in case you change your mind. I will contact you to confirm your withdrawal just before starting the draft process. Fair enough?

    Works for me. Its more a timing thing than anything. I would really like another crack at the entire lineup and I just won't have time before then to do so. If I find time I will let you know.

  • For the record, I think all the line-ups submitted so far are pretty solid.

    But Devon just pulled up with a nice dark horse substitution. WP, sir.
  • Today is the 23rd folks, lets have those rosters, if you want in on the pool.
  • M I A from DP1 . . . Str82Ace, Hellmuth's Mole, and Wildbill . . .
    You guys sitting this one out? Only one more team roster confirmed to be inbound at this time. I thought we'd have a bigger field by this point.
  • Considering my success during 2010

    I'm out...sorry
  • No worries, but think it through . . . all those coots are 1 year OLDER now . . .
  • Indeed, but the structure of this macabre contest has changed significantly hasn't it?

    Just today I was rethinking my choice to bail on this for 2011, but it would take significant time to create a whole new 40 person draft roster. Or wouldn't it?

    Well, I assume I still have until midnight tonight to forward you a list? I guess I have 10 hours to contemplate and make a choice.
  • You are correct. Failing that, you might be able to convince reibs to sell you his . . . or bribe the other Managers to give you an extra day.

    It's entirely up to you, Bill.
  • Wow, I'm evil. I've already got 20 pics spread out over the 5 categories. I guess I'll have to prioritize them. I'll read over the rules again when I hit the 40 mark.
  • You're my kind of people, Bill . . . :D

    And, as an added bonus, your humble moderator will pick a "celebrity" not named on any roster who, if they expire during 2011 will result in a payout from the Moderator to all Managers. Said "celebrity" to be identified on Draft Day, when all rosters have been completed.

    All I will say at this time is that you will recognize the name, and that I was inspired by recent video of the candidate.
  • Wow, that was tough, but I've got my 40 picked.

    What with xmas just around the corner it's hard to muster up that desire for others expiry but I managed to pull through.

    Now for the prioritization of demise. Might have to get the dogs help with this part.
  • Milo wrote: »
    M I A from DP1 . . . Str82Ace, Hellmuth's Mole, and Wildbill . . .
    You guys sitting this one out? Only one more team roster confirmed to be inbound at this time. I thought we'd have a bigger field by this point.

    I'd like to be in again but I just don't have time to go over potential picks again and I don't completely understand the list rules re 8 per category etc.

    If I can go with my dead pool one list (and obviously move Zsa Zsa and Seve into 1 and 2 slots) I would be in. Also if I think of some worthy additions I would PM them sometime today.

    If this is acceptable count me in.
  • I'd like to be in again but I just don't have time to go over potential picks again and I don't completely understand the list rules re 8 per category etc.

    If I can go with my dead pool one list (and obviously move Zsa Zsa and Seve into 1 and 2 slots) I would be in. Also if I think of some worthy additions I would PM them sometime today.

    If this is acceptable count me in.

    -We're redrafting potential deadbeats since there are new players to the pool.
    -Having categories equalizes the playing field. It eliminates anybody from making their list from a group that might have a higher percent of going tits up this year.
    -The reward for each 'winner' is now $5/corpse, since we thought this would be more popular. If there's less then 5 in the pool, I say we up it to $10/stiff. If somebody disagrees, the $5 is fine with me.
    -If you need an extra day to make a list, no problems.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    -We're redrafting potential deadbeats since there are new players to the pool.
    -Having categories equalizes the playing field. It eliminates anybody from making their list from a group that might have a higher percent of going tits up this year.
    -The reward for each 'winner' is now $5/corpse, since we thought this would be more popular. If there's less then 5 in the pool, I say we up it to $10/stiff. If somebody disagrees, the $5 is fine with me.
    -If you need an extra day to make a list, no problems.

    Yeah I understand the redraft I'm just saying I'd submit the same list from DP1 and take my chances.

    The categories I kind of understand but if I'm going to have to sit down and get 8 from each category I'm afraid I just don't have it in me.

    Don't care about the per dead cost.

    An extra day would definitely make it easier but I don't want to put anybody out.
  • If there are no objections, I propose moving the deadline to 11:59:59 p.m. on Monday December 27th. Consider it your Boxing Day Special . . .

    Also, with this extended deadline in effect (if it isacceptable), can I get a consensus on pay-outs:

    Do we stand at $5.00 per winner, or bump it to $10.00 a "head"?
  • Milo wrote: »
    If there are no objections, I propose moving the deadline to 11:59:59 p.m. on Monday December 27th. Consider it your Boxing Day Special . . .

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