Bristol St. Heads-UP 2010 Match Results

Online Brackets: Bristol Street 2010 Heads-Up

Matches (I'll get the visual diagram up on Monday)

Division A - spade
ItsaMe$ v (winner of compuease$ v stpboy$ )
Hobbes$ v (winner of Aiki65$ v beanie42$)

Division B - heart
Joeheartsdi v (oragami v Hveepoker)
Hellmuth's Mole v (winner of Zithal$ v Kanga$)

Division C - diamond
FlintBones v (winner of proffisher$ v DatMn$)
Quimby v isnork

Division D - club
JohnnieH v (winner of 33BW33 v DrTyore)
Moose$ v (winner of SeekTheGrail$ v 800Over$)

Please post your match results in this thread


  • FYI... My house is open today (after 1pm) for any matches. Feel free to stop by and we'll get you set up!
  • anytime today and weekend going to ceasers windsor.:biggrin2:
  • post the deadline ITT.
  • SeekTheGrail let me know when works for you....Monday, Tuesday after 9 Wednesday after 5 and all Thursday works for me...Lets get this done asap!!!!
  • My apologies. I missed Oeragami's message
    So he's be inserted into the hearts division.
  • you want mmoose in there now to balance out all the divisions?
  • Zithal d. Kanga at Johnnies place. Final hand was a runner, runner, runner, runner flush for the win

    No worries about mmoose. The tourney's underway
  • compuease def stboy in a 2 hr marathon... We each had the lead 3-4 times as action swung back and forth... Key hand for me was my AA at 200/400 level when I raised 1k in the BB, got called then weakly led 1K on the flop. stp hit 1 pr and interpreted my weak bet as perhaps 2 overs. He shoved, I called and double up from 7500, essentially swapping places.. We swapped blinds a few times and then at the 300/600 level he pushed 5K with 89 suited into my K,10. I called and hit the K...

    Great game Shannon and you are right, we could have saved 2hrs and just flipped for the win. We are so close in styles and abilities that I'm quite sure if we played 100 times it would be 50 wins apiece..
  • compuease wrote: »
    compuease def stboy in a 2 hr marathon... We each had the lead 3-4 times as action swung back and forth... Key hand for me was my AA at 200/400 level when I raised 1k in the BB, got called then weakly led 1K on the flop. stp hit 1 <acronym title="Page Ranking">pr</acronym> and interpreted my weak bet as perhaps 2 overs. He shoved, I called and double up from 7500, essentially swapping places.. We swapped blinds a few times and then at the 300/600 level he pushed 5K with 89 suited into my K,10. I called and hit the K...

    Great game Shannon and you are right, we could have saved 2hrs and just flipped for the win. We are so close in styles and abilities that I'm quite sure if we played 100 times it would be 50 wins apiece..

    Thanks Jeff. You played a great game and deserved the win. Best of luck in upcoming matches, it doesn't get much easier with you facing Mario in the next round.

  • proffisher def. DataMn

    Good luck all!
  • stpboy wrote: »
    it doesn't get much easier with you facing Mario in the next round.

    Damn.... kiss of death... Mario will 4 bet me relentlessly...
  • I've created the online brackets and the link is at the top of the first post in this thread.

    Thanks to Nithview Casino for playing host to the first three matches in the tournament!

    Bristol Street will be open this Wednesday night for the first Heat of the Summer Shootout. If you're not playing in this event feel free to play your match that night!
  • compuease wrote: »
    Damn.... kiss of death... Mario will 4 bet me relentlessly...

    Then 5 bet/shove him with atc. ;)
  • Zithal wrote: »
    I've created the online brackets and the link is at the top of the first post in this thread.

    Very hi-tech there Rob. ;)
  • Did the chickens fall into the ink bottle Rob? lol
  • I do admit that the '07 and '08 was a lot more "high tech"


    I thought this year's was pretty cute! :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Damn.... kiss of death... Mario will 4 bet me relentlessly...

    Please your going to run me over with my weak aggressive style. How is thursday for are game? I work till 4pm so anytime after that is good for me.
  • ItsaMe wrote: »
    Please your going to run me over with my weak aggressive style. How is thursday for are game? I work till 4pm so anytime after that is good for me.

    Thursday is no good for me, had a thought though, how about next Monday? We play a regular $20. buyin game at the Hardball 7:30 start. We could play prior to that and if you like would be welcome to play with us.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Thursday is no good for me, had a thought though, how about next Monday? We play a regular $20. buyin game at the Hardball 7:30 start. We could play prior to that and if you like would be welcome to play with us.

    sounds good to me.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Zithal d. Kanga

    Hey Rob, when would you like to drub me?
  • :biggrin2:i need to get info on how to get to this bristol st place never been lol
  • proffisher wrote: »
    :biggrin2:i need to get info on how to get to this bristol st place never been lol

    The first rule of Britol St. is that there is no Bristol St.

    Also, why is an address so funny anyway?
  • the address to this game someone,i am laughing because i play tommorrow and i have been forgotten about.driving home 2hrs to get there,and then back away 2hrs thursday morning for work.I must have address before trekking home.:biggrin2:
  • Message sent!
  • Nick 800 Over defeats Steve SeekTheGrail in the clubs bracket. Good luck all. Cheers, Steve
  • Qumiby def. isnork. Good match and donation happily made. Good luck folks.
  • 33BW33 over Drtyore in an extremely even match.
  • 33BW33 wrote: »
    33BW33 over Drtyore in an extremely even match.


    He pwned me, as anyone here can imagine :)

  • 33BW33 wrote: »
    33BW33 over Drtyore in an extremely even match.

    Let me know when/where you want to kick my ass.
  • Orgami and HVEE are playing Sunday night. I will post the results as soon as we are finished.
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