Brampton NL BOUNTY Tournament! Nov 6



  • jbird8306 wrote: »

    . . . well, at least until I crack your Aces . . . :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    . . . well, at least until I crack your Aces . . . :D

    Zing!!! sigh... :(
  • With a week to go to game day, I would like those still listed as TENTATIVE (T) to please firm up in the next few days please.

    I've opened up a few extra seats for any late comers as well, so don't hesitate. Once we are at 24, I'll start a waiting list if required.

    I'll be sending out address and contact info by Wednesday for those who need it. If you need it and don't get it by Wednesday, PM me and I'll forward it to you as well.

    Should be a great day of poker. Don't forget the cash game afterwards...should go well into the night/early morning.
  • Hey A.J
    Not sure if you remember me but I played a few games 2-3 seasons ago. If there is still room I would like to bring my dead money.
  • samcanada wrote: »
    Hey A.J
    Not sure if you remember me but I played a few games 2-3 seasons ago. If there is still room I would like to bring my dead money.

    You're IN Sam. Good to have you return. See you on Saturday.
  • Just found out that both my spouse and my mother-in-law have plans for that night (now I know why there was no objection to me going to your game) and they each using one of our cars so I'm now without wheels.
    Is anybody going to the game passing by the Heartland area of Mississauga? I'm about 5 min south of the mavis exit of the 401. I think that my attendance is sadly dependant on my ability to get a ride now.
    Or, does anyone have a guess how much a cab ride from here (near the intersection of Mavis and Matheson) to the game would be? Just weighing my options right now because I definetily want to make it out for this game.
  • If you cannot make it close, I suppose I could run down there and grab ya up. Keep me posted, and we will make arrangements if needed.

    Tea - XL, 3 sugar, 2 milk, bags in and double cupped . . . just sayin'
  • Shtebs:

    I'm coming from downtown Toronto across the 401. Looks like not too far out of the way (assuming I'm just going north on the 410 to Brampton - but I don't have the address yet). Let me know also.

    I'll already have my tea in the car. :)

  • Tom, you are correct. Rather than heading north on the 410 you would go a little further West to get to where Shtebs is (like, one or two off-ramps). Then you'd just back-track to the 410, and head North to Brampton.

    The Cube is available if needed, but whatever works best for you two is fine with me. :)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    With a week to go to game day, I would like those still listed as TENTATIVE (T) to please firm up in the next few days please.

    I've opened up a few extra seats for any late comers as well, so don't hesitate. Once we are at 24, I'll start a waiting list if required.

    I'll be sending out address and contact info by Wednesday for those who need it. If you need it and don't get it by Wednesday, PM me and I'll forward it to you as well.

    Should be a great day of poker. Don't forget the cash game afterwards...should go well into the night/early morning.

    Sent a "Last Call" e-mail to my regular crowd . . . might generate one or two more seats. I'll keep you posted.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Is anybody going to the game passing by the Heartland area of Mississauga?

    I could make a case that it is on my way to AJ's house. I come from Oakville and take the 403, I could get off at Mavis and swing up there. Gives a reason to stop at Krispy Kreme :-). Let me know
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    I could make a case that it is on my way to AJ's house. I come from Oakville and take the 403, I could get off at Mavis and swing up there. Gives a reason to stop at Krispy Kreme :-). Let me know

    You may as well pick up a dozen then. I'd gladly chip in. :)
  • Can't make it out on Saturday.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    I could make a case that it is on my way to AJ's house. I come from Oakville and take the 403, I could get off at Mavis and swing up there. Gives a reason to stop at Krispy Kreme :-). Let me know

    Awesome, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
    Krispy Kremes on me then. I'll PM you my address Mudguts.
  • I've sent out address and contact info to those I thought needed it. If you want the info and didn't get it, please let me know and I'll forward it to you.

    Will those still listed as Tentative please firm up in the next day or two please.

    Hope to see you all on Saturday.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Will those still listed as Tentative please firm up in the next day or two please.

    Wes and Joe...this means you!
  • hey bro, I think Erin and I might be able to make it so put us down as probable and fasyen your seatbelts it;s time to pay to see a flop!!
  • oh yeah, ill need address too
  • oh, oh yeah, if I need to bring my 4 month okd puppy is that cool?
  • Happy420 wrote: »
    hey bro, I think Erin and I might be able to make it so put us down as probable and fasyen your seatbelts it;s time to pay to see a flop!!

    COOL! Happy is coming back to play!!! Cash game should be a blast!!
    Happy420 wrote: »
    oh yeah, ill need address too

    I'll PM it to you. Please confirm your attendance ASAP
    Happy420 wrote: »
    oh, oh yeah, if I need to bring my 4 month okd puppy is that cool?

    This I will have to get back to you on. How big, what kind, and how is it with other dogs?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Wes and Joe...this means you!

    Hey man,

    I really won't know until like..tomorrow afternoon/evening. So if you rather kick me off (knowing how my habit of being a tentative and then bailing) and put someone else in so they can get a spot, I'm ok with that.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Hey man,

    I really won't know until like..tomorrow afternoon/evening. So if you rather kick me off (knowing how my habit of being a tentative and then bailing) and put someone else in so they can get a spot, I'm ok with that.

    Booo. C'mon Wes, suck it up and come on out. To hell with your RL. Feed your darker vices and play some poker with us. Haven't seen you in ages kid, get out there.
  • Wes is a bot . . . :o
  • Wes, I'll keep you on until Game Time. Let me know if you can't make it when you find out.

    Still liking the turnout. Should be a good game.
  • Happy420 wrote: »
    oh, oh yeah, if I need to bring my 4 month okd puppy is that cool?

    Does whoever knocks out Happy get the puppy? :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    Does whoever knocks out Happy get the puppy? :D
    Still better than getting Happy!
  • She is a bull terrier mix. Quiet , shy , likes to play with others. 15lbs max. She is big enough to hold her own. She is not up for bounty!
  • samcanada wrote: »
    Hey A.J
    Not sure if you remember me but I played a few games 2-3 seasons ago.

    hey Sam, welcome back! Be good to see you out again
  • Hey Aj pencil me as tentative ...I might come over...

  • AJ i have to work til 4pm now so i have to cancel this time. Really sorry especially now that Happy is going to be there as well. Maybe next time.

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