Brampton NL BOUNTY Tournament! Nov 6



  • We currently have 20 players signed up, including 2 still listed as Tentative.

    Based on that, I will set up three tables, and open to a maximum seats of 24.

    Should all 20 players show to play, that will leave 4 rebuys available. If you bust out within the first 2 blind levels, you may rebuy an empty seat if you so choose. After the second blind level, no rebuys will be offered.

    Should LESS than 20 players show up by game time, then only 2 tables will be up and ONLY 20 seats will be available, and rebuys will be limited to ONLY empty seats on those two tables.

    You must show up before 1pm, OR have notified me by that time via home or cell phone that you will be late, otherwise I will consider you NOT coming.

    Cash game will start when sufficient players have busted out and stick around for the cash game. With Happy coming, it should be a good cash if ONLY Cam would show up.
  • I'll bring you new decks for the cash game . . . :)
  • Just did the chair math.

    If you have an extra folding chair or two, could you please bring it? I have enough for like 18 or so, but if we do get maxed out, we'll need them.

    Thanks in advance.
  • I'll put four in the Cube, just in case . . .
  • Sorry AJ - gotta bail (jeez what's new). My morning appt will probably take longer than I expected so I won't be able to make it out. If it changes and somehow I can leave TO by 1230 or so maybe I can give you a text?
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Sorry AJ - gotta bail (jeez what's new). My morning appt will probably take longer than I expected so I won't be able to make it out. If it changes and somehow I can leave TO by 1230 or so maybe I can give you a text?

    That'll work Wes. Hope you can make it out, but for now, I'll take your name off. If you can make it, I'll squeeze you in.
  • Just talked to Big Bob, another veteran Rock and he would like to play... Can you fit him in?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Just talked to Big Bob, another veteran Rock and he would like to play... Can you fit him in?

    Absolutely. He's in!!
  • Gotta back out 4 the tourney but will likely stop by for some cashaments.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Gotta back out 4 the tourney but will likely stop by for some cashaments.

    I have reason to believe that this is due to the influx of Rocks. :)
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Gotta back out 4 the tourney but will likely stop by for some cashaments.

    Its FEAR. Has to be. Only thing that makes sense.
  • I am coming but depending on traffic it may be slightly after 1pm. I am leaving at 12pm from Hamilton. See you there !!
  • wheres the update, i am still at work for 45 mins.

    Prophet 22
  • Tourney was 7 handed when I left, with Happy420 sitting on a monster stack of chips. This means it is WIDE OPEN as to who gets paid (Top 4 pay-out). AJ did me a favour and busted me out when his KK tripped up against my flopped 2 pair. Cash game ran well for Milo who more than made back his buy-in before flagging in the stamina dept. Cash game was 7 handed when I bowed out, and still going strong, I imagine.

    A great game, as always, AJ. Cannot wait for December.
  • I finished 6th, AJ still in. Happy still has monster stack, he took me out with 5,6 suited vs my JJ aipf... lol...
  • Wrong, it was 67 dimonds;)
  • Happy420 wrote: »
    Wrong, it was 67 dimonds;)

  • AJ thanks for hosting another great tourny...

    And now its 2 times in a row i have come second at your tournies - gotta try for the 1st when Adam and Wetts are not playing!

    Congrats to Adam!

    Will look forward for more tournies.
  • yes Adam is definitely Happy. He took first place tonight, Shaz managed to take second, I was third and Muddguts cashed with fourth place money. The cash game just broke up, I broke about even, Garry broke even, and Ninja Dan walked out with a bursting wallet again.

    All in all, a good day of poker. Thanks to everyone that came out. December's game will be announced in the next couple of weeks.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    yes Adam is definitely Happy. He took first place tonight, Shaz managed to take second, I was third and Muddguts cashed with fourth place money. The cash game just broke up, I broke about even, Garry broke even, and Ninja Dan walked out with a bursting wallet again.

    All in all, a good day of poker. Thanks to everyone that came out. December's game will be announced in the next couple of weeks.
    2nd weekend in Dec so I can play PLEASE.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    yes Adam is definitely Happy. He took first place tonight, Shaz managed to take second, I was third and Muddguts cashed with fourth place money. The cash game just broke up, I broke about even, Garry broke even, and Ninja Dan walked out with a bursting wallet again.

    All in all, a good day of poker. Thanks to everyone that came out. December's game will be announced in the next couple of weeks.

    Thanks AJ, great games and tourny as always.

    See you Thursday.
  • Great job AJ. Thanks for hosting. I'll be looking for your next tourney.

    So Adam won? He owes me a drink since I made him re-buy early (AA vs 7's) :)

    See you next Saturday. Go Misfits!!

  • Hey AJ - sorry for bailing...did you ever get my text?
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Hey AJ - sorry for bailing...did you ever get my text?

    No, not before I shut my phone off at 11pm or so. No worries though, my plan is to host these games every month or two so there will be more opportunity for you to get out.
  • Thanks AJ for hosting. I had a great time. I'm definitely going to try and make it out to some Ching Hill games this upcoming season.
    And thanks also to Mudguts for giving me a lift. I really appreciated it.
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