Bristol St. Heads-UP 2010 Match Results



  • Congrats to compuease in being out first "casher" in the event!

    Three more quarter final matches to play out. Send me a message if you're having issue contacting your opponent!

    The online brackets are now updated to the most recent results.
  • Quimby vs Flint Bones tentatively for Wednesday at my place.
  • Quimby def. Flint Bones

    In the 150-300 level he had been reraising me preflop so I decided to do it back. He raised to 900, I have AQ and was thinking that I was going to shove any flop anyways so I just pushed there. Andrew thought it was an odd play and eventually decided I didn't want a call so he called with KQs. I held for the big chip advantage and the eventual victory.

    After the match I gave him a demo of Rush Poker on Full Tilt since he hasn't played online in 3 years.
  • JohnnieH vs Moose tonight at 7pm.
  • Moose def Johnnie. We went to the cap, which was good because we talked a lot about the Vegas trip. gg Johnnie.
  • moose wrote: »
    Moose def Johnnie. We went to the cap, which was good because we talked a lot about the Vegas trip. gg Johnnie.

    I had almost nothing to work with. Once each I was dealt pocket 5s, 9s, 10s and AJs. Mostly crap cards otherwise.

    gg Moose. Can't wait for the trip!
  • Joe vs HM tonight at bristol
  • Mole def Joeheartsdi.

    Bottom line, I couldn't miss. Finished 20 minutes short of 2 hours with my huge 93o holding up on a 9 high flop against Joe's all-in call with 2 overs. Every flop brought at least a pair, every river filled in my straight or flush.....Joe you did an incredible job of lasting that long against my crazy luckboxing.

    Definitely gg sir.
  • what did your wife think about your black eye? i wish the deck would hit me in the face like that! gg moley, take it down sir :)
  • what did your wife think about your black eye? i wish the deck would hit me in the face like that! gg moley, take it down sir :)

    lol, now it's gonna be luckbox vs luckbox and may the luckier luckbox win!

    Hopefully I didn't use all of mine up lucksacking through Shannon, Mario and Trevor....

    So Mole, do we wait for instructions from Zithal for a time and place? Maybe we wait for the other semi to be set and then schedule all 4 of us to play both semi and final on the same day? Not that I should care as my odds of making the final are pretty slim now..:(
  • compuease wrote: »
    Maybe we wait for the other semi to be set and then schedule all 4 of us to play both semi and final on the same day?

    That sounds fine for me. As long as we can get all 4 to agree on a day/time.

    Barring that I guess I would need to know the visiting hours of your nursing home Jeff. ;)
  • Are we playing the semis at Bristol? I believe it's stated in the rules.

    I'm available most weekday evenings starting around 8:00.

    It could be a late night if the semis and final are both played. We can make a call that day.
  • Sorry all... Been away on vacation. Will catch up on the thread and will update soon!
  • Anything new on this? Would like to get it wrapped up soon...
  • My apologies all. Dropped the ball wrapping this one up. The online brackets have been updated and the semi final matches are..

    Compuease v. Hellmuth's Mole
    Quimby v Moose

    Bristol Street is open tonight for these matches (sorry for the late notice). Also, I'll be available this Thursday and next Monday.

    Next Tuesday is also an open night, but I'm planning on a Bristol Street Classic that night to kick off the Fall Season.

    I'll mail the Final Four individually to get things set up and wrapped up. Sorry for the delay!
  • Well I got lucky again.. Took just under 2 hours. We played this one after we both busted out of Westside. Mole took the lead early and at one point had me 15K-5K. Got luck on a couple of hands and got to 7500 then doubled through at the 400/800 level when I flopped two pair and Mole flopped top pair. Back and forth for a few hands then Mole pushed like 3500 into my AA. That was all she wrote. Thanks Mole, hopefully Mrs Mole wasn't too upset... I'll back you up that you just busted out of the Westside when your KK ran into AA. :)
  • Zithal, is your 1st post in this thread correct as to who has paid?
  • Back after a couple weeks running a haunted house. I'm not 100% of the current state of who's paid but all prize money will be paid out. I believe Oragami has the money from his side, and i need to go through and back track through my messages.

    Work recently blocked all access to this site, so it's been much trickier for me to connect up to the site. :(

    Look for a BCS next week and we'll get everything straightened up.
  • bristol classic street? :)
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Work recently blocked all access to this site, so it's been much trickier for me to connect up to the site. :(

    Look for a BCS next week and we'll get everything straightened up.

    Tap-a-talk ftw.

    Tapatalk - Forum App on the iPhone, Android, Nokia, and BlackBerry for vBulletin, phpBB, IPBoard, and SMF
  • Quimy, Moose. Have you guys planned your semi match as yet? Or are you both afeard of the old guy?
  • Yes for the first and I'm gonna say no for the second.

    We are set for either tonight or tomorrow to be confirmed.
  • Quimby > Moose in the 100-200 level

    I took the early lead and got to 15K-5K when I took the first cooler. I had J2 on a 2xx2 board with Moose having Q2.

    We stayed even for another half hour and then Moose took the next cooler. We both had a Q on a KJT9 board but I had the diamond redraw. The 3d on the river sealed it.

    It's always a challenge playing against Moose and fortunately the cards were good to me.
  • Finally! Quimby vs Compuease final scheduled for tonight at Bristol 8pm... Be there, be square...

    This may be the biggest mismatch in Bristol history, with lucksack Comp wondering how he ever got this far past all of the previous combatants.
    Can his luck possibly hold one more time... Gotta get great cards that hit at the right time or Quimby will totally destroy him... fold, fold, fold, fold, push, fold, fold, fold, push and hope! Hope Quimby doesn't figure out the pattern... :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Finally! Quimby vs Compuease final scheduled for tonight at Bristol 8pm... Be there, be square...

    This may be the biggest mismatch in Bristol history, with lucksack Comp wondering how he ever got this far past all of the previous combatants.
    Can his luck possibly hold one more time... Gotta get great cards that hit at the right time or Quimby will totally destroy him... fold, fold, fold, fold, push, fold, fold, fold, push and hope! Hope Quimby doesn't figure out the pattern... :)

    Pushing after only 4 folds!

    Good Luck! Didn't I buy 1/2 of you for this?

    Milton Slim
  • Congratulations to Quimby, 2010 Bristol HU champ!

    Great game, Quimby seemed to get all the cards early and had me 2-1 for the longest time.. I couldn't get anything going at all. We finally got it all in on a 678 flop, I had J,9, Quimby had 8,9.. 10 on the turn and we switched places. During the match I think we swapped leads several times. At one point I had him down to under 2K and couldn't finish it. Match length 3 hrs 10 min, I think we had been playing at the capped 3-600 level for over an hour at that point.
    Thanks for organizing Rob, great experience playing heads up like this. Never can tell when it will come in handy in Vegas...
  • Great match. We were both saved by the turn or river at least once each to stay in.

    I got some good cards at the start but I got worried when you seemed to get them when the blinds got higher.

    That last round took so long because of the 5 high, fold, reshuffle, repeat.
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