League play Game #2



  • You did well. I knew you at least had an Ace when you went all in. I thought you had him. Good job Bill.
  • Hell of a job Bill! I think that was great for a first time out! I think you represented the forum quite well!! +1 to all Graham's sentiments.

    Congrats sir! And definately try try again!

  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    Hell of a job Bill! I think that was great for a first time out! I think you represented the forum quite well!! +1 to all Graham's sentiments.

    Congrats sir! And definately try try again!


    Thanks Shar. If I could have held on for a few more minutes I'm sure I could have had our money back, but whatever. Couldn't do it.

    But wow. That's a long tourney. I think our forum tourneys and my sng's are where I belong on a regular basis. I'll save these for a every now and again thing.
  • Thanks Shar. If I could have held on for a few more minutes I'm sure I could have had our money back, but whatever. Couldn't do it.

    But wow. That's a long tourney. I think our forum tourneys and my sng's are where I belong on a regular basis. I'll save these for a every now and again thing.


    Two remarks...

    1) holding on for a few more minutes is the approach that killed me for soooo long :)...Once I got past that and remember the famous quote (bonus points to those that know the movie) "Ladies, Its better to burn out then to fade away"... I changed my game. I noticed at the end, less then 10 BB's that you seemed to be waiting for that A high type hand..I don't know for certain but it seemed that way. At 10 BB I find my "threat" in betting is a lot less so I know that people with above average or high stacks are not going to fold. So what I tend to do is even with mediocre(sp?) hands I will push against the smaller stacks and assume the others may not want to get involved and would be happier to just see one person die. Yes this means I can play for 3-4 hours and end up very close to the money..but it also means that when it works I get into the money due to the fact that other small stacks aren't willing to call with so-so hands.

    2) I try to avoid playing the really huge MTT's more than once a month, they can be quite draining, however they are a great learning experience. The other thing I tend to do with them is take breaks early..if I'm up a few 1000 chips I'll go watch a movie..I only lose a couple 100 chips in the blinds and the ante's usually are not involved at that time. This also helps me avoid doing the "omg if I had called I would have hit a straight with my 89 suited" or "I would have won with my two pair..my god these guys are donkeys"

    MTTs I find are a nice way to improve your other games though because you do get to learn to fold more than you usually think you should. The best thing to do is look at your stats at the end and see if you might have done something different.

    I'll state it again though, just because these comments may have come across negative, you played an AWESOME tournament and some of the traps that you laid were absolutely fantastic to watch. Very well done and I'll be very happy to come in second to you in the weeklies any day :)

  • Nice job Bill. Sorry I couldn't be around to cheer you on....afternoon shift coupled with weekend work has kept me out of the loop of late. But hold your head high...you did very well.
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