RC IX free agent signup

Anyone who doesn't already have a team and wants to play in this great event, please post here... If you haven't played before read about the structure, etc before asking. Cost is $50. per player for the best day of poker, with the best group of people you will ever meet...

Free agents as of Oct 19th

All that had signed up here have been accounted for.


  • Jeff, we would like to enter a team from the Barrie area this year.
  • moose wrote: »

    lolololol, there is no kitwho this time, Hobbes kicked everyone off the team hey Moose.:D
  • pick me pick me sounds like fun:D
  • I would like to humbly offer my services to any team who needs a member.
  • I would love to play if someone has a spot available!
    I have been to one Royal before, RC VI in 2008. I prefer Stud but could play Omaha if I had to.


    EDIT: signed up with KitWho?
  • One additional item..

    If you post here then get drafted, please update here so teams looking for players know.
  • moose wrote: »
    ---> hbk
  • moose wrote: »
    ---> hbk

    Damn that's a great pickup for HBK, they may actually contend!
  • compuease wrote: »
    Damn that's a great pickup for HBK, they may actually contend!

    Hey! We always contend.....until the start of the HU anyways.

    Seriously, I'm super excited about our team this year!
  • Put me on the list.

    I'm in the Ching league. They have a lot of great players. I doubt I will be picked to represent Ching
  • compuease wrote: »
    Damn that's a great pickup for HBK, they may actually contend!

    This year they will bubble. :)
  • Big Mike wrote: »
    I would love to play if someone has a spot available!
    I have been to one Royal before, RC VI in 2008. I prefer Stud but could play Omaha if I had to.


    Big Mike is with KitWho?
    Playing Stud.
  • I am looking for a spot for Blazin72.

    Prophet 22
  • Puhleeaze put me on the free agents list. I want another crack at it...
  • For some sick reason I'm contemplating attending this...
  • westside8 wrote: »
    For some sick reason I'm contemplating attending this...

    Just for flippaments, or to actually play....? Have you actually ever played? I can't recall..
  • westside8 wrote: »
    For some sick reason I'm contemplating attending this...
    C'mon over to the Dark Side. Use The force...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Just for flippaments, or to actually play....? Have you actually ever played? I can't recall..

    I don't recall ever playing either - probably was there just to luck-box
  • westside8 wrote: »
    I don't recall ever playing either - probably was there just to luck-box

    And tell us all how much POT was in the PLO game. :)
  • screenman wrote: »
    Jeff, we would like to enter a team from the Barrie area this year.

    Screenman if you want to do that I am interested.

    I would play again with the chicks... Kristy and all. I can't put together a team and I will offer my limited poker skillz to any team who wants it.
  • MISFITS have 3 players so far. If anyone is looking to play let me know.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    MISFITS have 3 players so far. If anyone is looking to play let me know.

    Have you contacted all the players in this thread?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Have you contacted all the players in this thread?
    Not Sure if ACIDJoe is playing on another team and I am going to send west side a message here shortly.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Not Sure if ACIDJoe is playing on another team and I am going to send west side a message here shortly.

    Have you tried badapple and Icedog? Also I'm not sure if westside is really intending on playing or not. Once you exhause the forum I may be able to get a player or two. How about some of the guys in your Milton league?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Have you tried badapple and Icedog? Also I'm not sure if westside is really intending on playing or not. Once you exhause the forum I may be able to get a player or two. How about some of the guys in your Milton league?
    All of them except for 2 only play hold em. So I am not going to waste my time with them. I am sending out some more pm's to some of the players that played at my house a couple of months ago. Hopefully I hear back by Sunday.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    All of them except for 2 only play hold em. So I am not going to waste my time with them. I am sending out some more pm's to some of the players that played at my house a couple of months ago. Hopefully I hear back by Sunday.

    Ok, we still have time, we'll work on it...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Ok, we still have time, we'll work on it...
    4 weeks, Don't hit the Panic Button untill the 11th or 12th. lol
  • I may be able to drag up a warm body or two..... I do know a hot chick that's fun to play poker with but she really can't play :) LOL
  • Are there any players that still don't have a team are wishing to play in this great event?
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