RC IX Handicapping thread



  • How does the edition of me to the 'all girls' team effect the lines??? What are my ind odds brent? Here are my stats... played once on two days with no sleep, drunk and high all day, placed in ohmaha and limit, won nl round{captians table} and heads up match, team finished on bubble.... beware dont wake a sleeping dragon, lol.

    ps im on fire lately
  • u and erin play for the girls? Once i get a firm answer i will update the book.

    Prophet 22
  • Happy420 wrote: »
    How does the edition of me to the 'all girls' team effect the lines??? What are my ind odds brent? Here are my stats... played once on two days with no sleep, drunk and high all day, placed in ohmaha and limit, won nl round{captians table} and heads up match, team finished on bubble.... beware dont wake a sleeping dragon, lol.

    ps im on fire lately

    Assuming this to be true. I would like to see top set at 7/1

    Happy420 at 20/1 for MVP
  • compuease wrote: »
    5/ You can bet as much or as little on each team or individual at the posted odds, but do need to ensure you use all of your $40.
    moose wrote: »
    No wait still lost. How do you decide a winner if multiple people take the same person?
    Remember you can spead your 40 betting units around however you like, 2 or 3 here or there, some more over there. Just make your bets add up to 40. It is unlikely 2 people will bet exactly the same. If they do, I would say it's a chop. Jees Moose, for someone who's so good at figure out craps odds, is this that difficult. Even after your great craps lessons, I still couldn't figure it out.
  • Assuming this to be true. I would like to see top set at 7/1

    Happy420 at 20/1 for MVP
    To keep this fair and interesting we'll make Prophet 22 the "official" odds maker. Submit any suggestions why any odds should change and assuming he and I agree I will change them. This will be in effect until midnight Thursday at which time the odds will be frozen. As a bettor you have the right to change any of your selections up until first deal. You can just hand me your change on a piece of paper or on here if you have access.

    I will change the odds as per Prophet's last post. Brent just let me know anytime you want to make a change. However I do think any change should be initiated by a player.
  • No I still don't get it. g2 bet $40 on himself. You telling me that if g2 wins MVP that anyone bets less than $40 on g2 can't possibly win? So now that there is $40 on g2 why would anyone else bet on him?

    You put $10 on the field. So if someone from the field wins, the only way for someone to beat you would be now to bet $11 and so on until we get to $40 then everyone who bet less has now wasted their money.
  • moose wrote: »
    No I still don't get it. g2 bet $40 on himself. You telling me that if g2 wins MVP that anyone bets less than $40 on g2 can't possibly win? So now that there is $40 on g2 why would anyone else bet on him?

    You put $10 on the field. So if someone from the field wins, the only way for someone to beat you would be now to bet $11 and so on until we get to $40 then everyone who bet less has now wasted their money.

    Perhaps I'm missing something here, can anyone else explain it better than I. I have to run out now, but will try again later. Try some scenarios Moose, it works... I think.. :)
  • I see moose's point. It might make it more interesting to limit the # of "betting chips" you can bet on any one person / one team to 5 or 10. That way you can still win the "max" from each bet, but are then able to bet on more than one thing.

    Might also make it more interesting to force a 20/20 split between bets on teams and bets on MVP.

    I have changed my bets.

  • You bet $10 on the field at 4.5 to 1. Someone from the field wins.

    10*4.5 = 45 points

    I bet $11 on the field.

    11*4.5 = 49.5 points

    I have more points than you. Winner take all. I scoop. You get nothing. In fact really the points are meaningless. Whomever bets the most on each person, if their pony comes in - they win.

    As I said before, g2 has effectively shut out the betting on him, unless someone wants to chop or spend $10 so that they can put more than $40 on g2.

    This doesn't work.

    I know that what you are trying to do is avoid folded winning at 1000 to 1 and owing someone thousands of dollars but that is why betting pools are run by deep pocketed corporations who can afford to take those 1000 to 1 hits.

    Simply put you can't offer odds AND make it winner take all.
  • moose wrote: »
    I know that what you are trying to do is avoid folded winning at 1000 to 1 and owing someone thousands of dollars but that is why betting pools are run by deep pocketed corporations who can afford to take those 1000 to 1 hits.

    Simply put you can't offer odds AND make it winner take all.
    Ok let me look at it, I just got in and I see your arguments, and g2's consensus. Would you agree to it if we made the betting rules similar to what g2 is suggesting? I had been thinking something like that originally, can't recall why I thought this was simpler...

    How is anyone owing someone thousands from this? Your maximum real dollars bet is $5. and the maximum anyone can win is the pool. The odds simply determine the points you get not the dollars.

    Kinda wish I hadn't even thought of this, I've got enough going as it is. :) .... and I'm old... That's my excuse.. and I'm sticking to it.
  • compuease wrote: »
    3/ Multiple entries per person are fine but each entry stands on it’s own.

    moose wrote: »
    As I said before, g2 has effectively shut out the betting on him, unless someone wants to chop or spend $10 so that they can put more than $40 on g2.

    nope they can't, each entry is $5. but is standalone, not cumulative.
  • compuease wrote: »

    How is anyone owing someone thousands from this? Your maximum real dollars bet is $5. and the maximum anyone can win is the pool. The odds simply determine the points you get not the dollars.

    That's what I am saying. You are trying to make it winner take all but you can't if you are offering odds. If it is not winner take all and you offer odds, then if someone puts $5 on folded, someone owes $5000 if folded takes MVP.

    And I told you before - your point system is meaningless. With your system whomever bets the most money on the winning player wins the pool - regardless of whatever odds you set.

    The suggestion was to reduce the amount wagered per person - same problem. Whomever bets less than the maximum amount allowed is simply wasting their money, because they can't win. It should be clear then that a point system based on odds is pointless.

    It takes two sides to offer odds and you are trying to make it one sided and it won't work. The total of the odds offered has to equal the total of the money wagered OR you need someone with deep pockets to back the bets. Neither is going to be the case.

    I tried to point this out way at the beginning of the thread that the only way to make the total of the odds offered equal the money wagered is to take the bets and then announce the true odds after betting closes based on how much money was wagered on each person out of the total. By far the simplest way to do that was to run a calcutta which was why I pointed it out in the first place.

    Simply put: you can't offer odds unless they are the true odds based on the actual money wagered OR someone backs all the bets AND odds are pointless in a winner take all pool anyways.

    Really if it is not crystal clear to you by now then I suggest you forget the entire concept because you don't understand the basic concepts of wagering and pools.
  • [QUOTE=moose;244286
    Really if it is not crystal clear to you by now then I suggest you forget the entire concept because you don't understand the basic concepts of wagering and pools.[/QUOTE]

    Your wish is my command Philli. If you can't figure it out it must be trash...
    Pool cancelled...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Your wish is my command Philli. If you can't figure it out it must be trash...
    Pool cancelled...

    Listen I don't appreciate the smart ass comments. I'm trying to save you from running an unfair pool that isn't going to work how you intend it to and can easily be rigged by anyone smart enough to understand how odds actually work. I have not been rude or insulting at all ITT and yet even though you are a supposedly 'neutral' organizer and mod, you seem to feel free to fire away and insult my experience and expertise.
  • I just got to work so i quickly read through the thread.

    In the real world of betting all 64 players could bet on g2 to win the mvp. If he wins they would all get a paid the odds g2 is a 15/1 so therefore 15 x 40 = 600.

    The reason odds are given is based on what I know of the players playing in the event.

    Here is what i think should happen if a players want to this event.

    If you want to participate in the event, it will cost 5.00 per entry. If your guy wins, then you win the money. If three guys pick the same person, the split the pot.

    Same goes for the team championship. The team championship, could be like horse racing. Pick first, second and third. If no one wins the pot, we run a tournament on stars for all the entries of the players who entered the contest. 50/30/20 split. 1.10 sat.

    If someone can help me keep track of everything in excel, I would like to see this continued. Place your bets through pms and day of tournament. I will keep the same odds as I did before. Steve Kerr is off the board he told me he isn't coming. Happy is 20/1 and top set is back at 7/1.

    Any questions i will answer, although I work nights so the answers will be giving before 8:00am each day.

    Prophet 22

    Will it be a lot of money, no
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